Jun. 24th, 2008


Fic: Fade To Silver [Akira/Kiraen]

Title: Fragmentation
Verse: Fade To Silver
Characters: Akira
Notes: More character description for Rave.

Summary: Akira can't piece together the image in the mirror.

He was a warrior once, a Mage and a general… )

May. 3rd, 2008


NaNoWriMo: Fade To Silver 05.11.07 [Kiraen, Ceallach]


In which Kiraen rambles internally about everything and Ceallach is a brat. First meetings are fun even if I'm not sure I wanted them to meet like this. )


NaNoWriMo: Fade To Silver 04.11.07 [Kiraen]


In Which Ryn writes her baby and is very happy at how easy he is to write <3 (may of course contain tense change like whoa, rabdom typos and dubious spelling/grammar) )