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Roleplay ads!

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[05 Mar 2008|12:12am]
McFly owns my life [info]breakfastclub
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[05 Mar 2008|12:53am]
[info]originate It's time for me to start pimping for Jennifer Tilly again. Matt Sorum, Linda Perry, Tom DiCillo and Rhona Mitra, too.
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new household-based pb rpg [05 Mar 2008|01:58am]
[info]estate via [info]housekeeper
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[05 Mar 2008|03:18am]
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[05 Mar 2008|06:50am]
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[05 Mar 2008|06:53am]
I need storylines filled over at Strawberry Hills.
The ex, sister, father/mother figure, co-workers (she's a doctor), etc... Check out my journal for my info.

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[05 Mar 2008|07:50am]
Drew Barrymore, Justin Long, Ashton Kutcher, Lake Bell, Alec Baldwin, Mike Myers and P. Diddy to [info]corbis!
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[05 Mar 2008|07:59am]
Looking for co-mods for celeb community that caters to people of color and those associated. The idea is to not have a main mod since everyone has a life outside this server, and also, the responsibility is a bit much. Myself and another writer are willing to co-mod/assist from the jump, and we already have [info]hiphop as the mod journal. PM me at this journal if you are interested. Thank you.
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[05 Mar 2008|08:21am]

FATE is a multifandom game based on the hit ABC television series, LOST. All manner of characters are welcome; those from movies and television as well as video games and even original characters.

Never seen the show? No problem! We'll be starting at the time of the plane crash, so it'll be pretty easy to follow. Basically it's just random characters interacting on an island.

FATE is what you make it. Will your character survive this mysterious island?

Currently seeking BEN LINUS
and more OTHERS!!!




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new celeb comm! [05 Mar 2008|08:33am]

[info]deviate || accepting applications for celeb rp.

Some requests are: Bob Bryar & Ray Toro, Tomo Milicevic, Quinn Allman, members of AVA, FOB, Panic, TAI, Cobra. Remaining members of Taking Back Sunday for Lazzara.

Actors and Musicians welcome! Main taken/wanted list found here.

Applications reviewed and accepted/denied upon receipt. First come, first serve. This is an old-school style rp, laid back and created for people who enjoy role-playing for fun, not popularity. Mods are experienced and have been involved in rps at GJ, LJ and IJ for years. If you're looking for a new home for a fresh start or to bring over existing storylines, this is the place. Everyone is welcome!

Apply here!

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[05 Mar 2008|09:12am]

RP CommunityOOC CommunityDP CommunityHistory CommunityNPC Journal
PremiseRules & FAQsCharacter ListBackstories & Wanted CharactersApplication

The year is 1976 - a time of bellbottoms and platform shoes, disco music and embarrassing slang, burning bras and damning the establishment. It's a time of change and upheaval, where new ways of thinking are embraced by many and scoffed at by an equal amount. People are beginning to question the government, wondering if things should be done slightly differently. New kinds of music and fashion is emerging, making more conventional adults complain about the noise and wonder what will happen to the world with such a corrupt generation in the works. There is laughter, happiness, and the world is just as it always should have been.

But underneath the seemingly peaceful world, there is a darker plot being stirred about that is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. Every day, more articles come out in the Daily Prophet describing strange attacks, curious deaths, and all out mysterious events that not even the editor can smooth over to not seem interconnected. The people are beginning to wonder, putting the puzzle pieces together. The older witches and wizards are reminded of the dark time of Gridelwald from years ago, praying that history will not go about its usual way of repeating itself. All the while, the not so quiet whisper of a man named Voldemort who prefers to be addressed as the Dark Lord goes through the masses.

Mad World is a role-playing game that takes place during the sixth year of the boys that we have come to know and love as the Marauders. We are a book canon compliant game, meaning that now that "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" has come out, we do expect all characters to abide by any and all canon that has been established by JK Rowling. We've been going strong since August of 2007, but we're always looking for more characters and players to join in the fun!

Wanted Characters: PETER PETTIGEW, LUCIUS MALFOY, MARLENE MCKINNON, EMMELINE VANCE, FABIAN PREWETT, GIDEON PREWETT, Amycus Carrow, Richard Crabbe , Barty Crouch, Anthony Goyle, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Gawain Robards, Rufus Scrimgeour

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[05 Mar 2008|11:51am]
[info]southfork. Almost time for adds. Hope to see you there!
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[05 Mar 2008|01:00pm]
[info]producer. Cameron Diaz, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Sandra McCoy (come back!), Jared Padalecki (you too!), Christian Kane, Steve Carlson, Michael Rosenbaum, Tom Welling, Ashley Scott, Parker Posey, Rosario Dawson, Joy Bryant, Eva Longoria, Eva Mendes, Kate Hudson, Emily Mortimer, Chris Evans, Michael Chiklis, Julian McMahon, Bruce Willis, Benicio Del Toro, Paul Walker, Seth Green, Scott Caan, Adam Brody, Paul Rudd, Liev Schreiber, Dane Cook, Hayden Christensen, Terrence Howard, Alessandro Nivola, Michael Myers and anyone else not taken!
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[05 Mar 2008|01:31pm]
[info]marquis Megan Mullally, Michelle Federer, Hunter Foster, Raúl Esparza, Sierra Boggess, Christopher Fitzgerald, Matthew Broderick, Anneleigh Ashford, and anyone else on the wanted list!
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[05 Mar 2008|01:47pm]


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[05 Mar 2008|01:52pm]

premise what's going on
rules important things to know
characters the cast
application how to apply

It seems that things aren't quite as settled as everyone thought -- Heartless are popping back up in places and making a right nuisance of themselves all over again. While there are not nearly as many as there once were, their numbers are growing, and the Restoration Crew are finding it a bit too hard to take care of them themselves. They have other things to do, after all, like rebuilding their homes and getting on with their lives, and, as always, there are not enough hours in the day to take care of everything.

After receiving a letter from King Mickey requesting their help, Sora, Riku, and Kairi packed their bags and headed to Radiant Garden, curious as to why things seemed to be starting all over again. Surely there was a reason for it, but with no villains in dark cloaks running around and harassing Sora, they found themselves faced with two probabilities: one, that the heartless were still spawning on their own from some unknown source, or two, there was a new megalomaniacal bad guy around, controlling the heartless and biding his time to make attempt number three at destroying the universe via use of heartless. Neither idea was particularly appealing, and it was decided that, once again, it would be up to Sora and his friends to fix things.

On top of all of that, it seems that, unbeknownst to out intrepid heroes, the members of Organization XIII are back, though in their original bodies. They have no memories of ever being in the Organization, and, for all intents and purposes, are back to living their normal lives -- until they, too, get mixed up in the business of dealing with the heartless.

The game picks up about a month after our intrepid trio arrived back at Radiant Garden. They're no closer to discovering the new source of heartless, but they're slowly clearing up the worlds again and helping the Restoration Committee. It's slow and sometimes frustrating work, but they're determined to clear things up (for the final time) so everyone can get on with their lives.
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[05 Mar 2008|02:34pm]
marquee anyone here or anyone who isn't taken
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[05 Mar 2008|03:07pm]
Amy Adams to [info]richardlovett
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[05 Mar 2008|03:46pm]

Wanted Characters | Taken Characters | Streets & Buildings | F.A.Q's | Application | Main Info

[info]euphorialane, is a post-Hogwarts, post-war canon up to Half Blood Prince game, set in the year 2004 and combining the magical world of Harry Potter, with social expectations and appointments. Unlike other games based on a no-war environment, Euphoria Lane provides mod designated events on a local, national, and international scale, so there will always be a plot to follow, alongside in-depth character development. We've also made it very easy for new players to catch up!

We are looking for motivated and creative role-players, who are willing to put effort into making the Harry Potter world as real as possible, through quality writing and original storylines. If you're a player looking to explore individual depths and development for a character you love, we invite you to join us with your wit, irony, and maybe a little flash of skin.

In return, we'll tickle your fancy with monthly organized game activities, writing challenges, and a space to create and develop the magical world of Harry Potter. This is a game focused on character development and writing, run by experienced moderators and completely drama free.

Join Euphoria Lane
Currently accepting applications


We are particularly in search for MALES, former Gryffindors/Slytherins, and Blood Purists/continuing Voldemort-sympathizers.

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[05 Mar 2008|03:57pm]


Ever Wonder What The Lives Of The Chosen Ones Are Really Like?

Welcome To New York's Upper East Side, Where we live and go to school and play and sleep - sometimes with each other. We all live in huge apartments with our own bedrooms and bathrooms and phone lines. We have unlimited access to money and booze and whatever else we want, and our parents are rarely home, so we have tons of privacy. We're smart, we've inherited classic good looks, we wear fantastic clothes, and we know how to party. Our shit still stinks, but you can't smell it because the bathroom is sprayed hourly by the maid with a refreshing scent made exclusively for us by French perfumers.

It's a luxe life, but someone's got to live it.

Become One Of Us: [info]luxelife_mod

[05 Mar 2008|04:50pm]
[info]celebritysuites via [info]celeb_checkin
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[05 Mar 2008|05:05pm]
[info]originate Jennifer Tilly, Matt Sorum, Linda Perry, Tom DiCillo, Helen Mirren, Scout Taylor-Compton, Rhona Mitra, some L Word girls...
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[05 Mar 2008|05:48pm]
[info]familyname Lots and lots of families with plenty of roles open.
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[05 Mar 2008|05:53pm]
[info]thebigeasy via [info]rouler
A new pb community based around a record label in New Orleans!

Info - Holds - Application - Rules
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[05 Mar 2008|05:54pm]
Looking for co-mods for celeb community that caters to people of color and those associated. The idea is to not have a main mod since everyone has a life outside this server, and also, the responsibility is a bit much. Myself and another writer are willing to co-mod/assist from the jump, and we already have [info]hiphop as the mod journal. PM me at this journal if you are interested. Thank you.
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[05 Mar 2008|05:57pm]
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[05 Mar 2008|06:20pm]
jimmy kimmel [info]corbis
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[05 Mar 2008|06:46pm]
Would any community out there be interested in having an Adrien Brody around?
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[05 Mar 2008|07:02pm]
cameron diaz, orlando bloom, jake gyllenhaal
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Where my Biotches at? [05 Mar 2008|07:52pm]
Leah Remini, Jenny McCarthy, Loni Love, and Chuy to [info]spittingimage NOW!
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[05 Mar 2008|08:10pm]
[info]thebellagio via [info]thefoyer

Welcome to the Bellagio Hotel, a Las Vegas Hotel based on Bellagio, Italy, opened in 1998 on the site of the demolished Dunes Hotel and boasts a five diamond reputation. Not only is this hotel one of the most divine, it holds 3,933 rooms, casinos, nightclubs, restaurants, shops, spas and above all, it is the home of Cirque de soleil production on “O”. Those who work here are fortunate enough to experience a career working with the finest of everything, catering for the upper class and experience a fast moving, exciting world of hospitality. Only the very best are employed to walk the halls, tend the phones, serve the best food and attend to customer needs, appearance is everything and maintaining a high quality of customer service is the most important at all. Providing an excellent service means being paid well, anything less and you’ll be shown the door.

Currently taking holds!
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[05 Mar 2008|08:17pm]
[info]nobu anne hathaway, zooey deschanel, liv tyler, dane cook!
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[05 Mar 2008|08:38pm]


As it is known to mankind now when death grips a lifeform they perish and are sent into the earth where they will reincarnate into something beautiful and provide the world with the always looping circles of life and death. But, what if those always interlocking circles were bent and broken apart leaving the Valley of the Light forever separated from the Land of the Dead never to continue on the chain reactions of life, death and reincarnation. However this does leave the question: Where does one go when they die if these linked circles are torn apart? A question that has a solution only known to those who have passed on to see their new land.

Enter the Netherworld.

A sub-world once connected to the state of the living, the Netherworld is an area with many realms all connected to each other by strange portals. Although the Netherworld in itself is mostly a neutral land, there are certain realms that seem to be more of a threat than the others. It is true that to be in this world one must be dead and therefore shouldn't have the need for fear of any things that could be even remotely ominous - but with death comes fear and with fear comes pain. Dead one might be, food you may not need but even in the Netherworld blood and pain are as real as the living.

There are four different realms joined together in the Netherworld, each one with their own creatures native to its grounds - it is up to those in the realms to decided for themselves which creatures are friend and which are foe. Judge not by their looks entirely for such things can be deceiving. Shelter can be found if you look hard enough in areas such as caves, and holes. They can even be built if one is creative enough to try. Food and drink are not necessities in the Netherworld as there is no hunger to be felt. There is only one large difference between the living and the dead carried into the Netherworld - the dead have no hearts. The similarities are as simple as if one is cut they will bleed and feel pain. Cold and warm tempuratures have effects on the dead although it is minor. Injuries sustained in death are carried over into the Netherworld as permanent scars.

There is but one rule to the land that allows you to pass through realms so freely: the dead cannot visit the land of the living under any circumstances. The living may, however, visit the dead. Perhaps - if one is lucky enough to be called by the living for a meeting, that is.

The Game is now Opened

&joining and other information;
The taken characters list is (here). The application list is (here).
The requested characters list is (here). The realms list is (here).
The Friend-Add command is (here). The FAQs is (here).

All HOLDS are requested in the comments at the Application.
Please read the FAQ before applying.
This is a Multi-Fandom role play with an at least 18 years of age limit.

[info]netherworld . [info]netherworldooc . [info]netherworldmod
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[05 Mar 2008|08:57pm]


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[05 Mar 2008|09:07pm]
PSL, anyone?
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[05 Mar 2008|09:13pm]
Looking for a small town game with more than a movie theatre for entertainment? Come to Kauai!

[info]hanalei_town || [info]bali_hai || [info]hanalei_ooc || [info]talk_story


We're looking for PBs of all types, but have a few storylines in mind for older ones, if anyone is game.
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Celebrity Roleplay [05 Mar 2008|09:40pm]
[info]spittingimage via [info]copycatt

Here is an abridged version of our Wanted List. This list was put together by our current members. Our community is based on interaction and many of these characters are wanted by several of our members. We guarantee that you will have someone to roleplay with all the time. We have weekly writing challenges as well so it is fun to write.

Wanted Males (this is a shorter list)
Eric Bana
Hayden Christensen
TR Knight
Jude Law
James McAvoy
Dominic Monaghan
Chad Michael Murray
Cillian Murphy
Clive Owen
Mark Wahlberg

Wanted Females (shorter list)
Kirsten Dunst
Erica Durence
Schuyler Fisk
Anne Hathaway
Nicole Kidman
Gwyneth Paltrow
Piper Perabo
Natalie Portman
Leah Remini
Catherine Zeta-Jones

Bold indicates the person is wanted by several of our members.

Please come check us out! As I have said, we guarantee you will be interacting with our current members and as our wanted list was put together by our current members, you will have a co-star or someone your character knows to interact with.

Thank you!
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[05 Mar 2008|10:11pm]
[info]nycdotcom, we would love to have you.
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[05 Mar 2008|10:16pm]
i'm still/again/always looking for a psl or even a community line. anyone up for it?
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[05 Mar 2008|10:32pm]
[info]representation Amy Sedaris, André Benjamin, Bill Hader, Dax Shepard, Jack McBrayer, Janeane Garofalo, Jason Sudeikis, Jenna Fischer, John Krasinski, Kristen Wiig, Rashida Jones, Seth Meyers, Will Forte
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[05 Mar 2008|10:36pm]

Prague. A wonderful city, beautiful in all of it's splendor. Though what the general public doesn't know... can hurt them. In the heart of the beautiful city lies the true nature. Vampires, werewolves, necromancers, and shapeshifters, not to mention a whole bunch more of other species, that clearly aren't human any longer. They've been there for a long time. They aren't going to leave, and even though their history spans longer than the city it's self, things are just getting started. The Mathias werewolf pack, and the Isline vampire coven have just recently made themselves a peace treaty. No one knows how long its going to last, and even if it will last. The Baltimore Syndicate members are becoming so greedy in their lust for domination that they chose to ignore the rise of members in the Lolea clan. The hunters are getting restless too. Everyone feels a shift in their world, and are slowly reacting to it. Even if only subconciously. It'll all come to a stopping hault soon, but no one knows who's going to end up the victor. Even if there is going to be a victor. Only time will tell.

the history. the creatures. the rules. the places.
the characters. the played bys. application. the contacts.
the mathias pack. the isline coven. the necromancer's guild.
the balitmore syndicate. the lolea clan. the humans. those without a group.
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[05 Mar 2008|10:57pm]
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[05 Mar 2008|11:08pm]
Strawberry Hills:

We're a regular community but with only ONE supernatural twist...
Death works at the library and no one realizes it.
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Jared and Shannon Need A Home [05 Mar 2008|11:14pm]
I'm searching for a community/home for my Jared Leto and a friends Shannon Leto. Anyone know of any good/active communities out there that need both? Thanks!
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[05 Mar 2008|11:24pm]
Have you ever played a character and loved them, only to lose them when a game ended, or game politics made it impossible for you to play there any longer? If yes, then [info]theisle is for you. We want your former pups. Any fandom. Originals too.

Everyone has a home at [info]theisle!

More Info | Taken/Held | The Rules | Apply

[info]theisle | [info]theisleooc
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[05 Mar 2008|11:26pm]
Angela Bettis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Josh Holloway, Jorge Garcia, Matthew Fox, Noah Segan, Josh Janowicz, Nora Zehetner, Seth Green, Tom Hanks, Johnny Depp, Liam Neeson, Famke Janssen, Hugh Dancy, Marc Blucas, Shiri Appleby, among others! You all have co-stars and friends who are looking for you over @ [info]representation - [info]originate
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[05 Mar 2008|11:59pm]
[info]corbis, A lover I don't have to love.
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