Welcome to Ivalice

things happen every day that don’t make sense… Or do these strange occurrences make sense to you? Are you one of those ‘in the know’? Or are your eyes just being opened to the world being more than you thought it was?
Or maybe, you’ve always known. Always known that those houses in Brooklyn that have black out curtains on them are because vampires live there, that the remarkable hospital in Manhattan has a doctor that can cure the most dangerous wounds with nothing more than the touch of his hands, or that the auto repair shop in the Bronx has a tech who can actually talk to your car…

Have you noticed the divisions between your world and theirs? The world that doesn't know about those who have abilities? The normals? Have you noticed that those divisions only seem to be getting worse?

Are you ready to build a whole new world?

Join us along our journey of superpowers, supernatural, witchcraft and more through three roughly 1-year long each interconnected plot arcs - starting in NYC, the Bronx in particular - to explore the world and your Original Characters as you never have before through mod run and structured overarching plot, character investigation events, social events, battle events, side quests, player created events and more!

October 2021


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Posts Tagged: '%21communication:+bronx+network'

May. 18th, 2021



[Bronx Network: Public]

Back and town and ready to party this weekend, what's up and who's down?

May. 5th, 2021



[Bronx Powered Network: Posted as TechWiz]

Anyone wanna play a game? Bored.

Fuck, Marry, Kill? Would you rather? What's people's deal?

Apr. 8th, 2021



[Bronx Network]

[Possibly a misfire...]

Those focain* things! They've left me shop a bloody mess!


Apr. 3rd, 2021



Network, Three Musketeers

[Bronx Network]

Spring has arrived. My windows were coated in gold this morning, made it look like the entire city had turned to gold.

[Three Musketeers: Cliff & Luke]

Boys night?

Feb. 11th, 2021



[Bronx Network: Public]

[Posted to Bronx Network]

[TW: marijuana]

Y'all, don't leave ya edibles out. If your pets eat them it can give you one hell of a scare and leave them very uncomfortable at best. If ya fur, scaly or other baby gets in ya stash bring them in and get them checked out unless they've only had a very small amount.

Here's a funny story from the internet to help explain what you'll go through if ya cat eats ya edible:
A bunch of pictures )

Feb. 3rd, 2021



[No Subject]

[Filtered to: Bronx Network]

What's a sure fire way to warm up on a cold winter's day? Hot Yoga at The Arches! 6:30PM every Thursday this month. Come get your sweat on!

Jan. 31st, 2021



[Posted to: Bronx Network, Powered Network, Public, and Encrypted Texts]

[Filtered: Bronx Network - Posted by: D. Zaragoza]

Special this week on tires, buy 3 get the 4th free on a winter set for your vehicle down at Zaragoza's automotive.

General reminder for those who drive, if you're cold, the animals outside are too and they'll be looking for warmth. Be careful to check your vehicle for animals huddling in for warmth before starting to drive.

[Filtered: Powers Network - Posted by: TechWiz]
Anyone know a good discreet travel deal for a weekend get away?

[Filtered: Public (anyone in NYC can see)]
The snow can stop any time, right?

[Encrypted Text: ~ Hel baby 💜~ ]
Hey baby~ 💜💜💜💜💜

[Encrypted Text: Ivy~ 💚]
Hey, make sure anyone who looks like they really need a cheap replacement bulb or wipers gets them complimentary this week, yeah?

Oct. 5th, 2020



001; 🎹

What's your favorite scary movie?

Oct. 2nd, 2020



[All in Spanish.]

The moon remains full, and I expect to hear howling tonight, or I shall be disappointed.


Duendecillo massacred five mice in the laundry room this morning. I'm thinking he deserves a tuna steak tonight.

Sep. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Happy Bi-Visibility Day to all my fellow bisexuals! 💙💜💖 Remember, you are valid and it is not a phase.

Please appreciate the flowers my boyfriend got me in celebration of this day! )