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[23 Nov 2014|12:53am]

Crescent Cove, Maine. A coastal, maritime city with hundreds of years of history, established industry and a typical, if isolated, east coast city. Beneath its outwardly normal appearance, though, it harbors dark secrets.

The real city is the one seen in the corner of your eye, the momentary reflection in the mirror, the feeling of being watched on a lonely street. Founded by witches fleeing the horrors of the Salem witch trials in the 17th century, the city has always been a beacon for the supernatural. Today, vampires, werewolves, witches and other things without names live, work, plot and scheme alongside each other, not always aware of the other but always just under the notice of the mortal world. On the fringes, mortal hunters stalk the magical and the monstrous relentlessly, driven by obsessions both pure and tainted. Greater powers, still, influence events, and an impending feeling of fate hangs over the old buildings and creaking docks of the city.

Bound Secrets is a play-by-journal roleplaying game (RPG), with an urban-fantasy setting. It features daily activity, original storylines and an open-world format. We look for quality plotting, intelligent characterization and creativity in our players, ones who are willing to help build a fun, enjoyable story and community through active participation and friendly interaction. The game is managed by mods with decades of collective experience, and receives frequent updates in terms of species on offer, locations, plotlines and more.

We always welcome new players - check out the information provided, and if it sounds like something you’d enjoy, fire off an application or contact one of the mods if you have any questions.
Rules FAQs Premise Held/Taken Wanted Species Hub Apply Site Map
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[23 Nov 2014|09:31am]
does anyone still play demi or miley anymore?
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[23 Nov 2014|10:46am]
would someone play one of the other guys of 5 sos, or one of the guys in 1d against michael?
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[23 Nov 2014|02:02pm]
would someone play luke, calum, ross lynch, ashton, zayn, liam, niall, louis or harry against michael?
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[23 Nov 2014|02:08pm]
would someone play liam against zayn? or any of the other guys? i'll try someone new as well
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[23 Nov 2014|02:57pm]
demi, lisa, jess, jessie j, alt model for ruby?
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[23 Nov 2014|03:49pm]
really was hoping for something slash with someone at the amas. So far I'm thinking nick jonas, joe jonas, nick grimshaw, one of the boys in 5 seconds of summer or one direction. A cute line where they're attending and being each other's dates? Id love to play against t mills since I know he's there too.
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[23 Nov 2014|04:10pm]
who plays pia mia, any of the kardashians or kendall/kylie celeb?
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The Lost and Found [23 Nov 2014|05:03pm]

Supernaturals are in every dark corner of the world.

The world is filled with so many types of people, it seems near impossible to keep track of all of them. But that is what "They" do. It's unclear when "They" started, how "They" became so organized, but as long as anyone can remember, "They" have been there in the shadows, watching. Few people know who "They" really are, what "They" are called, but their purpose is well known throughout supernaturals; "They" keep you safe. Safe from the humans, safe from other supernatural species.

Sometimes, safe from yourself.

This is where L'académie des Objets Trouvés comes in. Affectionately called The Lost and Found, it is a school where adolescent supernaturals are taught to hone their skills, hide their telling physical attributes, and adapt to living in the world of the humans. Only .03% of the world population are supernatural, and it is only through the close monitoring and assimilation strategies of schools like this that they have continued to thrive undetected.

The Lost and Found is a supernatural school with a complicated history and an easy premise. Players can play as students or teachers, and can choose from a variety of supernatural races (or suggest their own!). Occasional school wide plots ranging from creepy to silly help keep things lively, and players always have input. Students are between the ages of 16-19, and players must be 18+ (due to mature content).

It's just like any other boarding school- grades, tests, dances, rumors, crushes, roommates, and bad cafeteria food. The only difference is here, your teacher really is a demon. Well... there is one additional difference, just a small, minor catch.

You're not allowed to leave until "They" decide you're ready.


Game Premise | Wanted Characters | Player Rules | Races to Play | FAQ | Application

Main Community | OOC Community | Mod Journal
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[23 Nov 2014|08:42pm]
does anyone slash any of the guys on 1d or 5sos?
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[23 Nov 2014|09:51pm]
would anyone play luke, ashton, kendall or kylie against michael?
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[23 Nov 2014|09:56pm]
sekena, kendall or kylie for justin, celeb only
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[23 Nov 2014|10:21pm]
Looking for someone who will play miley for something specific
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