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New Panfandom -- Opening Soon [05 Jul 2014|01:10am]



a panfandom game

Ship Info
When you wake up, it's in a clinical, sterile room. White walls. White tile floor. Your clothing is the same as you last remember, though you lack weapons or your usual technology.

However, you have no recollection of where you are or how you got here. There's a door on the far side of the room, and as you get up to open it, one wall ignites with a large picture of a spaceship. This spaceship. A recorded voice, female and chillingly nonchalant, begins to play.

“Hello User, welcome aboard the Centurus II. We are currently on the outer edge of globular cluster NGC 5897. Rest assured your needs will be taken care of, User. Enjoy your time here aboard the Centurus." Crackle. "You'll be here a while.

"Your room number is 322.”

And then the door slides open, affording you a glimpse of a long hallway. It's clear this room is merely an arrival station, and as you begin to walk towards the light at the end of the corridor, you hear that voice behind a door as you pass.

“Hello User, welcome aboard the Centurus II...”

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[05 Jul 2014|08:20am]
would someone play rachel bilson, natalie portman, christina ricci, blake lively, ethan hawke, orlando bloom, jimmy fallon, mischa barton, jessica alba, guy pearce, jude law, james franco, ewan mcgregor, or josh hartnett against hayden?
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[05 Jul 2014|10:19am]
could i get a leighton, blake, chace, dianna, steven strait, taylor kitsch, toby hemingway, chris evans, jeremy renner, or chris hemsworth for seb? i would love to join someplace together if possible
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[05 Jul 2014|10:42am]
could i possibly get something for this beauty? i don't mind who you play, maybe someone older? a musician/model/actor.
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[05 Jul 2014|10:53am]
would someone consider doing an alexander/hephaestion line or pb colin farrell against jared leto during that era?
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[05 Jul 2014|05:41pm]

This game is taking the DC Universe and offering it to the player. It's pre new 52. The Justice League follow in the footsteps of the Justice society. The Teen Titans, composed of several sidekicks of the JLA, is formed. Many foes native to earth pose a threat to the peace and order of many parts of the world in a world of uncertainty heroes rise to the challenge to meet them head on. How they are played and how we get there is up to us, the players. This game is mostly comic canon with some Show (smallville,Arrow.) or movie knowledge just to accommodate as many as we could. It is all up to you, as the player. You are more than welcome. Looking forward to hearing back. P.S. Under new management as well.
[info]leaguersmod | [info]thedcverse | [info]thedcverseooc

Due to an activity purge, Characters are open for pick up. )
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[05 Jul 2014|06:04pm]

This game is taking the Marvel Universe and offering it to the player. Take your favorite characters and go with them to preserve the peace that is threatened by agents of chaos. How they are played and how we get there is up to you, the players. This game is mostly marvel comic canon with some movie influence. Now that we have some of the roles filled, some more characters are greatly NEEDED. We are Looking forward to hearing from you.
[info]marvelversemod | [info]themarvelverse | [info]marvelverseooc

Premise | Rules | Taken | Bases & Places | Holds | Apply | Wanted

Wanted characters and More info here. Looking to expand our roster. )
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[05 Jul 2014|06:33pm]
could i get an adam lambert, any cockyboy boy model for him, andrew christian model, musician/actor? i'm open to suggestions!
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[05 Jul 2014|11:07pm]
[info]londoning More girls, chefs, cabbies, queens guard, etc.!
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