January 2nd, 2016



Drunken Voicemails à la Clint

Who: Clint and Steve
What: A drunken voicemail
When: A week after his party

(1) new voicemail, 2:38 am )

Who: Clint and Bucky
What: A slightly drunker voicemail
When: Same night

(1) new voicemail, 3:18 am )

Who: Clint and Tony
What: Drunker still
When: Same night

(3) new voicemails )

Who: Clint and Scott
What: An even more drunken voicemail
When: Same night

(1) new voicemail, 3:52 am )

Who: Clint and Jessica
What: Aaaand Clint is wasted
When: Same night

(1) new voicemail, 4:17 am )