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[10 Sep 2010|01:19am]
[info]mash4077th - Attention all personnel! - Tonight's movie will be "M*A*S*H." - Follow the zany antics of our combat surgeons as they cut and stitch their way along the front lines, operating as bombs and bullets burst around them; snatching laughs and love between amputations and penicillin!
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[10 Sep 2010|01:11pm]

Generation Boomer



A Next-Generation HP Game

Player Directory
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They called the generation following the Second World War: The Baby Boomers. They were supposed to make the world a better place, and free from tyranny. However, like most things in this world no matter how hard you try, bad things happen. The Second War came and went, destroying just about everything in its path. Heroes rose, villains fell, sacrifices were made in the name of justice. Following the fall of the Dark Lord, and the Second War it was only natural that the trend from the past continue. Those who had survived carried on, to pass the torch down to their children, a new generation that seemed to spring out of the ashes.

This new generation, the Boomer Generation as they're now being called, was raised with the hope that they'd be able to create a new world, a better one, one that wouldn't fail into the habits of their parents generation. However, this can be said for both sides. For the children of the defeated have been growing with their own ideas to correct their sides own flaws, becoming more powerful everyday and the time is growing closer to unleashing their plan on the world...

Now Open! A ton of characters still available! Most Wanted: Louis Weasley, Violet Parkinson (and friends of!) Cormac Rivers, Luken White, Percival Zabini.

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[10 Sep 2010|01:54pm]




In the early 1980s a secret worldwide organization know as the Gardiner initiative began to work on a chemical compound to alter human genetics. Their goal? To allow humans to develop superpower abilities.

In 2008, they discovered a formula that would affect certain humans depending on their genetic structure. Once the Gardiner Initiative cut through the red tape of governments around the world they put this chemical compound into world water supplies.

As only few humans would be affected by the compound, it was the Gardiner Initiative’s intention to spread the compound as far as possible in order to generate as many meta-humans. In January 2010 stories began to surface around the world of people who could perform amazing feats such as fly, turn invisible, even read minds.

The Initiative began to round up these people. Some they deceived by offering to help them with their new found powers while others were abducted outright when they resisted. Those that have been captured so far have been brought to a prison-like building in a hidden location and put into the Gene Unit.

Here they will live and receive training to develop and learn control over their powers until the Initiative decides it time to start phase two of their training which will induct them into the world of espionage, black ops and assassination.

GAME STARTED AUGUST 1ST. Join today>>>>>

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[10 Sep 2010|04:22pm]
[info]richardlovett charlie mcdowell, thomas dekker, katie cassidy and kate mara
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[10 Sep 2010|05:02pm]

Premise II Rules II Application II FAQ
Holds/Character List II Wanted Characters II Taken Characters II Friend Button

Available Characters:

The Three Sisters - Rulers of The City (Ozma, Evil Queen, Step-Mother), Tinkerbell, Wendy Darling, John Darling, Michael Darling, Captain Hook, Lost Boys, The Tinman, The Scarecrow, The Cowardly Lion, The White Rabbit, The Mad Hatter,The Queen of Hearts, Caterpillar, Tweedledee & Tweedledum, Mowgli, Baloo, Bagheera, Shere Khan, The Big Bad Wolf, The Huntsman, Snow White, Prince Charming, Rumpelstiltskin, Miller's daughter, Robin Hood, Aladdin, Rose Red, Pinocchio, Hansel & Gretel, Snow Maiden, and more!
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[10 Sep 2010|07:45pm]
Looking for Chloe/ One of Ronnie's brothers (Mercy) or Cristina/Owen. Check journal for more!
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[10 Sep 2010|08:48pm]
[info]mightymouse! Broadway people, Gavin Creel, Wicked Cast, American Idiot cast, old O.Cers. So welcoming, non-cliquey and so much fun!
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[10 Sep 2010|10:20pm]
good PB homes?
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[10 Sep 2010|10:23pm]
[info]mardii I need a connection, stat.
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[10 Sep 2010|11:13pm]
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[ viewing | September 10th, 2010 ]
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