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Jul. 9th, 2014


I didn't do this before so I'm going to do this now. Hi

So, I'm Patti and I think I know most, if not all, of you. I have two characters right now but that'll probably change pretty soon. Like. Give it a week or two.

First, I have Jim Kirk here who is coming in after the events of Star Trek: Into Darkness. He's a new arrival. I think he's rooming with a vampire and he won't be too happy. He'll also be poking at Dredd and making faces at Dredd because WTF he's not Bones! Once he stops hating on everything he'll be relatively easy to get along with.

My last kid is James Barnes aka Bucky aka the Winter Soldier ([info]broken_soldier). Bucky is coming in after the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier so he sort of lacks a lot of memories... which doesn't matter since he's a Slicer and thinks he's from the version of Earth this ship comes from. He's talkative and friendly most of the time. occasionally, however, he will slip back into Winter Soldier mode and be rather emotionless or react violently. The slicing process gave him a better grasp of his emotions but wasn't a complete success. He remembers more about his past than Steve. Unfortunately, he brings this confusion to Steve and is told to ignore it.

Both are open for plot purposes!


Hai everybody!(HAI DR NICK!)I'm Michelle and I bring you the gift of three pups!

The first is this boy right, Wade Wilson aka Deadpool. Hes from Wolverine: Origins, minus the whole 'barakapool' thing. Basically? Wade is a merc for hire!He's also.....batshit insane. Don't let that stop you from hiring him though if need be, he does get the job done...eventually. He's fond of swords, gun, murder, getting free DVDS from best buy with his guns, and did I mention murder? You know, all the fun, normal stuff.

Secondly is John Hart from Torchwood! ([info]notethesrcasm)He's a con man, an ex time agent,a thief, a liar, breaker of hearts..etc. Basically he'll do anything unsavory if it interests him enough, and the payout is worth it (and sometimes even if its not...)He'll also flirt with anything...and I do mean anything, humans, aliens, poodles...Basically, if you know Torchwood/jack harkness, he's like him but worse

And Lastly but never least is Lestat!([info]kingofalldamned)Whose currently from the end of the Queen of the Damned movie, and therefor is currently king of all the vampires, thanks to Akasha. And because he's a vampire, yes, he does drink blood, though again thanks to Akasha the need has become bearable for long periods of time. He also tends to dote on people (mostly humans)if they catch his eye, though don't let that fool you. Just because he's a lot calmer then he used to be doesn't mean he's not prone to wild swings of anger for the tiniest things. Mostly though he finds people beautiful, and can quite possibly fall in love with your pup one day for no reason and thus dote on them.

I'm sure I did a horrible job of explaining, but most of their stuff is in their journals, and if you want to you can hunt me down on AIM. thenalongcamezuess is where you can find me.

Plot, like chocolate cake, is love


Hey guys!

I'm Violet. :)

Claudia Donovan from Warehouse 13 is the only lady I have right now. But I am definitely working on others. I'm currently teaching speculative fiction to a bunch of gifted middle schoolers so it's been crazy these past couple of days since the kids just got here. But they're having writing time right now so I can sneak on.

Anyway, Claudia is coming in near the end of the final season of the show. So she's a bit more level headed and calmer. All of her personal issues and questions have finally been answered as well. She's super intelligent and very tech savvy. She's only been here for 3 weeks and is still trying to figure it all out. But she works on the ship, so hopefully she'll run into people at some point or other.

As for me, you can reach me best through her dropbox or imaginaryviolets@aol.com At least until the end of July. After camp I'll be back to normal. I'm in grad school right now so I keep weird hours of the day and can usually catch things quickly.

So excited to get going here!


edit: I also just realized Clauds is the only female here right now. O.O