May 11th, 2011

[info]becomedeath in [info]devolve2_ooc

Just wanted to let folks know why I've been kind of MIA around here the last few weeks - been having fun with anaphylactic shock and trying to figure out just why various bits of me, including my tongue and throat, keep swelling up. So I've been doped up on benadryl A LOT and not really with the program. Hopefully I'm done with the benadryl coma and sausage fingers for a while, though, and once I get my brain rebooted I'll be back to being more functional and active.

[info]comeonbetsy in [info]devolve2_ooc

Heeey everyone.

Unfortunately, I need to take a somewhat indefinite hiatus. Work/life has caught up with me, and I have a surgery coming up too, so things might be a bit crazy for a while.

I will try my best to come back and play with you all sometime soon! I'll be around on AIM a bit still, so feel free to ping me if you need anything major from Betsy, but otherwise, please just assume she's doing what she does in my absence.

