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Roleplay ads!

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[23 Oct 2008|12:05am]
Looking for bandmates to bother... Where are ya?

And since I am looking, home please!
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[23 Oct 2008|01:43am]
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[23 Oct 2008|02:34am]
[info]perform Drew Barrymore, Christina Applegate, Selma Blair, Ashton Kutcher, Lucy Liu, Kate Winslet, Jack Black
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[23 Oct 2008|03:05am]
To make it simple, one post for two characters over at [info]cityofhills via [info]sanfranmod

[info]jake_spinelli – For Jake I am looking for new friends, perhaps even an old friend and/or an old girlfriend from New York, also maybe some others cadets for Jake to train with.

[info]sweet_sam – Former business associates, a slightly darker line with someone specifically from her past, and maybe some new good friends.

Feel free to send me a private message or IM me at x Vampiryss x for line discussions.
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[23 Oct 2008|04:03am]
[info]fred62 Lots of people still wanted.
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[23 Oct 2008|05:46am]
[info]starwalks Those other Mars guys- Tomo and Tim. Also Kate Winslet, Bill Kaulitz, PATD, FOB, LOST cast, Gossip Girl cast, MCR and anyone else who is looking for a friendly home.
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[23 Oct 2008|09:13am]
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[23 Oct 2008|09:41am]

Don't forget to post in [info]copywriter to set up your storylines!
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[23 Oct 2008|10:00am]
Kelli Garner, Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Kevin Spacey, Michelle Williams, Kerry Washington and Keri Russell to [info]corbis
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[23 Oct 2008|10:31am]
[info]sphere | [info]mankind | [info]attachments | NEXT ADD: 10/26/08
57 Taken, 6 Held. Get your character in now, you won't regret it.
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[23 Oct 2008|11:41am]
[info]vivabarcelona All holds expire tonight! Adds are tonight! Get your NEW holds and challenges in today!
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[23 Oct 2008|12:17pm]

still fucked up and active (I think that counts for a lot these days)
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[23 Oct 2008|12:28pm]
Big clean out last night, come see if your favorite role is now open!
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[23 Oct 2008|12:32pm]
[info]greatwhiteway Adds are tonight!
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[23 Oct 2008|12:49pm]
[info]fred62 Frank Iero & Mikey Way, Dita Von Teese, Rian Dawson & Zack Merrick, Greg Corner & Elias Malin, Bam Margera, Bob Morris, Craig Mabbitt, Lostprophets, The Horrors, other bands not already here.
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[23 Oct 2008|12:49pm]

The Ministry was invincible. It would always exist, and it would always be the same.

mwpp since 2005

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[23 Oct 2008|01:22pm]
Persia White to [info]richardlovett.
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[23 Oct 2008|03:19pm]
[info]proj_manticore just because it's fun!
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[23 Oct 2008|03:23pm]
[info]parkerbros Dane Cook, Paul Walker, Brittany Murphy, Ryan Phillipe, Channing Tatum, Rosario Dawson, Reese Witherspoon
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[23 Oct 2008|04:14pm]
[info]slushie brand new celeb comm, accepting holds now
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[23 Oct 2008|05:02pm]
[info]richardlovett Jim Sturgess, Lindsay Lohan, Ryan Gosling, Jessica Stam, Jason Schwartzman, Topher Grace, Josh Duhamel, Michelle Rodriguez, Kelli Garner
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[23 Oct 2008|06:43pm]


Information about the Manticore Project

Holds on popular characters are filling up quick, we need some more Transgenics, with out them the community can't thrive. We'll be opening applications this weekend, after a few minor additions to the community.
Wanted )

Application is NOW open!
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[23 Oct 2008|07:10pm]
Christian Kane or Jeffery Dean Morgan for a line with a William Gregory Lee PB over at [info]proj_manticore
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[23 Oct 2008|08:59pm]
Housing options for Jordana Brewster?
9 comments|post comment

Into The Woods [23 Oct 2008|09:00pm]

Imagine a world where the tales you heard as a child were real, a world where everything of fantasy was reality. A world of princesses, knights in shining armor, fantastical creatures, dangerous woods, glass slippers and more. Imagine if that world were at your fingertips.

Every character in the tales of old has a story long beyond 'ever after.' Does the maiden stay with her prince? Are all wolves creatures filled with evil? Do the bad guys really rot in prison, do they really die?

Into The Woods is a roleplay community based on the stories found in fables, folklore, legend and traditional fairy tales. We are seeking dedicated players who focus on quality writing and player driven plot lines. For detailed information, please visit our site. Check us out today!

Quick Links
| Story | Rules | Character Guidelines |
| FAQ | Map | Application | Characters/Holds |
| In Character | Out of Character | Mod Journal |

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[23 Oct 2008|09:02pm]


A 2008 Harry Potter Role Play Game

The Second Wizarding War is over. The Order of the Phoenix won, and the United Kingdom is finally at peace – or at least it was.

Then came the announcement of Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt’s retirement, and all political hell broke loose.

With peace finally upon the Wizarding World, the question on everyone’s mind is who will be elected to take his place. Most assume it will be the Boy Who Lived, but when Harry Potter refuses to become a candidate, that leaves the field wide open.

Multiple candidates are chosen, one from each Ministry Department. Each promise peace and prosperity, but most have their own agenda.

Worse, as the election heats up, a war between Departments is stirring as each fights for dominance. It’s Auror against Unspeakable, International Magical Cooperation against Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, even the Department of Regulation of Magical Creatures against the Department of Transportation. At first it’s regarded as friendly rivalry, but when candidates start to turn up dead, it turns into an all-out war.

Who will survive the election – and more importantly, who will win?

And after it’s all over…then what?

Rules | Plot | Available | Taken | Application
Candidates and Politics | PBs | Contact List

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks, Seamus Finnigan, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and many more!

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[23 Oct 2008|09:02pm]
[info]ephemeras more wolves
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[23 Oct 2008|09:05pm]
[info]vivabarcelona adds tomorrow night!
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[23 Oct 2008|11:28pm]
[info]fred62 is looking for Frank, Mikey & Ray, Dita Von Teese, Bam Margera, Orlando Bloom, Liv Tyler, both Gylenhalls, Alex Greenwald, Josh Hartnett, Megan Fox, James Marsters, David Tennant, Gareth David-Lloyd, Billie Piper, and anyone else not taken.
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