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Bad Movie Day! [Philotes!] [12 Nov 2015|08:03pm]
This was going to be so much fun.

There was absolutely no way it couldn't be. She and Lottie had got on great the first -and sadly, only time they'd met --but that was her own fault, and that had been a meeting heaping full of emotional crap that really was just wretched for a first hangout. They had stuff in common! They had peoples in common –Kratos aside, of course. Naturally, this required chill time. And Netflix. Not Netflix and Chill, that was a whole other thing that was, she assumed for Philotes as well, reserved for time spent with their boys.

So, she sent the invitation yesterday, via text that said:
Friday? Beer / munchies / bad movies? Yes? My place -Brisbane?
Arrangements made and address given. Boom.

There was only a minimal amount of straightening to do since she had become fairly good at keeping the place respectable these days and she set to baking. Yes. Baking. It was a skill that so many forgot she had or never realized she did, but it was how she figured out fermentation happened in the first place was having bread turn after getting soaked and sitting too long and the yeast feeding on it... A delightful accident that just got repeated. A lot. For... science. Really, the healing the mouth thing was fresh water and hydration at first. Beer came later and then became primary.

Because it is awesome.

So, yeah. She was awesome with bread, too, for obvious reasons. Which meant she had two loaves of a recipe she especially loved to have cut up for dipping into a warmed beer-cheese dip, and one that was cinnamon and sugary, meant to pull apart.. but was going to get an icing drizzle as soon as she pulled it out...

[ viewing | November 12th, 2015 ]
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