The City of Emillion

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Posts Tagged: 'siana+banes'

Apr. 14th, 2013



Founders Festival Ball at the Sackheim Inn.

Who: Open to everyone!
What: Founders Festival Ball.
When: The final evening of the Festival.
Where: Sackheim Inn.
Rating: PG (? - If an interaction starts going above this please mark such in the subject line.)
Status: Open.
OOC Notes: This is the last event, on the final night of the Founders Festival. Feel free to have fun but keep in mind there is security present and willing to boot people out of the event!

The rise and fall of live instrumentals can be heard before even stepping a foot inside the entry way of the Sackheim Inn. )

Apr. 9th, 2013


Who: Captain Wilcar, Stone, Altair, Ari, Siana
What: Spelunking for Secrets
Where: The sewers of Emillion
When: During the fireworks - night
Rating: Mild Violence, some curses I'm sure. I don't think there'll be any banging, but, well, Siana can get pretty wild after a fight (allegedly...)
Status:Uh-mazing...and complete

The signal was the cheering of the crowds. Soft feet swept through remnants of ticker tape, hugged the strings of their instruments, strapped weaponry to their sides and covered with blasers and capes. The sun sunk behind clouds, inching towards the horizon, coloring the world in rose and violet. In growing shadow, a dark silhouette stood, cape blowing in the breeze. Wil was a notable figure, giant tall and broad of shoulder, the tattered linen cape fairly wrapped around him twice and falling to near tatters around his knees. Stormwind, his heavy-spear rifle, was slightly taller than him and held to his back by a massive leather strap that crossed his chest, right shoulder to left hip. It's tip crowned with a large, dull halberd end, deadly sharp and clean.

To meet, they would converge on him at the corner of a nondescript bridge, home to any number of sweet water vendors. They would enter before true darkness fell and emerge, hopefully, as the sky was filled with brightly colored flashes. Like they all would, he hoped, he had a bundle of a second cape ready for hiding and was prepared to burn his first. It was a good practice for underhanded work. Also good practice if you had little to no motivation to ever get a piece of linen free from whatever lichen and grossness existed in the sewers. His boots, however, he would have to see about.
To the sewers! )

Apr. 5th, 2013



Who: Peony & Siana
What: Shopping for books, because books are amazing
Where: The booksellers' shops and stalls in the bazaar
When: late afternoon/early evening, sometime after this.
Rating: G
Status: Complete

A visit to the bazaar disctrict could not be complete without wiling away an hour or two wandering through the shops and stalls of the many booksellers hawking their wares... )

Who: Open to Fighters Guild.
What: End of week dinner.
Where: A big guildhall mead hall mess room.
When: Tonight.
Rating: TBA.
Status: Incomplete.
Note about group threads: Mingling! Be sure to mark in your subject header the participants ([theo], [theo/tasty bread], [theo/open!]), for those who want to tag in. More notes for bigger groups and locations, but this is just a small have fun!

If you're lost and alone, or you're sinking like a stone, carry on... )

Apr. 2nd, 2013



Who: Siana and Maria
What: Out on patrol
Where: Commoners District
When: Noonish
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

The streets were more crowded today than usual, even the Commoners District, which was normally packed to the brim of people running about their business anyway, but today -- and for the next week or two -- there were more than a few extra bodies flowing into the inns. )