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Encircle Talent

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For Anyone Looking For A Home.... [12 Jul 2011|01:10pm]
As long as your character isn't taken, you're all welcome to bring your characters over to [info]wme. I'm one of the mods there, and you can bring your pre-existing SL there. Everyone there is pretty laid back and isn't into OOC drama, so it's the perfect place to go, if you're looking for a home. :) You will still have to give examples and whatnot, but I know what kinds of writers most of you all are, anyway. You'll need a first entry and a recent friends only post.

Tell them that [info]adam_m_lambert sent you, and that you're from [info]encircle, and I'll make sure that you get in.
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[ viewing | July 12th, 2011 ]
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