Jun. 24th, 2008


FIC: Fade to Silver [Remptora, Recruits, Aithne, Ceallach]

Title: These Boots Are
Verse: Fade To Silver
Characters: Redemptora, Recruits, Aithne & Ceallach
Notes: Prompts from Karen loosely followed XD

Summary: Every new recruit follows tradition.

They’re covert, they’re the most promising recruits into Scaithe Forces and not a Master would bat an eyelid should they be handpicked for placement in any of the Special Forces )


FIC: Fade to Silver [Josip, Ceallach]

Title: A Hard Day's Night
Rating: PG
Parings/Characters: Ceallach, Josip (very minor hints towards Josip/Ceallach)
Notes: Raven wanted descriptions for an art trade and I got carried away XD Figured I'd post it up as a ficlet of sorts.

Summary: Two friends, one bed and inuendo out the wazoo.

I could do with a good ride... )


FIC: Fade to Silver [Redemptora, Josip, Ceallach]

Title: Plowing the Field
Verse: Fade To Silver
Rating: PG
Characters: Redemptora, Josip, Ceallach (mentions of Josip/Ceallach and Josip/Anthion)
Notes: For Karen who wants Dem and Jos talking about lovers and beer.

Summary: Josip is a virgin. Dem says so.

Your lily white arse hasn’t been touched, is unspoilt, pure and freshly fallen Deardriu snow, as unstained as )

May. 3rd, 2008


NaNoWriMo: Fade To Silver 05.11.07 [Kiraen, Ceallach]


In which Kiraen rambles internally about everything and Ceallach is a brat. First meetings are fun even if I'm not sure I wanted them to meet like this. )


NaNoWriMo: Fade To Silver 02.11.07 [Eideann, Ceallach]


In which Ryn writes crap just to finish off this scene and knows she'll definitely not be keeping when it's time to actually write this part of the story for real XD )


NaNoWriMo: Fade To Silver 01.11.07 [cealach, aithne, eideann]

Word Count: 1594/50,000

In which there is excessive description and something that might resemble witty dialogue but probably doesn't )


Fade To Silver Prompts: 16.09.07

Prompts: 16.09.07 )

Apr. 29th, 2008


Fic: Fade To Silver [Eideann, Ceallach]

Title: Of Harems and Sexual Deviancy
Universe: Fade to Silver
Characters: Eideann, Ceallach
Word Count: 345
Rating: PG
Date: 4th December 2006 (Backdated)
Summary: A little Father/Son bonding moment...of a kind.

I'm not forming a harem! )


Fic: Fade To Silver [Ceallach, Haruki]

Title: Taste of Victory
Universe: Fade to Silver
Characters: Ceallach, Haruki
Word Count: 461
Rating: R-ish
Date: 4th December 2006 (Backdated)
Summary: Only Ceallach can make Haruki feel and he hates him for it.

Victory tastes of blood )