The City of Emillion

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July 12th, 2013



When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled...

Who: Audrey, Ari, & Sky
What: Hazing the bb, distracting Audrey, and making connections. In a brothel. Basically good times.
Where: Sapphire House
When: Today; just after 2:00pm
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

The fact that she was taking a teenager to a whorehouse didn’t even occur to her as a problem. )

Who: Captain Lockgold, Altair, Nate, Cressida, and Merri
What: Garuda hunt!
Where: A third day's airship travel outside Emillion
When: Arrival estimated at 1730
Rating: PG13 for (filthy) language
Status: complete

When you see that $#@$!$ fall ... run. )

One last 80 proof, slouching in the corner booth. Baby, it's as good as it gets.

Who: Carolina and OPEN to multiple interactions throughout her shift
What: Carolina's first night at her new job!
Where: The Snuggly Duckling
When: Friday night between 8pm and 2am
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Meet the new bartender~ )



three steps four steps guess this means that I'm a whore uh oh hell no how long til I reach the door

Who: Aisling Wilde
What: Narrative; Ash gets abducted.
Where: Outside the Ruby House.
When: Tonight, 9:07pm
Rating: PG-13 (descriptions of violence)
Status: Complete

It was risky, especially with the murders in the District, and Ash wasn't too cocky about her fighting skills. )



thread; cormac & emily

Who: Cormac & Emily
What: Cormac is having a perfectly normal night at home and then his fiance decides to not be dead anymore.
Where: cormac's home ; commoners district.
When: Night.
Rating: PG-13 at the least, will adjust if rating is higher.
Status: Inomplete

he thought what the hell? )



it's the last midnight, it's the last verse

Who: Siana Banes, Jareth Monaco, Peony Min, Ash Wilde, and surprise special guest NPC!
What: Red Light District Murders, part 3 (part 1 | part 2 | part 2.5)
Where: Surprise special guest NPC's house
When: Tonight! After this~
Rating: R because violence and stuff
Status: Complete!

Only one name was left remaining... )



I'm so confused on what I'm supposed to be, what am I doing?

Who: Aspel & Drake
What: It's a date?!
Where: The Sackheim Inn (lolol Drake's wallet weeps)
When: Tonight! 7pm
Rating: PG because Aspel in a dress.
Status: Complete!

He hadn't expected her to seriously agree. )