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On the Good Ship Laufeyson... [tag: Njord] [03 Sep 2008|11:00am]
Loki didn't get seasick. It would have been an extreme bit of irony if one who could turn into a fish at will would succumb to the rise and fall of water's wake. Instead of hanging his head in defeat over the edge of the lovely boat Hel had gifted him, he laid out on the bow, engine turned off and relaxed with his hands crooked under his head and one leg cocked up. It was a thoughtful position, one prompted by that which it inspired - thought.

He was a deeper thinker than many ever gave him credit for. While it usually revolved around some way to spend the time, it occasionally delved into more important matters such as: what was he doing with his life, was he staying true to himself, and so forth. Usually the deeper thoughts were riddled with mention of Sigyn. If he was doing right by her or not. The answer, was generally a solid 'no.' )

[ viewing | September 3rd, 2008 ]
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