united we stand, divided we fall Destruction Island
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[17 Dec 2013|09:53pm]

Characters: Christien and Josie
Setting: Sneaking in
Status: Complete

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[14 Dec 2013|09:53pm]

Characters: Daryn and Rick
Setting: Wednesday, Daryn's Office
Summary: Letting Rick in on the secret

Rick was excited to see Daryn today )
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[09 Dec 2013|12:01am]

Characters: Jonas and Daryn
Setting: Monday morning, the hospital

Jonas had slept surprisingly well, arms wrapped around Daryn for as much of the night as he could remember. When he woke he'd reached for her, only to find nothing, which was almost infuriating. He might have been really pissed off if he hadn't found the note, saying she'd left for work. She'd been right the night before in saying he had work as well, but it wasn't anything he needed to rush for and it was still a couple of hours before his shift started. He read the note twice before making a decision.

The hospital was always busy it seemed, people bustling about, taking care of other people he supposed, but there was always a steady stream of traffic. He wandered through it, looking for her.
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The Pitch [08 Dec 2013|05:26pm]

Who: Nora and Peter
Where: The Bar
When: Monday Evening

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[03 Dec 2013|03:19pm]

Characters: Jackson and Raina
Setting: Morning

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[02 Dec 2013|05:03pm]

Characters: Daryn and Jonas
Setting: Sunday evening, the dock
Summary: Avoidance
Rating: R/NSWF

There was a sudden chill in the air )
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[19 Nov 2013|09:56pm]

Characters: Josie and OPEN
Setting: Thursday afternoon, Marketplace
Summary: Grabbing a bite to eat

There was never enough food in the house )
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[14 Nov 2013|09:07pm]

Characters: April and Jonas
Setting: Tuesday afternoon, Street outside of the Barracks
Summary: Trespassing

She was still perpetually lost most days... )
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[14 Nov 2013|09:09pm]

Characters: Daryn and Peter
Setting: Outside the Facility, Tuesday afternoon
Summary: Fancy Meeting You Here

Peter stood outside the giant building, staring up at it. His hands were tucked in his pockets, not jeans like most of the residents, but real dress pants with a matching button down and vest. He'd forgone the usual tie, but he definitely looked better dressed than anyone else around. The building was what had his attention though. It was huge. And it seemed like such an eyesore on an otherwise lovely landscape. And everything happened in there. For all his being put on the island and told of what the Facility had to offer, he didn't want to go in it. Not yet. No, for now he was fine with standing outside it, peering up at it in the afternoon sun.
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[13 Nov 2013|05:47pm]

Characters: Daryn and Nora
Setting: North eastern side of the Forested area, Wednesday, 4am
Summary: Faction Weapons Training

For most people, it was too early to be out of bed... )
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[12 Nov 2013|08:56pm]

Characters: Jackson and Raina
Setting: Their home
Summary: It's electric [/pun]

How this could be a gift, he had no idea. )
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[12 Nov 2013|01:37pm]

Characters: Christien and open!
Setting/Summary: Christien takes a walk along the beach

It was too early in the morning to make sense of anything, but Christien felt it was necessary to get in another practice session... )
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[09 Nov 2013|04:08pm]

Characters: Daphne and OPEN
Setting: Saturday night, after her "adventure"
Summary: Here, kitty, kitty!

Daphne had fully planned on going back to the party. She'd gotten all showered and disposed of her smoky tuxedo in the most burny way she could. The problem had come when she went to take the trash out before she got dressed again. Her cat (whose real name was Madame Aloisia Winklebottom the Third, but she consented to being called "Cuddles") had gotten out at the same time, which had really put a wrinkle into her plans for the evening. So that's how Daphne found herself running around the neighborhood, hair still wet, flashlight in hand, wearing a stolen hotel robe and pink fluffy bunny slippers. "Cuddles!" She kept calling the cat's name and making little ticking noises with her tongue as she went. "Where are you, ya damn cat? I'll get you a nice can of tuna if you come home! Otherwise, I'm making tuna salad and you get kitty kibble again!"
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[03 Nov 2013|09:34pm]

Characters: Marie and Rick
Setting: Wednesday, 9/11, late morning
Summary: Watching You

It's just minor stalking, or maybe just a captive audience )
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Masquerade [28 Oct 2013|10:17pm]

Characters: OPEN TO ALL
Setting: Saturday 9/14, Evening / Night
Summary: A party for the ages

Peter was honestly surprised with how little time it had taken to put the whole thing together. The hardest part was getting the government to agree to let him ship in a huge selection of costumes, all from New York, finely made with an old world sense to them, something of the Venetian style. There’d been flyers posted around, even fancy invitations dropped in mailboxes. The costumes had been available to be picked up leading up to the event, local artists and dealers pitching in to make a variety of masks that were available to the residents of the island to complete their costumes, and they’d invested in decorations to make the place look like something else entirely. The house was done up in grandeur, but the real appeal was the backyard where the ball was happening properly.

With a little bit of effort, Peter had talked and nudged their neighbors into not minding that the party spread out behind their houses as well. They’d strung the whole area with lights, giving it a twinkling and ethereal feel. It was like something out of a dream, lights catching off costumes, music playing, drinks flowing and dancing, lots of dancing.
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Two princes [28 Oct 2013|10:02pm]

Characters: Gavin and Peter
Setting: Monday 9/09, Morning
Summary: The deal

One has diamonds in his pockets, the other says he wants to buy you rockets. )
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[26 Oct 2013|11:21pm]

Characters: Raina and Jackson
Setting: Monday 9/09, mid-morning
Summary: Arriving

The last few weeks had been a whirlwind )
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[21 Oct 2013|08:43pm]

Characters: Daryn/Oblivion and OPEN (required) to All Faction Members/recruits
Setting: Monday 9/09, The Beach, after dusk
Summary: Hiding in plain sight

A late summer bonfire )
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[15 Oct 2013|08:15pm]

Characters: April and Marie
Setting: Wednesday 9/04, The Facility building, mid-morning
Summary: Trying to find her way

Wandering, again )
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[15 Oct 2013|08:04pm]

Characters: Josie and Nora
Setting: Friday 9/06, Pool Hall, evening
Summary: Open mic night

There wasn't much nightlife on Destruction )
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