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stay classy, divierto

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[14 Jan 2009|12:16am]
have any of you experienced vertigo?
if so, can you explain what it feels like to me.. because i think that's what i'm going through right now but i don't know and i'm freaked out :(
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[14 Jan 2009|12:18am]
Is anyone here going to go see My Bloody Valentine 3D when it comes out Friday? My boyfriend really wants to take me, but I'm pretty sure I'd poop my pants if I have to watch the 3D version of it. :[
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[14 Jan 2009|01:20am]
This is just too awesome not to share.
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[14 Jan 2009|01:23am]
I've been thinking about posting this question for quite some time, but I keep forgetting. ANYWAY.

How do you feel about apologizing to someone when someone they know dies?

my answer )
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what would you do? [14 Jan 2009|01:42am]
So basically, I'm being sexually harrassed at work. Not only by one of our cooks (who is 15 years older than I am, plus married. with kids) but also by a regular costumer that I have. He comes in daily, at least two or three times and he ALWAYS flirts with me. Normally I am sociable and I talk and joke around with him but lately he has been making really ridiculous remarks about my body, which makes me terribly uncomfortable. Not only that but he's progressed to touching/grabbing/rubbing me any time I am near him. No bueno. What would you do? Yes, I'm aware I should talk to my boss. But she's pretty intimidating and I have no doubt that she would fire me the second I complained about this, because she knows what the cook does (it happens with other girls I work with) and she's yet to fire him.

Also I promised a friend I would do this, if you like really cute cheap jewelry (or know someone who does) take a look at her stuff. She's so talented! If you do get something though, tell her Jamie sent you lmfao please :|
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[14 Jan 2009|08:10am]
According to Gartner, an American research firm, IT now causes about two per cent of global CO2 emissions and its carbon footprint exceeded that of the world's aviation industry for the first time in 2007.

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[14 Jan 2009|08:16am]
what's the weather like by you today and/or what are your plans for today?

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[14 Jan 2009|09:41am]
Normally I don't pay attention to LJ's question of the day, nor do I answer them, but I happened to enjoy this one. It made me think.

What fictional high school—from tv, film, or a book—would you most like to attend? Or would you rather never go near high school again, fictional or otherwise?

What's your answer, [info]divierto?
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[14 Jan 2009|09:56am]
if you and your best friend have "best friend" necklaces or anything like that, what are they?

i want to come up with something ridiculous for my best friend and me, but the most i've gotten so far is for me to give him a sickle charm and for me to have a hammer charm.

oh, and if any of you go to jesuit colleges... do you have any of the jesuits added to your facebook?
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[14 Jan 2009|10:10am]
does anyone know where i can buy a live mouse trap, or what i could maybe do myself? he is a pet who got out of his cage and is very good at hiding, so there is no way i want t hurt him. i've tried leaving a cage open and waiting until he crawls inside to get food/water and then shutting it, but he's really fast :(
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[14 Jan 2009|10:10am]
It's official. I love my English class this semester.

Why, you ask? Because it's Writing about Fairy Tales and Folklore. Our first assignment? A no pressure diagnostic essay about our favorite fairy tale and why it attracts us the way it does.

You'd better believe I'm writing about my unhealthy obsession with The Little Mermaid.

What's your favorite class this semester, ~div? I'll be honest, Math is the only one I'm not too happy about but I'll get over it. I've only got one more semester of math left.
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[14 Jan 2009|11:07am]
i love how my mom decides to come in my room while i'm sleeping and starts talking on the phone. then, how other people in my household come in and start talking to each other. IN MY ROOM. fucking idiots. then my mom has the balls to get mad when i ask her to go in the other room to yell.

last thing someone in your house did to really piss you off?
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[14 Jan 2009|12:35pm]
Do you think that people with obesity should be allowed to receive handicap parking passes?
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[14 Jan 2009|12:55pm]
ok, so for my rhetoric class, we have to make a speech about a book that we think is influential, or relatable. but, the book i wanted to do, is at home, and the library doesn't have it. so do any of you have any suggestions of a book i could use? :-/
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[14 Jan 2009|12:56pm]
this has to be shared!

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[14 Jan 2009|12:58pm]
Anyone else doing the 100 movies in a year thing? Here's mine: I just started the other day, but everyone that's doing it, Post it! I love seeing peoples opinions of movies and every ones taste

Also is there a movie discussion community on IJ? I know there used to be one on GJ, but I forget the name. If not would anyone be interested in something like that? cause I'd totally make one!
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[14 Jan 2009|01:16pm]
are you looking forward to anything that is coming up this weekend?

my sister, her fiance, my brother, a bunch of my cousins and i are going over to my aunts to get drunk and play wii lmao. it's going to remind me of the summer sigh
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[14 Jan 2009|01:37pm]
I just logged to GJ... that's so weird.

It's GJ up again?
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[14 Jan 2009|02:19pm]
I bought a really shitty set of disposable razors because I left my good ones at school and I didn't want to buy another new razor. My legs are all nicked up and won't stop bleeding. I've tried hydrogen peroxide which is supposed to work but it hasn't. This happened the last time I shaved my legs too and I googled it then and tried using chapstick which was a common suggestion but it didn't help so I just waited it out but I don't have time now. Any ideas?
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[14 Jan 2009|02:58pm]
wah, speaking of gj, is anyone having any luck using ljArchive to save their journals? i tried doing it when gj was down and it didn't work and assumed it was because it was gone, but now it's back up and it's still not working. anyone done it successfully lately?
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[14 Jan 2009|03:17pm]
funny pictures
moar funny pictures

I can't stop laughing...
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[14 Jan 2009|03:36pm]
What's one positive and one negative thing that's been on your mind lately? Feel free to go into as much detail as you'd like.
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[14 Jan 2009|03:41pm]
[ mood | bored ]

how many "most recent picture" posts do you think divierto has in a month? lol probably a weird question but it seems like all of the posts consist of recent picture or the same questions that have been answered over and over and over and over again.

and i am bored :(

25 comments|post comment

[14 Jan 2009|04:04pm]
for some reason, there is this boy who i think hung the moon or something crazy like that...and i want to make him a cd. he is really into rap and rock. but he knows, i know NOTHING about can someone tell me some of their favorite songs? preferable not "scream-o"
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[14 Jan 2009|04:19pm]
What is your favourite movie musical?

Mine would have to be "Reefer Madness".
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[14 Jan 2009|04:59pm]
Sundance starts tomorrow, y'all. I'm so excited because there are a few celebs going that I would really love to meet AND this girl I know on LJ might be going, too, and she's cute and I'm pathetic, haha. I know I've asked this before, but I know not everyone reads this frequently/has the comm. on their fpage, SO, anyone else going??
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[14 Jan 2009|05:29pm]
I'm a virgin to Divierto. So here's my first post:

Name one great 90's song you could listen to over and over. And your favorite lyric from it.

I love 90's music, but lately I've been obsessed with "Crazy Life" by Toad the Wet Sprocket. (And it really doesn't hurt that this song was featured in one of the greatest movies ever 'Empire Records'.)

In the air I'm sensing a change in the weather.. )
13 comments|post comment

[14 Jan 2009|05:43pm]
what's something that without fail will make you happy? big, small, silly, serious, whatever.

mine, getting text messages from my best friend saying "a to a!", and when my mom comes in my bedroom in the morning and tells me to have a good day even though i'm half asleep.
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[14 Jan 2009|06:00pm]
post your pet pictures!

my pup :o) )
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[14 Jan 2009|06:44pm]
idk maybe tmi lmao idk but uh who here has had a yeast infection? how much do they suck? it's a side effect for a medicine i'm about to start taking and i am not looking forward to it :||||||||
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[14 Jan 2009|08:01pm]
How long was the longest you've ever been in a friends with benefits situation?

I'm going on two and a half years now...and every time I think we're finally "done" or whatever he pops up again haha. Of course I know I could just ignore him...but it's not like it's affecting me emotionally or anything like that, so I figure why not.
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[14 Jan 2009|08:15pm]
okay div, i know some of you shop at American Apparel so i have a question

they're having an open call for positions at their boston stores on friday and i have NO idea what to wear to go... should i dress in a "trendy" (for lack of a better word) manner or should i wear dress pants, heels and a nice top? like i said i have no idea and i know these types of places are really into appearance and all that jazz. thanks!
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[14 Jan 2009|08:18pm]
How do you guys stay in shape?

I don't really have time to go to a gym with work and school about to start up again, but suddenly I just feel huge & unhealthy. Give me hints & tricks you guys have to staying fit whether it be @ home work outs or eating habits share with me :)
10 comments|post comment

[14 Jan 2009|08:23pm]
Good road trip songs?

Also, what can I do to make my hands really pretty? Stupid question but if anyone has any ideas...
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[14 Jan 2009|09:03pm]
So what is the one song that you can't stop listening to?

For me it would have to be Collide "Crushed (Out of Control Mix)". I love that song.

And...something that probably isn't a surprise:

bye bye )

Who didn't see that one coming?
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[14 Jan 2009|09:16pm]
I just wanted to make this post regarding the post I made earlier. A few people were interested in a movie discussion community, so I made one. [info]cinephile! I would love it if people would join and for it to be a successful community because I'm such a movie lover and like I said in the post below I love talking about the films I've seen.

I know this is probably considered a advertising post, which is against the rules and I'm sorry but I really don't know how to tell people about it other then here. So if it is a problem, please let me know and I'll delete it asap, because I don't want to start any drama or start a trend of people advertising. I also would love to be affiliates with [info]divierto! :-(
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[14 Jan 2009|09:27pm]
who's excited to see notorious!!
i'm really bored talk to me :-[
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[14 Jan 2009|09:36pm]
who's doing the photo project 365? my journal is: [info]scenicroute
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[14 Jan 2009|09:44pm]
If you were a sandwich, where would you be right now?

I'm not looking for a sandwich. I'm just curious.

I'd probably be a bitch and be hiding under someone's bed growing mold.
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[14 Jan 2009|10:13pm]
He made a sequel!

I think I like the first better
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[14 Jan 2009|10:23pm]
do you find that you talk to yourself a lot?

i was home alone for most of the day today and i realized how often i'm just... talking aloud hahah
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positive post time [14 Jan 2009|10:45pm]
Instructions for Life by The Dalai Lama )
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[14 Jan 2009|11:22pm]
Since I'm stuck in bed, sick, and I mean sick, what are some things you do cheer yourself up or keep yourself occupied? I know if I keep having a high temp, I won't be going to class tomorrow.
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[14 Jan 2009|11:25pm]
I just found out that my boyfriend and our 2 friends are going down to Baltimore, MD for Valentines Day weekend :) We're going to the aquarium but I was wondering if you had any other suggestions of what to do down there?

Does anyone else know what they're doing for Valentines Day?
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[14 Jan 2009|11:33pm]

dear divierto, where can i find boots like these? preferably not exactly those because i unfortunately do not make millions like miss miley cyrus :'(. much love and thanks!
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Big fail [14 Jan 2009|11:54pm]

What's up, everyone? Let's talk. :D
41 comments|post comment

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