Posts Tagged: 'bruce+banner'

Jan. 27th, 2016



[No Subject]

Who: Peggy & Bruce
What: Lunch, and a Detox
Where: The Capitol
When: A few days after the Quell announcement, after Peggy returns to the Capitol.
Rating: Low, probably.

The glass was not half full )



[No Subject]

Who: Bruce and Loki
What: Email
When: After the Post-Quell announcement Gamemaker Meeting.

You've Got Mail! )

Jan. 12th, 2016



[No Subject]

Who: Loki and Sif
What: Texts
When: Immediately after the tense situation with Bucky after a lockdown of the Capitol Games Complex

(3) unread messages )

Who: Loki and Bruce
What: Checking up
When: Same time

(2) unread messages )

Who: Loki and Luke
What: Texts
When: Same time

(2) unread messages )

Who: Loki and Thor
What: Unsent texts
When: Same time

(3) unread messages )

Who: Loki and Steve
What: More anonymous text trolling, because Loki is an asshole
When: Same time

(3) unread messages )

Who: Loki and Bucky
What: Texts
When: Several hours after the incident

(2) unread messages )

Oct. 25th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Bruce Banner
What: Narrative/Dream
Where: His hotel in the Capitol
When: A day or so after the Arena Dedication. Minor violence warning.

Welcome to the 52nd Hunger Games -- and may the odds… )

Oct. 20th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Bruce & Wanda
What: Texts
When: Very late / Early morning following the Arena dedication

[(6) Unread Texts] )

Oct. 15th, 2015



The 74th Hunger Games Arena Dedication

Who: All past and present Victors are REQUIRED to attend. Escorts, stylists, mentors, and other Capitol folks are highly encouraged to be present.
What: The Grand Opening of the 74th Arena
Where: The Maximoff Hotel, just outside the beautiful and deadly jungle where Wanda Maximoff clawed her way to victory.
Warning: Semi-graphic description of a tribute's death. (Optional) Aphrodisiacs. Drugs, sort of.


Aug. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Bruce & Wanda
What: Texts
When: A few days before Wanda's birthday

{5 unread messages} )