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ic: network/scenes/plot posts

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[05 Aug 2014|12:06am]
Who: Nanaki + open + where the cadets at!
What: Advance study? Group study? Pretend study?
Where: Library
When: Monday evening
Warnings: Shhhh!

Nanaki suppressed a yawn, rubbed an eye and rested his cheek as he watched the cursor hypnotically blink, blink, blink... )

This just in! [05 Aug 2014|07:54am]
The anti-Garden group known as the Cultivators have grown so bold as to spread their message in the town of Balamb. These posters have been plastered all over lamp posts, local bulletin boards and the sides of buildings for the better part of a week. Additionally, the ad space of several popular websites have been cluttered with this banner.

At 12:31 A.M. a volatile meeting between one of the protesters and a Balamb business owner, rather understandably in support of Garden for all the business it affords him, results in blows. The morning news will be awash with coverage. As far as the Cultivators are concerned such altercations prove their point exactly -- that violence begets violence with Garden as its primary source.

((OOC: Thank you to Suzy for the propaganda posters! ♥))

If I get busy then I couldn't care less what you do [05 Aug 2014|08:18am]
Who: Setzer and Kadowaki and OPEN
Where: Cafeteria
When: Early evening
Warnings: None, for now :D

'I never cheat,' he said, holding up a finger, 'that is a promise.'  )

Put to rest what you thought of me [05 Aug 2014|08:42am]
Who: Rinoa and Edea
Where: The southern shoreline of Balamb
When: Afternoon, after these messages

But Rinoa couldn't run forever, and there was only one person in this world she could talk to about all of this. )

[Seifer] [05 Aug 2014|04:46pm]
It appears that several of the staff are questioning the wisdom of my presence here. I trust the Commander's judgment in this matter, but it may be decided that it is best I keep my distance from Garden for security. If that is the case, I'd like to see you before I go.

There's so much I want to say

But it's okay if that isn't possible. I understand.

[05 Aug 2014|05:20pm]
I finally remembered to do this Two things:

1.) Choose a day between Wednesday to Friday, 3:30PM for your x-ray.
2.) Edea came and talked to me the other night. We talked about you. What does she know about your arm and your encounter with the HD?
3.) I lied, there are three things. I hope you're no longer frothing in the mouth.

Mognet - [Public] [05 Aug 2014|08:10pm]
Good grief. The things one misses while on authorized leave.

I am sorely disappointed in the tasteless content people have posted on Mognet of late. The Commander has already covered much of what I have to say on the matter. I will say this, though: I expect better from people than this. I expect the individuals here to be able to express their opinions in a tasteful manner, regardless of what those opinions may be.

For example, I am of the opinion that the Cultivators have a poor understanding of the value of Garden and what having an organization like SeeD around can mean for those who have no other options. I am not implying that violent action should be taken against them, or getting into crass discussions of their looks, or what they do with other consenting adults behind closed doors.

I believe it's important for people to have the ability to express themselves, but when the benefits of such a thing are exceeded by the problems, one has to question the value of Mognet. Anonymity is a privilege, not a right. I hope that going forward, people will use the service more appropriately so that the privilege of anonymity does not need to be revoked.

If any of my students have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me a message or schedule a one on one meeting with me.

[05 Aug 2014|09:57pm]
Hi Punkins!

I'm bored tonight, so we're going to play a game! It's 'a getting to know each other' game. I know, I know we all know each other and have all been here for forever. I don't care! We're going to play anyway.

So, here's how the game works. You comment below with your name and I'll ask you a question about a 'first' of yours. Something like who was your first kiss, where did you go on your first date, what was your first impression of me. Others can ask you too! I'll also comment below, so you guys can ask me stuff as well!

((ooc: it's like a meme, but ic, because Lil is bored and an internet junkie and she loves you))

MOGNET - [Squall Moombahart] [05 Aug 2014|09:59pm]

OOC: So obviously not Cloud, but I like the icon so.

Public Post [05 Aug 2014|10:55pm]
Oh my God. Violence isn't the answer? Why didn't anyone tell me! This knowledge would have saved me sooo many years of hardship. I can't wait to give the next T-Rexaur that tries to eat me on my morning commute the peace sign. Since apparently that's all I need. I wonder what I'll do with all that money I'd usually spend on ammunition. Maybe I'll take up stamp collecting.

[ viewing | August 5th, 2014 ]
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