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Roleplay ads!

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[26 Sep 2008|12:36am]
[info]starwalks Some friends would be cool and anyone else who's looking for a good home.
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[26 Sep 2008|01:18am]
I'm looking for Jennifer Aniston, Mike Vartan, and Jennifer Garner to [info]altamontorlando. All three are wanted for a family storyline.

PS Breckin Meyer and Seth Green are wanted too!

Please and thank you!
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[26 Sep 2008|01:41am]
This man will give his left (and possibly right) nut for a Misha Collins to head on over to [info]verisi
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[26 Sep 2008|03:05am]
Home for Eddie Redmayne (the lovely lad in my icons) PB?

No celeb. Possibly faux-celeb. Gay only. BFF or family member to either gender is great, too. Anyone up for it?

(Thinking of [info]halfmoon, anyone want to set up a line or two and come with?)
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[26 Sep 2008|03:46am]
[info]celeb Chris Martin, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cate Blanchett, Marisa Miller and anyone not taken. Come, I promise to give you cookies.
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[26 Sep 2008|06:24am]


Discuss storylines @ [info]plottings

Currently looking for co-mods
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[26 Sep 2008|07:33am]
Home please??
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[26 Sep 2008|08:28am]

Check out our wanted listing for sl and PB ideas!
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[26 Sep 2008|10:13am]
Just in case, home?
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[26 Sep 2008|10:34am]
[info]gaslampmod Takes place in San Diego, Ca!
[info]bloomberg Takes place in NYC! Has a lot of aim play as well as thread based play.
[info]moderatore I've never seen a faux-celeb comm like it before. All amazing writers, and also has a lot of aim and thread play.
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[26 Sep 2008|10:48am]
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[26 Sep 2008|11:19am]
[info]perform JONATHAN FUCKING DAVIS. And David Archuleta. So I can pinch his cheeks along with Carly.
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[26 Sep 2008|11:21am]
[info]auditiononly We want YOU.
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[26 Sep 2008|12:57pm]
[info]fred62 is looking to welcome more actors, and especially TORCHWOOD & DR WHO CAST MEMBERS so our Eve can have some friends to hang out with. She's actually been really cool about mingling with the band kids, but I have a feeling it's not really her thing.

Also: Orlando Bloom (for a friend SL with our Kirsten), Liv Tyler (for a possible friend/romance SL with me), Will Moseley, Josh Hartnett, Shia LeBouf, all sorts of others wanted. It's a great place. [info]fred62
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[26 Sep 2008|01:19pm]
[info]richardlovett Samantha Ronson, Lindsay Lohan, Tennessee Thomas & Cory Kennedy.
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[26 Sep 2008|01:22pm]
[info]greatwhiteway Lots of PBs and storylines available!
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[26 Sep 2008|01:30pm]
[info]celeb OKAY NEVERMIND. How about some other costars?
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[26 Sep 2008|01:54pm]
[info]verisi Chad Lindberg, please? I'm not above begging and pleading at this point!
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[26 Sep 2008|02:03pm]
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[26 Sep 2008|02:11pm]


Ever Wonder What The Lives Of The Chosen Ones Are Really Like?

Welcome To New York's Upper East Side, Where we live and go to school and play and sleep - sometimes with each other. We all live in huge apartments with our own bedrooms and bathrooms and phone lines. We have unlimited access to money and booze and whatever else we want, and our parents are rarely home, so we have tons of privacy. We're smart, we've inherited classic good looks, we wear fantastic clothes, and we know how to party. Our shit still stinks, but you can't smell it because the bathroom is sprayed hourly by the maid with a refreshing scent made exclusively for us by French perfumers.

It's a luxe life, but someone's got to live it.

Become One Of Us: [info]luxelife_mod

[26 Sep 2008|02:15pm]
call 1-800-[info]bwayhigh for a good time
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[26 Sep 2008|02:40pm]
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[26 Sep 2008|02:57pm]
[info]halfmoon lines & apps so this place can open.
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[26 Sep 2008|03:29pm]
[info]richardlovett Does anyone play Zoe Kravitz? We have Lenny...
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[26 Sep 2008|03:33pm]
The knowledge of Supernaturals has been around for nearly a decade. They have existed peacefully within society for probably much longer.

Somewhere, somehow...things changed.

First it started with registration. All Weres and Vampires needed to be accounted for. But that wasnt enough. Now they are being moved to Reserves located all around the country. Cities turned to prisons without physical borders.

There is no choice. You adapt, or you die.

Welcome to Birch Creek, Alaska. Home to weres and vampires who had no choice but to come, witches who chose to come, and humans who followed loved ones or decided not to leave their town. Now they're all just trying to make the best of it.

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[26 Sep 2008|04:07pm]

Adds Tonight at 10pm EST!
City-based PB Community set in Chicago
Tons of PBs Open | Adds done Mon-Wed-Fri | AIM & Thread Friendly
Looking for loyal, active, dedicated writers

[info]thechicago | [info]macvarish

Rules | Taken/Held | Wanted | Apply
established August 2007 on GJ
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[26 Sep 2008|04:17pm]
Would anyone be interested in either an L Word game, or a group femme PSL, consisting of around 7 - 10 characters?
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[26 Sep 2008|04:22pm]
[info]perform Chad Michael Murry, James Lafferty, Lee Norris, Antwon Tanner, Bryan Greenburg, Elisabeth Harnois, Matt Barr, Bevin Prince, Torrey DeVitto, Robbie Jones, Michaela McManus, Kate Voegele, Gavin DeGraw, Tyler Hilton, Daniella Alonso, Michael Copon, Stephen Colletti...see a theme?
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[26 Sep 2008|04:35pm]
[info]bobshaye Billie Piper, Sophia Myles, Christopher Eccleston, James McAvoy, Freema Agyeman, Georgia Moffett, Andy Serkis, Catherine Tate, Patrick Stewart, Jessica Hynes, John Barrowman, Kylie Minogue, Simon Pegg
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[26 Sep 2008|04:45pm]
Home options?
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Come where the sun loves to Shine... [26 Sep 2008|05:26pm]

A modern, realistic game, La La Land gives you the benefits of a PB community without all the hype. If you can stand the traffic and insane amounts of smog, you've got a home in Los Angeles. We promise never to change the seasons on you.

premise | rules | taken | held | wanted | apply
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[26 Sep 2008|06:52pm]
[info]celeb James Marsden, Josh Lucas, Emily Blunt, Simon Baker, Charlie Hunnam, Bryan Greenberg, Patrick Wilson, Steve Carell, Masi Oka (I'm sure the other Heroes cast members would love to see him too!), Mike Vogel, Anna Faris, Adrian Grenier, Chris Pine, Topher Grace, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, Rainn Wilson and George Clooney.
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[26 Sep 2008|08:53pm]



Discuss storylines @ [info]plottings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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[26 Sep 2008|09:50pm]
do i have to succumb to playing katy perry to get a travis mccoy to [info]creativeartists? i mean really....
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[greek swim] just like your mother, only better! [26 Sep 2008|10:47pm]

A Greek Mythology Roleplay set in Present Day.
With opportunities for character development and playing out your favorite myths.
A community by adults, for adults. Featuring mature content... fabulous content, fresh for you!

[wanted] hey guess what!
Loverboy EROS! Better-than-Rachael-Ray HESTIA! Lame Crafy HEPHAESTUS! Rainbowy IRIS! Kick-your-ass BIA and do-anything-to-win NIKE! LOTS MORE AVAILABLE AND WANTED; CHARACTER SLATE JUST EXPANDED!

premise | character list | rules | f.a.q. | application | played-bys | daily event summaries

[premise] oodles of fancy
When Cronus was freed from his prison in Tartarus, it is said that he accepted his position as the king of the Elysian Islands, home of the blessed dead with humble dignity. But secretly he plotted.

Plotting and scheming, he got close to Ares, who had always eyed the throne of his father with cautious ambition, and stood behind as the God of War raised his forces. They, together with the ruling Titan brothers of old, toppled the rule of almighty Zeus and imprisoned those who had stood in their way down in Tartarus. Those who helped them fight, however, were rewarded. There was nothing to stop the titans' rule. No one could stand in their way now.

But fate would turn against those who had supported the cause of the Titans, as well. Gentle Rhea had acted before, and she would act again to protect her progeny and those who had come from them. Secretly, with help of the Fates, she freed the gods, placing them in mortal bodies, having them born into mortal families with mortal parents. And when word spread to those gods who had fought with the titans, she sent them all to the mortal plane as well.

Where are they now? They are living among us. Average citizens, average mortals. Each has no recollection of their epic past, except in dreams or "feelings." But what are they? What do they mean? ( read more )

[about] just like your mother, only better
[greek swim] is different. We're a community by adults, for adults, with a dark plot planned, but fear not! We're not all ho-hum-glum! We're serving up humor in copious quantities, featuring friendly players, available and open-to-suggestions moderators, bi-weekly community roleplay challenges in which players can choose to participate, and just looking to get you some good times! Well, if you're one of our players, that is... So come on, take a look! We even have daily event summaries of what's happened thus far in the game, so new players don't find playing 'catch-up' daunting. It's TAPAS FOR YOUR SOUL!

( more information: click here!!! )
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[26 Sep 2008|10:54pm]

Civil War: Brother against brother, friend against friend, and a whole lot of mutants caught in the middle.
Monet St. CroixElektraJean GreyThe Stepford Cuckoos
Spider-Man VilliansDr. StrangeFantastic Four MembersBlack Cat
BeastJamie MadroxBlack PantherAgent 13
[info]civilwarred is a game that deals with just that, Civil War. Focusing on the lives of the characters in the Marvel Universe, join us to explore how mutants, superheroes, and citizens alike, react to the restrictions and changes the Superhuman Registration Act forces on their lives.
Premise | Rules | FAQ | Application | Holds | Taken
All this via: [info]agenting
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[26 Sep 2008|11:07pm]

information & community

Charles Xavier was a talented man. At sixteen he entered college, achieving a degree in biology in 2 years and then further ones in biophysics and genetics. He was also a telepath of formidable skill and one of the world's foremost experts on the strain of mutantancy in humans, also known as the metagene. But most importantly, Xavier was a man of vision. One who thought of the future. And so he approached millionaire Oliver Queen - after letting slip that his telepathy made him privy to his secret life as the Green Arrow - with a proposal.

A school, built specifically to teach the next generations of saviors and champions, kept a secret under the guise of an elite prep academy. Each student carefully selected and recruited. There the students would learn how to handle their emerging powers and skills and how to use them to help humanity, all while getting a world class education in a safe environment taught by people who understood how important this school was. Oliver quickly saw the merit in this idea and together they began to build what would become Paragon Academy.

That was 10 years ago. The school growing from a dream into a reality, with its former students rising to greatness, some even taking on the task of teaching the next batch of students. And a new first semester is just about to start, complete with new recruits, new classes and new problems.

Have a good year.

Opening October 3
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[26 Sep 2008|11:38pm]
Jesse Bradford and Chad Michael Murray, get over to [info]celeb pronto, por favor.
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[ viewing | September 26th, 2008 ]
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