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Making Amends (tag: Deimos) [16 Apr 2008|01:26pm]
It wasn’t cowardice.

It wasn’t.

Okay, maybe it was just a little bit. But there was curiosity in there too. Lottie had never been inside Deimos’ garage, hadn’t seen the cars he had hidden away in there. But if that gorgeous 1953 Holiday was any example of the quality of machinery that he had, Friendship had high hopes for what else might be in store. And she was just a little irked that he’d not shared it with her before.

Never mind that she’d come here to apologize to him. )

Don't Worry, Drink Happy [ open to Ninkasi & then others who wish to drink! ] [16 Apr 2008|09:53pm]
Eos didn't think she drank often enough to be considered a drunk, but she had to admit that bars were becoming a more frequent stop on her visits to the mortal plane. When she did drink, she always consumed an indecent amount of alcohol. Eos didn't always know why she drank herself to the floor, but she could admit that sometimes (and only sometimes) it was about escaping. More recently, being intoxicated had helped her through several rough patches--almost all of which concerned Prometheus. The warm blurring of the world worked wonders on her mood, her outlook on life and her ability to simply be angry with things...or at peace with things. If that all failed, she usually got distracted, which was a very easy thing to do while drunk.

The truth was, Eos was never good at being angry. Even while drunk, no one took her very seriously. Holding onto rage was a skill she thought beyond her, especially after her conversation with Prometheus. Why couldn't she be angry and wrathful? Hadn't Aphrodite and Apate done a horrible thing to her? Just what was so great about going around forgiving everyone anyway? And, most importantly, why did she do it?

Eos thought about these things as she sat on a bench in a non-descript pub in Germany. She listened to snippets of conversation as she drank her beer and got absolutely no where with her thoughts. All she could seem to do was go down the list of the people she'd forgiven, not finding anything close to wrathy feelings for them. For as much as she tried to invoke wrathy feelings, they only seemed to skitter that much farther away.

She had never been so frustrated with being happy.

"Here, here!"

A random passerby toasted her and Eos toasted back, not really sure what she was toasting to. Why they called it toasting, Eos didn't understand. It didn't really need to be understood though. Toasting was just another excuse to drink more than she should. She'd giggle and toast someone else for no reason at all in about ten minutes.

No, Eos wasn't a drunk. She just liked getting drunk!

Nothing is the same ever since I left (Narrative/open) [16 Apr 2008|09:53pm]
It wasn't like how it had been so many years ago. Nothing was. It was like being in a manufactured model home, where everything looked proper and real, but when you tried to eat the apple, you found it was hollow. Or made of wax.

This was not the mountain he had battled for. And supposed that it never would be again. The young Olympians had taken it over and made it their own. A shallow mockery of the glory it had once been. The light that seemed to shine from within was artificial.

Perses shook his head.

What was to be done? Things came and went in life. Good and bad. You could attempt to reclaim them, but they would never be what they had been. Memory cleaned things up and made them pretty to look at. Removing all the pain and tarnish that might have actually been there. It didn't help that time did the exact same thing. The further along you got in life, the more time altered memory and memory altered reality.

Maybe Olympus had never been as fantastic has he'd thought.

The truth of the matter was, none of it even mattered. He'd stayed away. Now he was back. Things were different. The end. What mattered was the fact that there were a whole bunch of people roaming about that he didn't know. Somebody had been having babies. A lot of babies. And then those babies had more babies. And babies were running all over the place. Fresh faced young gods and goddesses that didn't know their ears from their assholes. Somebody was going to have to seriously fill him in.

There were two definites that he could tell right off the bat. Asteria was still an island, and Hekate was nowhere to be found. Really, that's all that mattered. It wasn't like he'd thought he would return and suddenly life would be how it had been before the Titan War, but he didn't suspect that being an island was a whole lot of fun. Perses wasn't actually sure he wanted that old life back. He'd been young then. Those feelings, the real ones that weren't just vague ghosts, had faded long ago. If he had returned to find Asteria, he wasn't sure what he would have done. Hekate was easier. His daughter came to him occasionally. It wouldn't have been so awkward to run into her.

Now that he was here, though, Perses wasn't sure just what to do. Were there people that he should try to find and say hello to? Were there still people around that would actually know who he was? That was probably the more important question, he supposed. Saying hello to people didn't really do anything unless they knew who they were talking to. Or, really, if you knew them. He wasn't the sort to just wander around and talk to random folk. The 'cheery friendly talkative happy' gene had been forgotten in his conception.

There was also the issue of: Just because he hadn't held onto grudges didn't mean other people had let go.

To Lofty Olympus [Tag Discordia and/or visitors] [16 Apr 2008|10:02pm]
It was but a short step for Dionysos from his consecrated ground on the mortal plane ... to fair Olympus. )

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