Hanalei Town RPG - The Storyline Community

User: [info]briadams
Date: 2009-05-23 12:20
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Hey Guys....so I'm thinking of bringing in another character here.
However integral to her plot would be an aunt or uncle she'd be coming to Hanalei to stay with....
She's all of 20 and really it would just need to be a decently responsible type for her to stay with.... Yes I realize that at that age she's technically an adult but go with it=) what I'm asking is does anyone over here have a character that might fit that description for her? or want one?

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User: [info]awilde
Date: 2009-05-18 18:04
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Hii. Addison here was just accepted into the storyline. She was born and raised on the island, co-owns an art gallery with her father in Princeville. She spends her days there and her nights bartending at Tahiti Nui and if your character works there, I'd love to work out a line! Or any lines for that matter, let's plot! Her information is located here. I can be reached on AIM @ iove bipoiar. Looking forward to playing with everyone!

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User: [info]leiornellas
Date: 2009-05-18 11:07
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Hey fellow Hawaiians, this is Leialoha Ornellas, but everyone around the island calls her Lei. She's a native to Hanalei, sister of Makani and Keilani, a bartender at Tahiti Nui, etc. I will hopefully do a better storyline post after I tweak her up a little bit, but in the meantime throw me what you got! Her bio is in her journal and should be public!

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User: [info]tvasser
Date: 2009-05-17 23:30
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Hey everyone. I'm Ri and this here is Tristan Vasser. He is a New York native, but has been living in Hanalei for three and a half years. He's a college drop-out who works, more or less, at his fathers law firm. He travels between homes but is rooted mostly here in Hanalei. Tristan is a very loving person in his own unique way but has his quirks just like everyone else. He may appear a bit shy at first but thats just because he likes to observe before acting.
Tristan's favorite stress relief and pass time is hitting up the shooting range; he's a real advocate for owning guns. He also enjoys reading, Harlan Coben being one of his favorite authors. He's the perfect listener and always eager to fix problems, but sometimes lets his possessive and selfish side interfere with his advise and feelings towards other people.

I've got a fairly decent bio up right now, not quite satisfied with its end result but it'll have to suffice for the time being, so check that out for additional info. I would love to start plotting and getting some real awesome ideas in, so please please please feel free to IM me on rimixx me. Or you could just comment/PM me... Whatever you deem easiest.

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Sidney posting in Hanalei Town RPG - The Storyline Community
User: [info]sidneyk
Date: 2009-05-15 20:15
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Hey! I'm Haley and I'm bringing in Sidney Kennedy. She was here once before but that was many moons ago. :D
She's 25 and a school teacher, third grade to be exact. Her family used to vacation in Hanalei and after graduating, she decided to move after being accepted for the teaching position. She's highly intelligent, and loves a good laugh. Sideny's only had one serious relationship that ended shortly before she got her Master's. I'm not really sure what else to say about her, but feel free to ask anything that you wish.

Her journal's open and he biography's up. Her screen name is wrong kennedy if you'd like to IM me for plotting :]

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User: [info]nconig
Date: 2009-05-14 18:32
Subject: badaboombuh on AIM!
Security: Public

Hey everyone! I'm Kat, and this guy just got accepted to the game, so I figure it's time to work out some lines for him! He's one of [info]conigs's older brothers, the 26 year old one, and he's just been recently discharged from the Navy. He moved to Honolulu to keep tabs on his sister, since he knows she's kind of known for getting herself into trouble. Plus, and he'd never ever admit this, he missed her. Even if she does drive him fucking crazy!

Nicky's a generally good guy, and he's a lifeguard at the beach, so there's always the possibility of running into him there at some point. Umm, he's always up for having fun and meeting new people, so feel free to jump right into one of his posts or anything like that. He's a pretty friendly guy.

His full bio/personality stuff is up here, so feel free to take a look! I'm excited to be here! =)


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User: [info]noelanii
Date: 2009-05-13 19:05
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Heeey! I've just been accepted with this girl, Noelani Silva. She's a local and has lived in Hawaii all her life, but she's been in Hanalei since seven-ish. Kindergarten was in Pearl Harbor, first grade was in Hanalei with her mother who was born there. So yes, she's another Navy brat. In fact that's where she met her current roommate and best friend Samantha.

Noel works as a lifeguard and adores her job. When she isn't working she's usually with friends drinking beer, swimming or surfing, in reverse order. Noel is a bit of trouble. She was a total hell raiser when she was younger, but by high school she kinda got her act together. Noel is outgoing and friendly but she can also be abrasive, loud, jealous, and she really has a short temper (she's working on it and it has gotten better.) While she's pretty friendly (until pissed off) she only has a really small group of close friends, maybe a few more acquaintances, and probably some other people that she can't stand for various reasons or blew up at and never quite got over it.

Most days she's trying to make sure her roommate doesn't drown in all her drama, otherwise she's in the water. That's the short, scattered version. Her bio and personality are up and open!

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User: [info]kieranstips
Date: 2009-05-13 19:36
Subject: Intro
Security: Public

Hello all, I bring you Kieran. I am looking to fill up his brother crew, though I got one down. Matthew spot and hopefully he will be apping in soon. Kieran is a great guy, fun to play and play with. Loves to eat, cook, surf, and is about as predictable as the wind. Looking forward to playing with everyone.

kmcrian - aim


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User: [info]conigs
Date: 2009-05-11 19:32
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Hi! I just applied for this girl, Samantha Coniglierro. She's been living in Hanalei for the last four years, after dropping out of the University of Hawaii, with her best friend, Noelani (who's coming in!) She's 24, a waitress at The Hanalei Dolphin, and she was raised on the Naval base since she was eight years old. She's a Navy brat, her fathers a Captain, and she has two older brothers! (One that's coming in, and another that's needed =])

Anyway, a little about Sam! She's...a jerk magnet. She makes baaaaaaaaaddd decisions, and most of the time under the influence of alcohol. She's been screwed over more times than she could count, and she keeps making the same stupid mistakes. But she just hasn't grown up yet. She likes having a good time, so when she's not working, she's out having parties, constantly. She swims and is always tanning (or attempting), and is always seen in a bikini or dolled up to go somewhere. She says what she wants, can be really sweet and fun and is a GREAT friend, but on the other hand, some might find her a little slutty and sometimes a brat. She's the baby of her family, and the princess! It's not her fault..hehe.

And so! People will know her, because she's been around. So what do you have for me? I can be found on AIM at team dazzled. OH! By the way, I'm Katie! I'm super excited to be coming into the game (hopefully), we've got a bunch others coming in with other characters, too!

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User: [info]levalle
Date: 2009-05-10 21:30
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

I'm bringing in this cute gal here. Her name is Anna. She's 25, and she's lived on the island for her entire life. She's the best of the best with Web, and she's a loud mouthed angel or pain in the royal rear, depending on what you think of someone who always tells it like it is. She has a heart of gold, but she can't seem to maintain a romantic relationship to save her life, so I'm sure she'll have an ex or two. As for friends, because of her outright bluntness, she probably does better with guys as opposed to gals, but I'd like for her to have a couple of close girlfriends, too. Her family isn't overly present in her life because of their own hang-ups, so those that she chooses to have close to her definitely become family as much as possible.

I'm open for anything, so if you have ideas, let me know! There's a brief bio up in her journal for backstory purposes if you'd like to take a peek. I look very forward to writing with everyone.

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my journal
May 2009