The City of Emillion

November 2020



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January 13th, 2014



So come one, come all and see the show tonight, prepare to be astounded...

Who: Ari & Riyeko
What: Let’s talk about (stage) magic!
Where: A rehearsal room
When: This morning
Rating: Tame
Status: Complete!

A Mages’ Guild founder who can’t cast, a Bards’ Guild founder who can barely sing, and a Fighters’ Guild founder who would probably stab himself if he had to actually wield a broadsword, assuming he could pick it up at all... )



Who: Merrion Priddy & OPEN to multiples (Flynn, Lan, Cormac)
What: A day in the life~
Where: Various places throughout Emillion
When: Today, throughout the day
Rating: PG
Status: In progress

Today was a difficult day for decisions, it seemed. )



for i cannot find the words to say i need you so

Who: Ridley Irving [short narrative]
What: Unexpected news is unexpected.
Where: The Tower
When: This morning, before clinic hours
Rating: G
Status: Complete!

Ridley unfolded the letter so quickly she sliced her fingers on the paper. )



i overheard you say not stirred but shaken, and i could really throw one back.

Who: Lan & Miles
What: Two mimes walk into a bar.
Where: The Blue Bear
When: Backdated to mid-November, after her post but before the museum job.
Rating: S for Sassiness.
Status: Complete!

What a good pair of friends they were. So trusting. )



Who: Audrey Leradine w/ Miles Baines, Damia Ravin & Loch Lemach
What: In which Audrey grows a subtle regret in bothering to apologize to TG members.
Where: Various Locations
When: December 4th (backdated)
Rating: PG-13? Ide.
Status: complete )