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Cats and Dogs (tag: Artemis) [04 May 2008|02:26am]
Bast was in a far, far, far better frame of mind than she had been yesterday. But then, musical theater was always a treat she enjoyed. Having such engaging, witting, and handsome company as the pretty Norse god didn’t hurt anything either. It was a pity that she had left the meeting without Bragi’s further companionship, but she had little doubt they would meet again. Bast made a mental note to ask her mother if she knew of Bragi, since Sigyn had come up. Perhaps they were well acquainted, and it had piqued anew her curiosity about her mother’s friend.

And since she was in such a good mood, it was probably time to take care of something that she’d been putting off. It was about time, Bast figured, for her to go have a chat with the bean pole about leaving her in the middle of breaking and entering. Not just abandoning, but yelling her freakin’ head off in the process, which made getting out of there unnoticed so very easy. There had been some dust up or other in the Greek pantheon, because what else was new, but now that it had settled down, it was time for some explanations and apologies. And Bast intended to demand them. )

Tropical the Island Breeze [narrative? open?] [04 May 2008|04:12pm]
Harmonia knocked, she huffed and she sighed before knocking once more with her nose all wrinkled up. Sif may have said Tyr wasn't home, but she honestly wanted to check for herself. Just to be sure, because this time she really wanted him to have been home. Except that given the amount of knocking with the lack of response, it definitely seemed that the golden-haired goddess was more than just correct.

She was completely and utterly correct. )

Opposite Extreme (Open) [04 May 2008|04:33pm]
After leaving Nanshe there had been no other place to go. Shamash could remember the endless hours he'd spent here once upon a time. Endless hours fighting for one thing or another, one cause and one true ideal. Justice. There was no justice here, of course. Burning sands had no justice or pity. Those were human things, and ground-up stone had not a heart with which to feel them. Shamash might have felt pity for them once, the people who lived here, but now all he felt was rage. A burning passionate sort of rage which he couldn't still or quiet. Most only wanted to live their lives. No foreign powers on their soil. Shamash couldn't have agreed more. And even if many of them believed in one god, whatever they called him, Shamash couldn't go on as he had before.

He couldn't ignore them. )

& (Makaria) [04 May 2008|04:36pm]
One hand fell heavy on the lip of stone. Then another, and another. Time seemed endless when you had all of it to stare at the edge of your river - a scant two feet away - and think about all of the steps that had led you to this place. Zelos had been wrong about more than one thing, but the most glaring was the fact that he'd pointed his weapon not at a proud young deity but an owl. The ironic nature of his comments considering at whom he'd pointed his weapon bordered on laughable - but Zelos wasn't one to see other points of view. Kratos had understood, and looked as though he hadn't wanted to understand. It would have to be enough, now and forever. He was no longer family to them, from their own lips. And he knew that no matter what happened he would never see them again. There should have been a pain in his chest somewhere. A pang to know that they were gone. Yet the only thing he really felt was the brutal agony in his face, in his chest, in his stomach. All over his body, really. Another mouthful of blood spat onto the stone. He was going to start running out soon. Even a deity could only produce so much ichor. And then it was done.

So why had he crawled away from his river? )

Tell Me How to Say, 'Sorry' [tag: Eir] [04 May 2008|07:37pm]
Sigyn had tried to commit suicide. No matter how long ago it had happened, those words just played over and over again in Frigg's mind. Foremost of the goddesses and yet she could not keep her brain on focus. All she was doing was thinking on Sigyn and feeling perfectly horrible for how they had parted ways.

Frigg had called her marriage a joke, insinuated that Sigyn was the punchline of such a joke. What sort of friend said such things? Certainly friends gave tough love when necessary and Frigg considered time and again that such a thing was good for Sigyn, but perhaps the goddess' mind was far to frail to handle even comments made with good intention. It had been meant to make Sigyn really think hard about ending her marriage. About stopping the wallowing nonsense over Loki. But perhaps, in that instance, Frigg had gone too far.

And that bothered her a great deal. )

A Much Needed Vacation [tag: Bes] [04 May 2008|08:14pm]
When Thoth told himself he was going on vacation, he had not been lying. The first thing he decided, was that it needed to be far away from London. Far enough away that no one would think to look for him wherever he went. The second thing he decided, was that it had to be a tropical location with a beach for relaxing on. The third thing, was that he needed some fruity drink served in a cup resembling a coconut.

All of these things he accomplished with little trouble. )

Everyone knows I'm in over my head (Enyo) [04 May 2008|09:20pm]
Morpheus didn't mind Bucharest. It was beautiful, really, and on any other day, were he here for any other reason, he'd really be enjoying it. But the reason for the visit overshadowed any pleasure he might take in being here.

Makaria was taking care of something, too, he knew; there were things she needed to deal with as a result of the family meeting he'd taken her to. He wasn't exactly sure who she was off to see, and Morpheus figured it was better that way. There was something he needed to do before he saw her again, especially given the way she'd acted the last time he'd seen her. It was a difficult thing, shaking off all of that desire for something like this.

He strode down the street with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans, almost glowering. The cafe wasn't far. )

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