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Encircle Talent

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Members of Encircle [11 Jul 2011|07:34pm]
During the last few months, our Agency has lost many beloved clients into retirement or inactivity. Despite every effort to revive interest (via [info]rumourhasit, suggesting Awards, pimping/promoting, trying to kick off weekly secrets, etc.) we have not been successful at doing so...

We feel as though we've failed our clients in providing a fun, interactive and amazing place to be. At this time, our Agency will close its doors to non-permanent clientele and will only remain open to permanent clientele as a means of keeping in touch with one another.

It is heart breaking for us, but it is also an exhausting workload when there are no positive strides being made despite all best efforts.

We apologize to all of you for letting you down and hope that you will continue to have glorious success in all you do now and in the future.

- Bossmen of Encircle.
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