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stay classy, divierto

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[27 Dec 2009|01:39am]
do you count calories div?
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TOMS shoes [27 Dec 2009|02:54am]
your experiences with them? comfy? good quality?

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[27 Dec 2009|11:05am]
Would you say your homes are clean? How do your parents go about cleaning your homes, are there set schedules and chores?

My dad wakes me and my brother up every Saturday morning at 7 to vacuum and dust the entire house and scrub all the bathrooms. Daily he makes us take out our trash and straighten up our rooms, and we alternate who cleans the bathroom everyday. It seriously looks like a model home in this place. Don't forget the bi-weekly fridge scrubbing.
24 comments|post comment

Hey div. Tumbr? [27 Dec 2009|01:59pm]
I deleted everything I had posted, because I'm in the mood to start off fresh. So there isn't anything to look at (yet). However, I would love to follow you guys if you have one. (:
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[27 Dec 2009|02:22pm]
if anyone knows of pretty much any program that can sync music onto an ipod touch, i'm kind of desperate to know right now :/ itunes won't download, i've tried downloading it six times in the past two days (i have dial-up and it takes forever and a day and my internet disconnects before it finishes every time) and i've already tried mediamonkey and that keeps telling me "the set up files are corrupted. please obtain a new copy of the program." so idk what to do right now... ty in advance for any help.
10 comments|post comment

[27 Dec 2009|03:40pm]
I need a new bag that I can fit books into and I found one but can't decide which color is the nicest.

Which one do you like better? )
37 comments|post comment

[27 Dec 2009|05:01pm]
help me name my kitten )

ps. sorry if the pics are huge I'm doing this from my phone :(
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[27 Dec 2009|05:26pm]
Your earliest Childhood memory, Div?

Mine was living in B.C with my mom in a tiny little apartment. I slept in the closet. (It was a big closet) I remember laying in bed and not being able to sleep.
16 comments|post comment

[27 Dec 2009|05:34pm]
i've looked online but all of them now seem to be non-existant ; do any of you know the app you can download for the iPhone - once you download it, you plug your phone into your laptop & it acts as a modem?
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[27 Dec 2009|05:54pm]
what are some natural/cupboard/home beauty tips?

and does anyone know how I can whiten my teeth without crest whitestrips or anything like that? they hurt way too much.
12 comments|post comment

[27 Dec 2009|06:37pm]

how many free GB do you have on your computer?

34 comments|post comment

[27 Dec 2009|07:15pm]
Does anyone in divierto live in Los Angeles?
I have questions
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[27 Dec 2009|10:06pm]
Since I don't know the real difference between a netbook and a laptop, is

Acer Aspire 11.6" Netbook w/ Webcam - Brand New - 1.33GHz 1GB 160GB - $275 worth it? I just need something that I can use the internet, youtube, psp things like that!
5 comments|post comment

[27 Dec 2009|10:39pm]
is there another aim music link for aim 7? i can't find anywhere :[
4 comments|post comment

[27 Dec 2009|10:51pm]
stars in our eyes cause we're having a good time
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[27 Dec 2009|10:59pm]
True religion or seven jeans?
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[27 Dec 2009|11:21pm]
Can someone please explain to me how Obama is not a socialist?!?!?!
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