Elric Apartments - May 12th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Elric Apartments

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May 12th, 2010

((Open Post)) [May. 12th, 2010|04:12 pm]


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[Current Mood |shocked]

It's a nice day out. Reasonably warm although with maybe a bit of a breeze. The flowers are out, trees have spouted their leaves, the birds are singing...

Alas, the peacefulness is not to last. A shocked scream goes ringing through the air, to be quickly followed by a giant eye flying out of Ed's window. Which, in turn, is followed by a stream of profanity with maybe a little German that's most likely been picked up from a certain elder alt or Sarah.

So. Do you get beaned or does the thing simply land at your feet?

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