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stay classy, divierto

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[28 Dec 2009|12:10am]
okay, for real. my boyfriend and i are at each of our parent's house for christmas break. when we're at school we're together a majority of the time, or enough to not have a desire or need to hear from the other via text/calling when we're not together. but when we're at our parents' we don't really see each other ever unless we specifically plan to hang out. i like to text him every once in a while, maybe just to tell him something, see what he's up to, say hi, just to keep up with him and let him know i'm thinking of him. but he will never do the same in return. if i didn't initiate communication i don't think i would hear from him at all. i don't want/need to be on the phone all day but even a simple text message or a 5 minute phone call would suffice.

it just bothers me that i become seemingly non-existant to him when we're not together, is that wrong of me? i can't tell if i'm being too clingy or if this is a legitimate complaint. what do you think? how often do you talk to your significant other when you're apart?
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[28 Dec 2009|12:28am]
I can't sleep, someone tell me a bedtime story.
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inspired by all the sex posts [28 Dec 2009|12:38am]
how old were ya'll when you lost your virginity?
i was 19
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[28 Dec 2009|12:52am]
stars in our eyes we having a good time?
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[28 Dec 2009|01:01am]
Two things:

1. Has anyone bought a Smartphone from Wal*Mart? If so, pros/cons?
(Btw, I know Wal*Mart is a horrible place, blahblah, I just want to know)

2. My sister asked me this question the other day: "Would you eat a strangers poop to save their life?"

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[28 Dec 2009|01:04am]
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[28 Dec 2009|01:05am]
lol what is going on tonight?
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[28 Dec 2009|01:11am]
do any of you have experience in teaching french? i'm considering going abroad as a teacher in paris if peace corps doesn't work out but i wanted to hear some good/bad stories first.
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[28 Dec 2009|01:16am]

show me your tats!
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[28 Dec 2009|01:29am]
mom can you pick me up i'm scared
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[28 Dec 2009|01:52am]
stars in our eyes cause we're having a good time!!!
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[28 Dec 2009|01:56am]

great president or greatest president?
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[28 Dec 2009|01:56am]
you just lost the game
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[28 Dec 2009|01:59am]
THE GAME you just lost it.
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[28 Dec 2009|02:00am]
you just won the game.
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[28 Dec 2009|02:01am]
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
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[28 Dec 2009|02:03am]
lick my motherfukcing cock all balls and cock just lick that motherfucking cock lick my motherfukcing cock all balls and cock just lick that motherfucking cock yeah just like that lick my motherfukcing cock all balls and cock just lick that motherfucking cock lick my motherfukcing cock all balls and cock just lick that motherfucking cock yeah just like that
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[28 Dec 2009|02:05am]
Tell me about the best experience you've ever had high!
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[28 Dec 2009|02:06am]
What's your favorite Marilyn Manson song?
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[28 Dec 2009|02:07am]
I think I'd like to convey my feelings about div right now through this:

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[28 Dec 2009|02:17am]
What's your favorite MAC makeup?
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[28 Dec 2009|02:22am]
guys what should I eat? I'm soooo hungry but I don't know what I want!
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[28 Dec 2009|02:30am]
How do you think Obama did in his first year as president?
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[28 Dec 2009|02:36am]
does anyone know where i can watch the green day documentary? i've looked everywhere and all the links that work are either the boys are back or the movie trailer.
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[28 Dec 2009|02:39am]
I just lost my virginity a week ago and it was SO BAD. Tell me your bad sex stories!
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[28 Dec 2009|02:42am]
I'm so high right now and I'm listening to John Nolan and Jesse Lacey. So good. What are you up to?
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[28 Dec 2009|02:55am]
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[28 Dec 2009|02:55am]
you just lost the game
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[28 Dec 2009|02:55am]
you just lost the game
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[28 Dec 2009|02:55am]
you just lost the game
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[28 Dec 2009|02:56am]
you just lost the game
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[28 Dec 2009|02:59am]
그냥 게임을 잃었
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[28 Dec 2009|03:05am]
does anyone want to see a picture?
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[28 Dec 2009|03:15am]
Inviting Jeff was the worst mistake of my life.
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[28 Dec 2009|03:20am]
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[28 Dec 2009|03:21am]
can we please post pictures of lady gaga? i'm forgetting what her face looks like.
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[28 Dec 2009|03:22am]
if I drink coke and eat mentos, will I explode?
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[28 Dec 2009|03:23am]
i was doing this girl last night and she kept watching tv. it was a home shopping network sale for purses. why are girls so distracted by purses and shiny things?
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[28 Dec 2009|03:37am]
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[28 Dec 2009|03:49am]
let's all give [info]servant a round of applause for being the best [info]baked ever.

who is your favourite person to impersonate?
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[28 Dec 2009|03:55am]
you just lost the game
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[28 Dec 2009|03:59am]
the new room is called dnw considering we got invaded

i'm sorry guys, inviting him was A MISTAKE
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I'M DOIN IT WRONG LOL [28 Dec 2009|04:00am]
you just lost the game
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[28 Dec 2009|04:29am]
what happened to div

talkingbutts (4:37:12 AM): stacey you forgot to add incessant swearing to your most recent post
talkingbutts (4:37:16 AM): i wouldve said what the fuck happened
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[28 Dec 2009|04:50am]
let us hold hands and pray for the people who slept tonight and will wake up to our shenanigans.

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[28 Dec 2009|07:49am]
who the fuck am i anyway
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[28 Dec 2009|07:52am]
What are the next 3 things in your Netflix/Blockbuster Online queue?

Mine: West Wing Season 1 Discs 2 and 3 and Spellbound
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IM DOIN IT WRONG LOL [28 Dec 2009|07:58am]
you just lost the game
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[28 Dec 2009|11:26am]
wow [info]divierto i love you
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[28 Dec 2009|01:18pm]
I saw a lady get hit by the Peter Pan ride at Disney

how was your weekend divierto?
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[28 Dec 2009|04:11pm]
what was the last thing to make you laugh? )

and i guess another question.. have you ever been to vegas?
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[28 Dec 2009|05:01pm]
I need some motivation to clean, Div.
It's one of my worst habits, and it's getting a bit out of hand.

HALP! Post pictures of disgusting apartments or scare me into cleaning otherwise with horror stories of untidyness.
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[28 Dec 2009|06:16pm]
anything goes post
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[28 Dec 2009|08:29pm]
What are your plans with your tax money?

and should I be responsible or foolish with mine?

*responsible = pay off bills and then some
*foolish = get 2 piercings, a tattoo, a new camera, and THEN pay off bills with whatever is left
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[28 Dec 2009|08:29pm]
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[28 Dec 2009|09:55pm]
totally weird question, but is there a reason that my younger female dog, would be mounting my older male dog... like mating mounting? they are both neutered and i've only just caught her doing it a couple times recently. they're both older, my male is around 12 and she's around 10 or 11, is it an assertion thing or... what?

if you have no thoughts on the matter, tell me about your favorite christmas present
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[28 Dec 2009|10:23pm]
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i loled through the shenanigans last night, don't worry~ [28 Dec 2009|11:45pm]
Two questions, my dearest div~ Cream soup on an upset stomach. y/n? I hate broth soups besides French Onion and even that doesn't sound so appetizing right now but I haven't eaten all day because of my stomach and I need to eat something.

numbah two~ who wants to help me pick what bangs to get tomorrow? )
37 comments|post comment

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