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[06 Jan 2010|12:11am]

fairytales [info]oftheunderworld
a supernatural group psl
(old holds have just been removed)

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[06 Jan 2010|06:20am]
anyone interested in a fandom line? general hospital, bones, fast & furious, grey's, private practice, or friends would be preferable.
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[06 Jan 2010|06:55am]
[info]priceline Rupert Friend for Emily and I to pester! Orlando Bloom, Jack Davenport, Sophia Myles, Jamie Dornan, Talulah Riley, Carey Mulligan, Andrew Garfiel, Rosamund Pike, Romola Garai, Ewan McGregor, Michael Fassbender, Guillaume Canet, Eva Mendes, Charlie Cox, Matthew Goode, Cillian Murphy, Matthew Rhys, Damian Lewis, Colin Farrell, Alexander Skarsgard, Jonny Lee Miller, Christian Bale, James Marsden, Brandon Routh, Topher Grace, Josh Duhamel, Sanoe Lake, Matt Czuchry & James Rousseau!
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[06 Jan 2010|08:35am]
[info]wizzy a new hp next-gen game. opens tomorrow.
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[06 Jan 2010|09:55am]
We are currently in need of a Castiel, Sam and Bobby before we start game play.

Right now most characters are open.

Twixt Heaven and Hell



Character Directory
Hunters Gathering Place

The Devil’s on the Loose.

Whoa, thought it was a nightmare, but no such luck. Heaven and Hell are at war and neither side is looking very promising for the human race. Demons are… well… demons. Most angels are self righteous, manipulative pricks. Where does that leave us? Welcome to the world of Hunters, celestial beings, fiends, unclean spirits and a black ’67 Chevy Impala. There’s a little Apocalypse going on, and ya’ll are invited. God is missing from heaven and the kids decided to throw a hell of a party while he’s away. So where is He, and why isn’t he interceding? Or is he?

”Twixt Heaven and Hell” is a Supernatural RP based on the 5th season of the series, up to episode "Changing Channels", 5.8 with a limited number of players allowed. The show characters are expected to be portrayed as Cannon. No Slash or any other non-cannon style pairings allowed among the show’s scripted players. Original characters are allowed and their sexuality is totally up to the players. This will be an adult game. It allows sexual situations, swearing, and descriptive violence. However, please note this is plot and character driven, with the players having to really do some research to figure out the ‘creature’ cases.

GAME BEGINS January 16, 2009. Join today>>>>>This RP will have a limited membership to keep the plotlines manageable.

Layout provided by chaperoned
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[06 Jan 2010|11:07am]
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[06 Jan 2010|11:16am]
I would really love a line filled for [info]heroizing. Basically I'm looking for a magician/illusionist for a complicated romantic type. It's based off of Harry Houdini and Bess, minus the marriage - Stella has the ability of light manipulation so she can make herself invisible; she saw his show numerous times, he asked her to be part of the act, then ran off with him practically. Then she kind of picked up and left after a few years, missing home and just a normal life and not having to live out of a suitcase. Personality wise he's a pretty blank slate though I imagined he'd be sort of Zachary Zatara like in some ways? The app is really easy for the game too, a big huge bio isn't required. Age-wise he'd probably be like 30-37? and as far as pb suggestions go I'd love any of the following: Bradley Cooper, Misha Collins, Lee Pace, Karl Urban, Keanu Reeves, Matthew Goode. Naturally if you have any questions or want more details feel free to ask.
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[06 Jan 2010|11:20am]
[info]representation Nathan Fillion, Tiffani Thiessen, Elizabeth Banks, Liev Schreiber, Jessica Biel, Justin Bartha, Betty White (totally serious), Tina Fey, Seth Rogen, Michael Cera, Hugh Jackman, Emma Stone, Jesse Eisenberg, Anna Faris, Amy Smart, Neil Patrick Harris, Christian Bale, an active Isla Fisher, Rachel Weisz, Seann William Scott, Kevin Smith, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, older actors in general
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[06 Jan 2010|11:45am]
[info]sunshinemod simon pegg, john cho, karl urban, sam worthington, bryce dallas howard, adam brody, ben foster, ginnifer goodwin, winona ryder
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[06 Jan 2010|12:20pm]
[info]velvetmod ginnifer goodwin, chloe sevigny, rachel mcadams, rdj, jude law, sienna miller, krysten ritter, adam brody, megan fox, dominic cooper
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[06 Jan 2010|01:55pm]
I want to play Selena Gomez as a PB in either PSL #1 listed in my journal, or as a char in a comm against an older boy, which I've got ideas for.

Also would love to play Rachel McAdams against a Ryan Gosling or other PBs in PSL #5. Check them out, please!
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[06 Jan 2010|02:06pm]
[info]audience, please
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[06 Jan 2010|02:12pm]
casa options for a selena gomez pb? open to hs, city/town, & will consider anything else! I would really love to fill lines! :)
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[06 Jan 2010|02:16pm]
Kristen Bell, you're wanted at [info]biography. Like now.
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[06 Jan 2010|02:49pm]
PSLs! Check the journal
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[06 Jan 2010|03:01pm]
[info]infanticipating via [info]stork
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[06 Jan 2010|03:15pm]
If someone can bring Chibi from The Birthday Massacre to [info]nightwalkers for a storyline with this dude, that would be pretty damn sweet.

Also an active Brian Zack and Johnny please.
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[06 Jan 2010|03:23pm]
Blake Lively to [info]scopata!
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[06 Jan 2010|03:33pm]
[info]richardlovett I'd give my left arm, right arm and heart beating for a James McAvoy or Rupert Friend.
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[06 Jan 2010|03:39pm]
[info]banter Michael Fassbender, Jonny Lee Miller, Charlie Cox, Jack Davenport, Alex O'Loughlin, Diego Luna, Charlie Hunnam, Jamie Bell, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, David Tennant, Juno Temple, Bryce Dallas Howard, Rose Byrne
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[info]thesix [06 Jan 2010|03:42pm]





Taken & Held
"In the wake of the Cataclysm, the failure of the heroes Six, what are we to do now? What comes next when the world could not be saved?"

There was a Great Cataclysm that had befallen the world. No amount of military might, nor technological prowess could stand against the wrath of the One. His anger was poised to burn the world.

There were Six who chose to stand against the One. They wielded great power in the form of the Constructs, a strength unlike the world had ever known. Their efforts were valiant, but they were in vain; the One caused a solar flare to scorch half of the Earth. His war caused the extinction of well more than half of the human race.

As a consequence of their failure, the Six were labeled Pariahs, and went into hiding. Nobody has known of their whereabouts for over five years.

In the wake of the Cataclysm, we have been carving out as many niches as we are able within the confines of the ruined world. Worse yet, are the Nulls. Inexplicable horrors, shadows in spacetime, the Nulls roam the most brutal climes. Nobody knows where the Nulls come from, or what they do to their victims. Most avoid their Lands in favor of safer, greener pastures.

Among the ruins stands the Spire, a haven for those willing to seek it. Within its walls are idyllic lands created by man to satisfy their needs.

Vowing to protect the Spire are fighters known as the Savior Corps, who live in the ruins ready to battle Nulls who would try and take the Spire for themselves.

The year is 2140, and you are a new recruit in the Savior Corps, ready to fight evil as the Six had.

We are an old fashioned GM style game, but we will be capping applications at 6 to fill the required roles. Roles are not first come, first serve. We'd like to see some quality in the application and examples you present to us, so we present to you a completely different style of application. If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, please leave them in the dropbox. We'll get back to you as soon as possible!


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[06 Jan 2010|04:01pm]
[info]londoncity please!
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[06 Jan 2010|04:35pm]
Taking her to [info]retain and would love to see her co-stars and maybe a Brad Pitt to follow!
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numeri ( au marauder era rpg ) [06 Jan 2010|04:35pm]

If you’ve been living under a rock, allow The Prophet to clarify the fact that the world as you know it is at war. Since the beginning of the year 1979 your coworkers are no longer to be trusted; neither are your neighbors, your friends, nor even your grandmum sitting with that beady look in her eyes over her knitting. There is a call to arms and a race to fill every seat within the jostling Ministry of Magic, some desperate struggle for power on the edge of a gleaming city that exists only in the minds of the disillusioned. As the clock ticks away the minutes of an unraveling time, more are dying, magical and muggle alike. Take heed, youthful pioneers of a world burning to the ashen ground! Set forth and lament the losing’s, reap the ruptured, or comfort the condemned.

Your character will be given a number, one that might be drawn at random in order to facilitate plot within the game. Each week this will determine whether they are kidnapped, given a Ministry position, contract memory loss, or are senselessly tortured for information they may or may not have. The list goes on. Chance however, is the only mistress in which you can find unwavering loyalty.

This is an AU Marauder era game set in a war zone. The Order of the Phoenix and Death Eaters are struggling for power within the Ministry of Magic. It is a race against time with the pendulum swaying precariously between two very different futures. Trust no one but yourself.

[info]numbering [info]numeri [info]numeros

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[06 Jan 2010|04:51pm]
[info]musemania Co-stars and friends. Friendly community. Adds are done daily.
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[[info]quarantine_ops] [06 Jan 2010|05:02pm]

Corporal Teague wants YOU for [info]the_quarantined! Sign up, today!
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[06 Jan 2010|05:10pm]
[info]wizzy opens tomorrow and i'd love to have her brothers applied for. she's the daugter of michael corner and lisa turpin.
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[06 Jan 2010|06:30pm]
Home or PSL, please and thank you.
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[06 Jan 2010|07:34pm]
[info]gateway_pub Interaction is always fun, of the OC and fandom kind.
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[06 Jan 2010|09:14pm]
home for Alessandra?
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[06 Jan 2010|09:42pm]
[info]originate justin bartha, ed helms, zach galifianakis, patrick wilson, jessica biel, jennifer garner, julian mcmahon, roma maffia, thomas haden church, jessica alba, anne hathaway
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[06 Jan 2010|09:58pm]
Applying at [info]banter. Any chance of being joined by Kate Magowan, Danny Dyer, David Morrissey, Philip Glenister, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Keeley Hawes, Dominic West, Andrea Riseborough, Ian Hart or some Brit musicians?
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[06 Jan 2010|10:23pm]
i'm about to give up playing dom, because i can't find a matt bellamy. come on muse fans. one of you has to be willing to play an active matt bellamy. i don't care if it's your first time! google muse and research a little!
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[06 Jan 2010|10:31pm]
[info]priceline i would give my left arm for an active jackson rathbone. don't make me beg. also.. anna kendrick, christian serratos, justin chon, alexander skarsgard, and paris lastis.
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[06 Jan 2010|10:55pm]
SPENCER SMITH [info]mannahatta
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[06 Jan 2010|11:35pm]
David Henrie to [info]whhs ASAP!!!!!!!
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[06 Jan 2010|11:36pm]
Ashlee Simpson-Wentz, PLEASE --> [info]frpadmin
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