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Roleplay ads!

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[26 Oct 2008|01:00am]
[info]ephemeras more wolves to fill out the pack
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[26 Oct 2008|02:24am]
[info]muse_mod Mandy Moore, Kelly Clarkson, JT, Butch Walker and anyone not taken.
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[26 Oct 2008|04:11am]

Played Bys
Contact List
Friends Button

Most Wanted: Bellatrix Lestrange, Neville Longbottom, Alecto Carrow, Rodolphus Lestrange, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Rabastan Lestrange, Peter Pettigrew, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Seamus Finnigan, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Mandy Brocklehurst, Hestia Jones, Emmeline Vance, Gideon Prewett, Fabian Prewett, Edgar Bones, and more!

Also accepting applications for original Longbottom and Tonks children here!
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[26 Oct 2008|04:37am]
[info]cyprusrhodesu cappie, rusty, dale, heath, and anyone else not taken!
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[26 Oct 2008|07:37am]
Home for Sara Lloyd-Gregory?
38 comments|post comment

[26 Oct 2008|09:56am]
Twiggy Ramirez? Tim Skold? Rob Zombie? J5 and I are waiting.
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[26 Oct 2008|10:40am]
Home for Katherine Heigl.
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[26 Oct 2008|11:50am]
[info]richardlovett! Amy Acker, Anna Paquin, Tricia Helfer, Alessandro Juliani, James Callis, Nicki Clyne, Kandyse McClure, Rekha Sharma, Lucy Lawless, the cast of Smallville.
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[26 Oct 2008|12:51pm]
HSM Cast to [info]celeb?
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[26 Oct 2008|01:11pm]
home or psl?
4 comments|post comment

[26 Oct 2008|02:15pm]
Invitations were sent out to a group of carefully selected people to attend a month long free conference at a bed and breakfast in the countryside. Travel costs, housing, food, laundry, and other necessities would be provided for free. They were also given a new set of journals that linked together within the house to “document” their reactions to the products. Those invited were told that they would be trying out products for an anonymous company. The group was brought in, given confidentiality wavers, and then told they would have free reign of the area. It was around then that things started to get weird.

Any cell phones brought by the group quit working. Any vehicles driven to the property quit working. Communication came to a dead halt, but relatives didn’t show up or report anything.

The group is now stuck in the middle of nowhere with no idea what’s going on. Food and other such products continue to show up in the house, but the owner of the Bed and Breakfast hasn’t been seen since the first day. Unknown to the group, extraterrestrials are affecting them in a variety of ways to gather information. The extraterrestrials want to observe the group to prepare for an invasion.

What can you do when you become a human guinea pig and don't even know it?

We're almost ready to start, but a few of the early holds have vanished. We could really use at least two females, and would accept more if we had more human male applicants.

We could also use another "inside" alien. The alien, disguised as a human, will be with the test group to do first-hand observations. The aliens in the group will have a variety of options on how to stir things up. More details can be provided to any interested parties at their request.
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[26 Oct 2008|02:49pm]
[info]celeb sarah shahi, katie cassidy, and emma stone.
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[26 Oct 2008|03:21pm]
Abbie Cornish to [info]corbis.
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[26 Oct 2008|03:34pm]

Welcome to Broadway High!
Where drama isn't just saved for the stage!

Broadway High I
Premise I Premades I Rules & Information I Taken I Application

In 1906 Thomas Snider, Virginia Beach's wealthy mayor, decided that his town needed to step up in the world and build its own school, construction began for Snider High. It was a glorious two story building that focused on teaching the children of the community English and Arithmetic. It was an instution that anyone would be proud to go to. Unfortunately, in 1938 Snider High was consumed in a fire, leaving the town school less. Luckily for the people of Virginia Beach, Martin Rogers -- a quirky little man, had an idea and tons of money to blow. He was willing to building a state of the art school for the children who were seriously devastated by not having their school! No, really, they were heart broken! There was only one catch. It had to be built under his rules. The town was thriving on its own, but could it really spend money on a school? They instantly gave in, telling Breeks that he could do as he pleased.

Rogers, being a man who was heavily into what people were calling "broadway" knew just what he wanted to do. The school was renamed "Broadway High," right along with changing the street name to Broadway. The mascot would change from a horse, to the cowboys[which would later become a lion], and the lunch room would be called a balcony! And the football field would be the backstage! Unfortunately for Rogers, none of the names stuck except for the school and street, but the kids enjoyed the school just the same. [Yeah, right.] Broadway high sits in the middle of Virgina Beach, just minutes away from beaches, malls, and restaurants. The city has moved up in the ranks since the days of Rogers, but one thing remains the same... Every first day of school is highlighted with flashing lights outside to introduce its "opening night."

We're accepting holds and applications at this time! Come check it out!

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[26 Oct 2008|04:03pm]
Lots of roles available!
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[26 Oct 2008|05:13pm]
[info]greatwhiteway Adds are tonight! We have lots of storylines open!
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Pentamerone [26 Oct 2008|05:22pm]

Fairy tales don't always end at happily ever after. What's your tale?
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Durmstrang Uber Alles [26 Oct 2008|05:24pm]

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Old School RP [26 Oct 2008|06:02pm]
Do you miss the old days of role-playing, when people worked for story-lines and didn't expect things handed to them on a silver platter?

Do you miss the days when games were about posting threads and logs, not LULZ AIM chats and macros? Or about content and plot, not about popular faces, challenging each other's holds, and who has the best icons?

Do you struggle to find places to advertise when communities like ~rps and ~pbads push your ads off the page within hours?

Do you wish you could find games like that still and don't know where to look for them?

Welcome to Old School RP. This is the ad community you've been missing.

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[26 Oct 2008|07:06pm]


A 2008 Harry Potter Role Play Game

The Second Wizarding War is over. The Order of the Phoenix won, and the United Kingdom is finally at peace – or at least it was.

Then came the announcement of Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt’s retirement, and all political hell broke loose.

With peace finally upon the Wizarding World, the question on everyone’s mind is who will be elected to take his place. Most assume it will be the Boy Who Lived, but when Harry Potter refuses to become a candidate, that leaves the field wide open.

Multiple candidates are chosen, one from each Ministry Department. Each promise peace and prosperity, but most have their own agenda.

Worse, as the election heats up, a war between Departments is stirring as each fights for dominance. It’s Auror against Unspeakable, International Magical Cooperation against Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, even the Department of Regulation of Magical Creatures against the Department of Transportation. At first it’s regarded as friendly rivalry, but when candidates start to turn up dead, it turns into an all-out war.

Who will survive the election – and more importantly, who will win?

And after it’s all over…then what?

Rules | Plot | Available | Taken | Application
Candidates and Politics | PBs | Contact List

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks, Seamus Finnigan, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and many more!

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[26 Oct 2008|07:16pm]
[info]richardlovett. Persia White, please.
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[26 Oct 2008|07:33pm]
chris lowell and tim daly would make my life. [info]richardlovett
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[26 Oct 2008|07:43pm]


The knowledge of Supernaturals has been around for nearly a decade. They have existed peacefully within society for probably much longer.

Somewhere, somehow...things changed.

First it started with registration. All Weres and Vampires needed to be accounted for. But that wasnt enough. Now they are being moved to Reserves located all around the country. Cities turned to prisons without physical borders.

There is no choice. You adapt, or you die.

Welcome to Birch Creek, Alaska. Home to weres and vampires who had no choice but to come, witches who chose to come, and humans who followed loved ones or decided not to leave their town. Now they're all just trying to make the best of it.
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[26 Oct 2008|08:52pm]
home please?
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[26 Oct 2008|08:54pm]
[info]richardlovett Leroy Powell, Elvis Costello, Danny McBride, Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly
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[26 Oct 2008|10:42pm]
[info]greatwhiteway Check out our wanted list!
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[26 Oct 2008|11:19pm]
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New Dublin [26 Oct 2008|11:30pm]

Welcome to New Dublin

New Dublin is a harbor city that has been plagued by gang war for much of the past ten years. Five main groups rose up, each started for different reasons and each have evolved from a few people into much larger entities which control much of the cities nightlife.

Many groups grow fast and die out equally as fast, but the smart ones stick around longer. Each gang has different reasons for being; some for profit, some for security, while others act as guardians for their territory there are some who act as thieves. The tensions between the gangs are harsh and one member caught in another’s territory is met with severe punishment.

There are smaller gangs but the main Five control the greater area of the city. These five came together three years back and created something of a treaty. They all agreed that the wars had come to the loss of to many lives and thus some sort of peace was needed.

In a city where an unsteady treaty is the only thing that binds the gangs in peace, who do you pledge loyalty to? Or are you one of the brave who stands the middle line? Where tech is big, crime is high and brotherhood is more important than blood, where do you call home in New Dublin?

The World | The Gangs | Game Information

The Characters | Wanted in Game

The Rules | PB Holds | Application | FAQ

The Site | The OOC | The People

The game will start once we have 5 members or 10 characters.
Contact the Mods @
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[26 Oct 2008|11:33pm]
[info]fred62 David Tennant, Eve Myles and Georgia Moffett all live here. So why don't John Barrowman, Gareth David-Lloyd and Billie Piper come join them? Also seeking William Moseley for a BFF line and Potter cast, as well as Liv Tyler & Orlando Bloom, Megan Fox and many others! Twilight cast, we'd love some of you as well, and we have many popular roles open.
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