Monday, May 31st, 2021

Drabble Day 2021: Masterlist

Hello darlings, we hope you've caught up on some sleep! We assume after her little meltdown, Alexis is not up to presenting this year's Masterlist, so-


Of course! You have been wonderful. We totally understand that 24 hours is a lot, especially when that time-stretching magic kicks in.

Yes, and I probably should have read the brief before accepting the gig, but it was boring and anyway, I'm fine now! David and I have been catching up on drabbles-

My dad has been mansplaining the concept of band AUs-

Mom has been really sweet, which is, like, bizarre-

And of course Twyla has been really helpful. Isn't she the sweetest?

That's awesome. So you're up to the demanding task of presenting a really basic 24-item list?


Alright, drabblers! You have just been SO creative these 24 hours and I am super-impressed with your immersive experience curating powers! I do have a few notes about broadening your audience base and maybe embracing the fact that we live in an Instagram world and your content is not optimally leveraged on an obsolete text-based platform... [Ahem. Alexis?] BUT I am told this is not the time for highly necessary brand invigoration, so whatevs! Let's talk TikTok later.

But now, for easier reference in your reading/commenting pleasure, here is your Masterlist for Drabble Day 2021! Just click on the individual links for each hour and enjoy your catch-up!

Hour 1: Quest

Hour 2: Curse

Hour 3: Superstition

Hour 4: Tangled

Hour 5: Fairy

Hour 6: Labyrinth and Grimoire

Hour 7: Heroine

Hour 8: Fates

Hour 9: Mirror

Hour 10: Armour

Hour 11: Runes

Hour 12: Chimera and Wish

Hour 13: Steed

Hour 14: Castle

Hour 15: Sacrifice and Poison

Hour 16: Monster

Hour 17: Siege

Hour 18: Ring

Hour 19: Ensorcelled

Hour 20: Trials

Hour 21: Orphan

Hour 22: Spell

Hour 23: Djinn and Oracle

Hour 24: Happily Ever After

Thank you! Tallies and announcements may take a little bit while your mods catch up on boring crap like sleep and work and eating. And dive back into all the drabbles they missed in between!

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Wednesday, April 28th, 2021

A Very Important Announcement

Greetings, oh drabblers and dreamers, creators of stories and lovers of... what do you call it... fanfic? It is I, Hermes, herald of the Gods, here with a message from your Overlords:

"Beware the 29th of May."


I think that's it.

*looks at back of paper*

No, nothing there. Just "beware the 29th of May."

Well, that's not very informative, is it. I swear, sometimes the Divine can be so vague. Is Zeus planning to wreak havoc upon the world of mortals? Are the gates of Hades to burst open allowing the souls of the dead to spill out? Or is it just going to rain and get your head a bit damp? I DON'T KNOW. I'm just the messenger.

All I can advise is that you don't make any plans for the weekend of May 29th, because Something Will Happen and Things Will Change.

Hermes, out!
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Monday, March 30th, 2020

Drabble Day 2020: Masterlist

Hey Rosa, are you feeling any better?

We'll take that as a yes. Anyway, thanks for your help yesterday, and for putting together this Masterlist - great job!

...okay. Would you like to present it, as well?

Fair enough. So we were going to present it ourselves, but apparently someone took it upon themselves to check it over, and-

Look, just make Amy do the thing. She's spent all night doing her own version.

How? It's a basic list of 24 items!

Dunno. Apparently she did "research" for it. I suspect she spent all night reading drabbles. Just make her do the rest of this, k?

Okay then! Amy, would you like to take over the task of presenting - and we cannot stress this enough - a laughably basic reference list of 24 items?

Alright, drabblers! I have done the research, I have compiled the list, I MAY have submitted several versions with colour-coded sections and different categorisations (by fandom, by genre, by rating, etc.), including several charts about lockdown participation increase ratios, likelihood of crack versus lateness of hour and several other very interesting statistical facts...

Amy? Can we just have the list?

-BUT certain mods informed me that was not relevant, requested, or sane, so fine.

Dear drabblers, for easier reference in your reading/commenting pleasure, here is your Masterlist (are you sure that shouldn't be two words? I went through your archives and wondered that every year... AMY. okay, okay!) for Drabble Day 2020!

Hour 1: Plane

Hour 2: Community

Hour 3: Cold

Hour 4: Infectious

Hour 5: Healing

Hour 6: Curve

Hour 7: Wash

Hour 8: Flatten

Hour 9: Research

Hour 10: Fever

Hour 11: Toilet paper

Hour 12: Spread

Hour 13: Delivery

Hour 14: Isolation

Hour 15: Face

Hour 16: Hoarding

Hour 17: Crisis

Hour 18: Test

Hour 19: Travel

Hour 20: Breathe

Hour 21: Symptom

Hour 22: Hands

Hour 23: Cure

Hour 24: Distance

Please click on the individual links for each hour. I really wanted to do a carefully structured list that would itemise every single drabble, with sub-headers for multiples or series, plus footnotes, but again, I had my sanity questioned by the mods and also Rosa. Ingrates.

So, enjoy your catch-up! In the meantime, I am going to compile a kick-ass and comprehensive application for the job of presenting the awards post. Yay!

Uh... we don't really take applications for that? We sort of just go by who's free and seems competent- you know what? Knock yourself out.

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Tuesday, May 21st, 2019

Drabble Day 2019: Masterlist

Hello there.

The mods said since it was only thanks to us that Drabble Day went so smoothly...

[I believe our exact words were "since you have done absolutely nothing useful so far..."] is only appropriate that we should present the Masterlist to you! We worked all night on it.

[How? It's literally a small list of links?]


[... really, April? You had ONE JOB. Andy, could you?]

Yup, I 1000% got it!

Right! Cool! So here's a list of all the hours, so you can, like, easily find all the *squints at script* cool period pieces - heh, cool, like tampons?

[Not that kind of period, Andy.]

Oh, right. And also all the feels...

...complex relationships...

...strong women...

...fandom love...

...and fandom rage...

April: And the pizza.

So here's the Masterlist for easier reference if you want to revisit or you know, whatever! Please click on the hourly links for your reading pleasure.

Hour 1: Surprised and Worried
Hour 2: Guilty and Geeky
Hour 3: Pleased and Thirsty
Hour 4: Impressed and Apathetic
Hour 5: Mischievous and Sleepy
Hour 6: Flirty and Bored
Hour 7: Touched and Predatory
Hour 8: Amused and Crushed
Hour 9: Listless and Nostalgic
Hour 10: Contemplative and Devious
Hour 11: Shocked and Yearning
Hour 12: Drunk and Ditzy
Hour 13: Restless and Uncomfortable
Hour 14: Quixotic and Rejuvenated
Hour 15: Cranky and Embarrassed
Hour 16: Confused and Enthralled
Hour 17: Vicious and Optimistic
Hour 18: Enraged and Cynical
Hour 19: Lonely and Zealous
hour 20: Jubilant and Hungry

Thanks, you guys. Real life is rudely intruding upon your mods, but a final results and accolades post is coming SOON.

That will absolutely not happen, but thank you, April.
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Friday, January 26th, 2018

Drabble Day 2018 - And So It Begins

*taps mic*

Welcome, welcome, welcome to the 2018 Drabble Day!

Read more... )
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Sunday, January 21st, 2018

Save the date for Drabble Day!


Starting at 11pm GMT on Friday, 26 January, you are menacingly cordially invited to participate in 24 hours of drabbling madness. (Yes, we decided that 12 hours was not quite mad enough and have returned to our usual format). As in previous years, drabbles will be limited to exactly 100 words and will be accepted for all pairings and all fandoms.

Time zones are as follows:
US midwest (CST): 26 Jan, 5pm - 27 Jan, 5pm
US/Canada East Coast (EST): 26 Jan, 6pm - 27 Jan, 6pm
UK (GMT): 26 Jan, 11pm - 27 Jan, 11pm
Europe (CET): 26 Jan, midnight - 27 Jan, midnight (i.e. starting 24:00 Friday or 00:00 if you're counting from Saturday)
NZ (NZST): 27 Jan, noon - 28 Jan, noon

Another post announcing the rules and this year's theme will be coming soon.* In the meantime, have a hint and also an annoying earworm:

Hope to see you all there! \o/

*Just as soon as we've relearned how the hell banners and IJ work.
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Saturday, October 15th, 2016

An Important Message From Your Overlords


For that's the day the madness will begin...

(Only a little madness. We promise.*)

Commencing at the precise hour of 11:00 GMT on 4th November, and continuing until 23:00 GMT on that same date, twelve hours of drabbling shall take place. You are each expected to create a drabble each hour on an appropriate topic related to an assigned prompt.** The Overlords Mods shall announce said prompt at the start of each hour.***

As in previous years, drabbles will be limited to exactly 100 words and will be accepted for all pairings and all fandoms. However, in a slight deviation from previous years, Drabble Day entries may be submitted after the actual event. You may submit drabbles on designated topics until 10:59 GMT on 5th November.****

Further announcements will be made in the upcoming days. Remember, remember the date.

And remember: We are watching.*****

*Promises are not a guarantee of literal guarantees. The mods are fully indemnified in the case of any injury resulting from madness that may occur and no refunds shall be made due to any instances of temporary or permanent madness. The Overlords Mods may institute, encourage and/or reward madness in any form as they may see fit.

**All participation is strictly voluntary. We promise.

***More or less. Unless we are late.

****See, we promised only a little madness!

*****Things we are currently watching include Parks & Recreation, Orphan Black, The Legend of Korra, and Empire, among others.
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Tuesday, September 29th, 2015

Reminder: Drabble Day is coming!


Drabble Day is this coming Saturday! Timezones are here and your mods are definitely totally on top of planning everything! *shifty eyes* We'll post a reminder of the posting guidelines and introduce the theme a day or so before.

So don't forget to stack up on your favourite snacks, beverages, method of caffeine consumption, music, fanvids, and whatever else gets your muse in the mood. Can't wait to see what you'll all come up with!

[Banner inspired by Karen Gillan's 15 Second Shakespeare, which everyone should definitely watch.]
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Sunday, September 20th, 2015

Drabble Day 2015: Come One, Come All!

Hello shiny people! It's been a few years, but remember when we all went insane for 24 hours and furiously churned out a truly impressive word count in drabbles whilst running purely on caffeine and fandom sparkle?

Well, we're doing it again:

The challenge will start on Saturday, 3 October at noon (12pm) GMT and run for 24 hours. I think the correct times for some of the various time zones are as follows, but it's entirely possible I'm off somewhere (especially since it's mostly 4 October for Oz and NZ and we have daylight savings coming up, argh), so please double-check your time zone is correct in relation to GMT:

4am PST
6am CST
7am EST
12pm GMT
1pm CET
10pm AEST
12am NZST

As in previous years, we'll be accepting drabbles for all pairings, all fandoms, all ratings, absolutely anything you can think of - pretty much our only rule will be that a drabble = 100 words precisely.

We'll be posting closer to the time with a reminder of posting guidelines etc., and to announce the theme (we think you'll like it ;)).

Hope you can all join us for at least part of the madness!
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