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May. 12th, 2011


IJ Account Purge Upcoming/In Progress

So someone I know linked this on Twitter just a bit ago:

Anyone who has accounts from old games they don't want to lose, apparently all you have to do is log into them for them to be considered active, so you might want to jump on that at your first opportunity.

May. 11th, 2011


Heeey everyone.

Unfortunately, I need to take a somewhat indefinite hiatus. Work/life has caught up with me, and I have a surgery coming up too, so things might be a bit crazy for a while.

I will try my best to come back and play with you all sometime soon! I'll be around on AIM a bit still, so feel free to ping me if you need anything major from Betsy, but otherwise, please just assume she's doing what she does in my absence.




Just wanted to let folks know why I've been kind of MIA around here the last few weeks - been having fun with anaphylactic shock and trying to figure out just why various bits of me, including my tongue and throat, keep swelling up. So I've been doped up on benadryl A LOT and not really with the program. Hopefully I'm done with the benadryl coma and sausage fingers for a while, though, and once I get my brain rebooted I'll be back to being more functional and active.

May. 10th, 2011


Pimp Post

You guys might have noticed that I poof from the IM scene Sunday through Tuesday not to appear again until Wednesday night (if you haven't then now you know), which is because of my work schedule. I'm still around just not on AIM or anything cause the workday she is long.

So that's part of the reason for the pimp post. The other is because I sometimes feel like a nag when I IM people and ask for threads so here's a public, less clingy way for me to get it out there without making myself feel self-conscious and paranoid.

Anyway want a thread with mine? I've got Gert and Lance (with Yana waiting in the wings glaring at me to get a move on) so, um, lemme know. I can start, you can start, we can forward date, backdate, etc. I'm easy.


May. 6th, 2011


Character relationships

So, we've got a lot of charries doing a lot of different things, quite a few who've been there for years. We need to do some sorting out of who knows who and for how long and if they've worked together and how they get on and such. So if everyone could post each of their characters in a separate sub-thread here, along with a brief summary of what their colony jobs are, then everyone can chime in with whether they should know each other and how. Might want to reference who rooms near them as well, come to think of it.

May. 3rd, 2011


Game chat!

Hey, everybody! It's been a while since our last game chat, so we figured it was about time we had another, and we're thinking this coming Friday, May 6th, at about 8pm Eastern time.

Please let us know if you can/can't make it!

Apr. 4th, 2011


Thanks to Evy for compiling this information!


Apr. 2nd, 2011


Click the button!

Mar. 31st, 2011


Time to get this party started!

...with a party, even!

We're going to officially open the game up to play on Saturday with a party to celebrate the arrival of spring and the return of everyone who stayed to help at the human colony after the attack at the end of gameplay. (They all came back at some point this week.) It's also a good excuse to use up the last of the chocolate on something special before it goes completely stale. We'll put up a starter Saturday morning and we can officially get started with some mingling and celebrating. Though feel free to start working on other threads now if you want to get a move on, you don't have to wait for the official start if you're itching to get posting!

Mar. 29th, 2011



I am sure you will all be SHOCKED to find out that...we seem to be ready to go. In large part due to the help of AJ and Liz, who were kind enough to join me as co-mods. YAY!

So...we were hoping that we could get everyone together for chat tomorrow night at 7:30ish EST so we can hammer out any details that need finalizing, make sure we're all on the same page for character relationships and what's happened during the 'lost' time we've been inactive before we start up again.

Remember that you can keep anything you want to from the previous incarnation of the game, barring anything to do with the characters we've lost. To recap, those are Freakshow, Northstar, Colossus, Iceman, Tag and Catseye. Evy has picked up Storm and AJ has taken Tony, so we still have both of them in the same capacities as before.

We'd like to ask that everyone please move their bios to their journal profile page and then post links to in the app thread here, just so they're there for reference for any potential new players since we're going to start advertising again. If you've made any changes to the bio note it there so we know to have a look at it. Also, please link to any threads you are keeping as part of your character's canon at the bottom of your profile.

Thanks and look forward to seeing you all tomorrow and getting back into the swing of things!

Mar. 28th, 2011


F.A.Q. and Dropbox

F.A.Q. + Dropbox )
Tags: ,

Mar. 27th, 2011


Character Lists and Holds

Character List )

NPC/Deceased/Restricted Characters )

Most Wanted/Adoptable )

Holds )

Mar. 25th, 2011


Hey guys. Life keeps deciding I need to put this off longer. Now that the puppies are handled it was apparently time for a massive allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock and a day spent in ER. Sort of blew my plans for the day for finishing everything to be ready to start. Hoping to get more done this weekend. Sorry again.

Mar. 23rd, 2011


In progress

Urban Supply Teams

Team 1 Scout: James Proudstar(M,W,F)
Team 1 Scout: Remy LeBeau (trainee under James)(M,W,F)
Team 1 Driver: Tabby Smith(F)
Team 1 Runner: Sam Guthrie (F)
Team 1 Runner: Kevin Ford (F)

Team 2 Scout: Kurt Wagner (T,Th,Sa)
Team 2 Scout: Open (Scott Summers, deceased) (T,Th,Sa)
Team 2 Driver: Pete Wisdom (Sa)
Team 2 Runner: Raven Darkholme (Sa)
Team 2 Runner: Kevin Ford(Sa)
Trade Teams

Morlock Trade Scout: Warren Worthington (M,T)
Morlock Trade Driver: Molly Hayes (T)
Morlock Trade Runner: NPC/Open to PC (T)
Morlock Trade Runner: NPC/Open to PC (T)

Human Trade Scout: Jono Starsmore(W, Th)
Human Trade Driver: Paige Guthrie (Th)
Human Trade Runner: Ali Blaire(TH)
Human Trade Runner: NPC/Open to PC (Th)

Mar. 22nd, 2011


Jobs list updated

Haven't done the teams for scavenging runs yet, but I think I've gotten everyone sorted for their jobs in the compound itself. Please do me a favor and read over the list here and let me know if your characters are not in the right spots!

Mar. 20th, 2011



The Rules )

Mar. 2nd, 2011



Application )


Premise, Timeline and World Info

Premise + Time-line + Other World Information )


The Virus and the Infected

The Virus and The Infected )



Maps )

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