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Elric Apartments

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Hopped on a train, going to nowhere [locked to Apt 3/4] [Dec. 20th, 2009|12:28 pm]

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There's some new faces walking up to the apartments (for certain values of 'new'), a band of three teenagers. The two boys of the troupe seem to know their way around to an extent, while the girl is rather confused and starting to get more and more annoyed with them.

"You still haven't told me where we're going! You've dragged me halfway across the country and into more trouble than I've seen in the rest of my life, and now we're who-knows-where--"

"We told you, this is the Nexus! We've been here before, ages ago!"

"And how do you know those people won't find us here? What makes this place any safer than Amestris?"

Al smiles and holds his hands up. "We'll explain once we know if we'll have a place to stay here, I promise! Just trust us a little bit, okay?"

Winry huffs and crosses her arms. "It better be a good explanation, or you're both gonna get a wrench to the head."

Edward winces and grins sheepishly. "It will be! We'll tell you everything, no secrets." He looks over the list a moment before dialing in the buzzer for Apartment 3/4. "Wonder what the landlord looks like by now?"

Al gets a wicked grin. "Worried about seeing your wrinkly future standing in front of you?"

Ed scowls and socks his little brother in the arm while Winry rolls her eyes. "Shaddap, you!"
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