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Roleplay ads!

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[03 Oct 2008|02:33am]
the marquee Milo Ventimiglia, Masi Oka, Ali Larter, Adrian Pasdar, and basically the rest of the Heroes cast minus Kristen, Hayden, and Zach
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[03 Oct 2008|04:08am]
Jim Sturgess, Jason Schwartzman, Anne Hathaway, Ginnifer Goodwin, Topher Grace, [info]richardlovett
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all longshots but much desired [03 Oct 2008|04:27am]
Jeremy Irons, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, Billy Boyd, Robert Carlyle, Ciaron Kelly, Michelle Pfeiffer, Mark Strong, Joseph Fiennes.

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Athens Rising: Original Gilded Age University RP [03 Oct 2008|05:40am]

+ Home + Rules + Application + Setting + Cast List + Available Positions +

Quick Facts:
+ New RPG! Begins at 4 more applications. See the Available Positions for details.
+ Setting: Original Non-Celebrity, Slightly AU Historical, America, 1880s, University
+ Slash and Femmeslash desired. Het allowed.
+ Exciting Original plot and mature, creative community.


Welcome to Boston, Massachusetts! The year is 1880 and the city is beautiful and bustling, dubbed by our friends across the pond as "The Athens of America". We are known for our first-rate architecture, our profitable harbors, and of course our academic and artistic prowess.

Not all is well in Athens, however. A vicious moral watchdog group, the New England Society for the Suppression of Vice, is searching to make an example of its first victims of strict censorship. Its branches have already devastated the lives of hundreds of artists with jail time or worse. The ashes of thousands of books and canvases litter their wake. The phrase "Banned in Boston" is their disciples' battle cry.

What stands between these brazen devils and the decimation of free speech? A fledgling guerilla group founded by art students of the esteemed Grantmore University. They call themselves The Brotherhood of New Athenians, awakened to a world of injustice by one extraordinary art history professor. His position as their messiah is threatened when the Society takes notice of his teachings and begins to close its jaws around him, vowing to see him rot in a jail cell forever.

If the Society was not enough trouble, the Brotherhood is rivaled by an enemy group in England who will do anything to see them fail. They are students of Dartingale College and call themselves the Dartingale Five. Years prior they made waves with a shocking submission to the Grosvenor Gallery, sending tremors through London. They want to be the only ones to receive so much acclaim, and the Brotherhood is beginning to step all over their toes.

With the world against them, will the Brotherhood succeed in their mission to free Boston, save the professor, and go down in history as legends? Or fall to strife and temptation and be forgotten as fools?

You be the judge.

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[03 Oct 2008|08:43am]

[info]thechicago | [info]macvarish

City-based PB Community set in Chicago
Tons of PBs Open
Adds done Mon-Wed-Fri
AIM & Thread Friendly

Looking for loyal, active, dedicated writers

Rules | Taken/Held | Wanted | Apply
established August 2007 on GJ
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[03 Oct 2008|09:43am]
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[03 Oct 2008|09:47am]
Jason Schwartzman, Tobey Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio, Josh Hartnett, Mark Ruffalo, Simon Pegg, Elijah Wood, Alex Greenwald, Sofia Coppola, Ginnifer Goodwin, Julia Stiles, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Selma Blair, Sarah Silverman, Chloe Sevigny to [info]richardlovett, please!
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[03 Oct 2008|10:53am]
Home options for Mary Kate Olsen & Dominic Monaghan please. Will not be seperated.
6 comments|post comment

[03 Oct 2008|11:15am]
[info]starwalks Tomo Milicevic, Matt Wachter, Amy Lee, Tim Kelleher, LOST cast, Gossip Girl cast and more. I know you all are out there!
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[03 Oct 2008|11:28am]

Male Students! (so we can get the cap dropped and I can get a roomie for this girl!)
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[03 Oct 2008|12:02pm]

A modern, realistic game, La La Land gives you the benefits of a PB community without all the hype. If you can stand the traffic and insane amounts of smog, you've got a home in Los Angeles. We promise never to change the seasons on you.

premise | rules | taken | held | wanted | apply
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[03 Oct 2008|12:15pm]
They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway.

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[03 Oct 2008|12:32pm]
[info]perform; Selma Blair, Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Joaquin Phoenix, Ryan Phillippe, Christina Ricci, James McAvoy, Orlando Bloom, Sienna Miller, Kate Winslet!
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[03 Oct 2008|01:34pm]
I know this is a long shot but... Would anyone be interested in a community based off of Pushing Daisies? We could have the characters from the show and then premades.

Suggestions are welcomed.
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SL looking to expand! [03 Oct 2008|02:15pm]
[info]_califrnication, SL site recently revamped!

In desperate need of:
- new players (bring on the male characters)
- new SLs (bring on the drama)

Please be:
- creative
- fun
- able to write
- not a fan of OOC drama bullsh*t.

Applications always being accepted, apply here!
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[03 Oct 2008|02:54pm]
Jim Sturgess, T.V. Carpio, Dana Fuchs, Henry Cavill, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, Marilyn Manson, Jamie Bell, Elisabeth Harnois, Edward Norton to [info]richardlovett, please.
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New Game Ideas [03 Oct 2008|03:54pm]
Hiiii. I'm thinking of opening a game and was wondering what people might be interested in. Please reply w/ comments and all!

1. A town/city game in the city of Charleston

2. A smaller SL (about 6-8 slots available) about a group of friends who, like beat poets, all decide to leave their lives to travel the world with next to no money. Which means they'd have to stop and work along the way. They can travel through the US or through Europe, whatever!

3. A smaller SL that revolves around a group of people (maybe 20 max) who all attend sex addicts anonymous meetings. This one's inspired by Choke, of course!
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[03 Oct 2008|04:23pm]
Seeking a High school based home (preferably a private school) for a pair of sixteen year old twins, Anna Paquin PB and William Beckett PB.
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[03 Oct 2008|05:22pm]
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[03 Oct 2008|06:02pm]
[info]perform Maggie Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard, and other co-stars ASAP!
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[03 Oct 2008|07:01pm]
[info]representation Tom Brady, LeBron James, Emily Blunt, Heidi Klum, Tyra Banks, Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, Jennifer Garner, Doutzen Kroes, Kevin Connolly, George Clooney
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[03 Oct 2008|07:17pm]
[info]bobshaye Plenty of open roles.
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[03 Oct 2008|07:30pm]
Julian Barratt, come make my life complete at [info]richardlovett!
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[info]richardlovett [03 Oct 2008|08:42pm]
jessie baylin, jason mraz, kate voegele, cary brothers, tristan prettyman, allie moss, [info]fissk
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[03 Oct 2008|09:33pm]
[info]salem_usa Plenty of popular roles open!
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[03 Oct 2008|09:53pm]
Looking for a Faux-Celebrity game with a twist? Check out [info]the_maker. Most PBs still available. Adds are done dayly.

You can find our wanted storylines at [info]wanted_blues.

The Premise )
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[03 Oct 2008|10:02pm]
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[03 Oct 2008|10:20pm]

Characters | Premise | Rules | Abilities | Application | Friend All | Contact List | F.A.Q

They weren't sure what caused it, just that it happened. A spill. Not lethal-- not enough to kill anyone. It was hardly enough to make anyone sick, really. So the powers that be, let it be. It was going to be too hard to clean up anyways. And the public turmoil it would have caused--! Too much trouble for one little, teensy mishap. It wasn't hard to cover it up. They made up for the lost chemicals by claiming they used too much in another project. When push came to shove, the scientists at the plant went into great (fake) detail, and no more questions were asked.

It wasn't until they realized that it'd gotten into the drinking supply that they started getting worried. People began showing up at the clinics and the hospital with shortness of breath, stomach bugs, and headaches. 'These things are normal in the summer months,' the doctors told the patients, and they went home unhelped. Sure, they were normal-- stomach bugs and headaches. But was it normal for a cut to heal overnight? Or fire to just spontaneously burst from a hand? Doubtful.

And it wasn't just a few people. It was the entire town of Bristol, Rhode Island that was affected. Everyone who had a sip to drink from the tap or cooked spaghetti or showered. Everyone.

How will the town cope with their new powers? Will they take advantage of them or refuse to embrace their fates? Will the entire population turn into a giant battle of good vs. evil?

One thing is for sure. There's something in the water....
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[03 Oct 2008|10:23pm]

information & community

Charles Xavier was a talented man. At sixteen he entered college, achieving a degree in biology in 2 years and then further ones in biophysics and genetics. He was also a telepath of formidable skill and one of the world's foremost experts on the strain of mutantancy in humans, also known as the metagene. But most importantly, Xavier was a man of vision. One who thought of the future. And so he approached millionaire Oliver Queen - after letting slip that his telepathy made him privy to his secret life as the Green Arrow - with a proposal.

A school, built specifically to teach the next generations of saviors and champions, kept a secret under the guise of an elite prep academy. Each student carefully selected and recruited. There the students would learn how to handle their emerging powers and skills and how to use them to help humanity, all while getting a world class education in a safe environment taught by people who understood how important this school was. Oliver quickly saw the merit in this idea and together they began to build what would become Paragon Academy.

That was 10 years ago. The school growing from a dream into a reality, with its former students rising to greatness, some even taking on the task of teaching the next batch of students. And a new first semester is just about to start, complete with new recruits, new classes and new problems.

Have a good year.

Opening With 15 Accepted Characters
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[03 Oct 2008|11:00pm]
home, please?
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