Posts Tagged: 'yuri+lowell'

Nov. 14th, 2011


[action] day 7

[ hey Irides hey. Yuri is hanging around Old Town, filling out job applications. makin' the rounds. he'll have a job eventually! he's determined.

but today, there's just... something in the air. it slows his search, and he pauses, his head tipped back, just. breathing in. is this what they mean by "spiritstorm"? it feels kind of... nice. ]

((ooc: Roll for each thread! I plan on doing the same. :D Also planning on tagging some other peeps. :3 But Yuri wanted a post! So you can come get guaranteed Yuri lovin' here. Yuri and I are both okay with 5, so let me know if you aren't! Thanks~~.))

Oct. 25th, 2011


[day 3/second ward][action/open]

[ ever been to The Lazy Dog? it has a hot new bartender! she's flipping through a small, red book when someone approaches the bar and orders a round of whisky shots. she lines them up on a tray with a wink, pours, and helps herself to the traditional bartender's compliment.

she moves to the register to add it to the tab, pushes some buttons, and... error. more buttons... error! ]

Maker's Breath! When did a plain piece of paper and a quill stop being good enough?! [ grumbles, frustrated.

The Lazy Dog has a technologically inept hot new bartender. ]

Oct. 23rd, 2011


[action] The First Ward

[ okay, Yuri has had better days. he's coming out of the Golden Chariot, which is a Greek restaurant, with a scowl on his face. his black mood is so obvious that you can almost see the little black cloud over his head. ]

'Unprofessional'... Really. Rude? [ MUTTER. ] Fine. I don't need this.

[ guess who lasted all of two days as a waiter? THIS GUY. he pulls the bow tie loose and drops it on the pavement next to him, then his nametag too. stepping on them is probably not the best idea, but what does he care!

care to interrupt his "Office Space" moment? ]

Oct. 12th, 2011


[post/backdated to Day 1]

A a a A a a. Dfkjk. How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood !11!! It's been a while since I've had to type anything.

There seems to be a few of us that arrived in the city today. I have to say, it's a little disorienting to end up in a completely different world, especially when everyone in this city seems to be used to it, and to be given a key, clothes, and a job assignment. Welcome, you've just been inter-dimensionally kidnapped, but at least you get free housing out of it?

Also, I don't suppose anyone here has ever heard the term Black Blood before?

Before I forget - for those who are rooming in Brown Bear Suites, I hope we can get along~

Oct. 8th, 2011


[open/mingle] The Department of Integration

[ The Department of Integration stands at the crest of a hill in the Commons area of town. Outside, a beautiful half-circle building with tinted glass panels and a large neatly-chiseled sign welcoming all new Irides residents with a wide sidewalk leading up to it and a lovely park to its immediate left, where most days many people sit at benches or sprawl out on the cool grass to pour over the information about their new home or fill out the paperwork necessary to begin their new lives. It's an inviting place, with plenty of sun and more than enough shade; with picnic benches and palm trees and today, a pleasant breeze.

Inside, the lobby is cool and welcoming, with actual potted palm trees and smooth stone tile or tasteful taupe carpet and friendly smiles everywhere as employees are quick to recognize 'that look' and herd you off to meet with an adviser. Here is where you will be gently told the facts of Iridesian life, and given your Smartphone, your new address complete with keys (which come with a tiny appropriate animal keychain), and a job assignment -- as soon as you've finished filling out your documentation papers, of course. ]