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Lost ( Perses ) [20 Apr 2008|10:02pm]
So many things weighed heavily on Bia's mind. She hated having her mind clouded with so many thoughts. She hated thinking.

She'd just walked out on her own family. That wasn't normal. That definitely wasn't like Bia. She was more than willing to stand there no matter what her feelings were, she would just brush them aside and follow the lead of her siblings in important matters such as this, but not this time. She couldn't stand there while Akheron admitted what he'd done, not after her mother's words.

It was family. )

All's Well [narrative] [20 Apr 2008|10:12pm]
There was some debate in the mind of Hedylogos as to whether or not the world outside of Concept was a world worth returning to. In Concept he was at peace. There was no brooding violence, no tantrums and none of the accouterments of war. It was... peace. The world outside Concept was rife with jealousy, hatred and all the deadly sins that made residing there difficult on a heart that wanted naught but love.

And yet... this same world was ripe with beauty. )

[ viewing | April 20th, 2008 ]
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