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Holy Acrimony (Aphrodite) [09 Apr 2008|09:44am]
Somewhere behind him, birds were singing. Something like a chaotic launch of spirits into the sky was occurring. Prometheus checked on his bandages while he stood upon the great marble steps of Epidaurus, his hands sliding against the pale white for a long moment. There was no pain. Asklepios was good enough in his craft to see to that. He'd have to be careful - if the healer saw him up and about as though he didn't mean to stay, he was going to have a fit. Prometheus liked the healer's gentle attention to detail. Personally, however, the man was insufferable. You couldn't say that without sounding worse than Ares, though, could you? Maybe he was turning into Ares. Maybe he ought to take lessons from Ares. He certainly never seemed to suffer moments of doubt - just like Apate. For the first time in a long time, Prometheus actually laughed. He'd fooled himself thinking Apate was smart enough, powerful enough, to cause him trouble of any kind. Aphrodite had used her, and that was the end of it. So long, and goodbye.

So here he was. )

Repercussions (Tag: Enyo) [09 Apr 2008|01:39pm]
(Warning: NSFW)

They were children, all of them. Fools whose minds were laced with foolish pride. Erebos was a fool for when he'd sought to stand against the king, a child parading as a man. Helios was not unable to sympathize with Erebos' heart. He had lost a child to Zeus as well, many long years ago. Phaethon. Phaethon, whose action was accidental. Moros, whose action was an act of open war...

It was a memory burned into his mind, burned into his eyes, one that he recalled every single day of his eternal life. Yet despite it he remained loyal. Yet despite it he remained a friend to the King of the Gods, wise enough to understand both sides of everything. Erebos was not the only foolish one, but his actions had disappointed Helios most of all. He had held a deep degree of respect for the god, until that day.

Then there was Nyx, a wolf in sheep's clothing, her actions deceiving herself just as well as she had deceived others. Akheron, Phlegethon, Moros... The list went on. Theirs had not been actions that surprised the sun god, not anymore. Not for a long time. But for even them to be so foolish, to be so arrogant... To first defy the will of the Erinyes by freeing Moros from Tartarus, then to join him in his mad quest... They were like children, ignoring rational thought in an effort for what they wanted. They would challenge the heavens themselves, displeased with whatever it took to rationalize their actions in their minds.

Helios was not untouched by the harsh hand of others. He was not a stranger to others using their divinity to meddle in his life, but violence, open war was not the way. Between Zeus and Aphrodite he had every reason to hate, to stand against, yet he did not. His Titan brethren had once laid dead before him, yet he did not turn against Olympus, not even then.

And then there was Ares and Enyo.

Dogs willing to bite the hand that feeds them. That keeps order. The one whose heavy hand is the very reason peace exists.

Every last one of them was a child in their own way, caring only for themselves. Caring for their hearts, and not the hearts of others. Not for the lives of others. Not for the greater good. They were all victims, and each of them had a secret love for the role. Helios was just as right to claim that for himself as they were, yet his eyes, his ears, Helios the All-Seeing, Helios the All-Hearing knew well what actions like theirs wrought. Vengeance brought about vengeance. It brought about vengeance, and even more vengeance after that. And every step was justified, at least in the eyes of the victim.

His recent respite from them all couldn't have come at a better time. )

He Did What? (tag: Iris) [09 Apr 2008|02:08pm]
It had been a long time since Sif had been to Italy, she'd almost forgotten how fantastic it was. The architecture, museums, operas, and its rich history all lent themselves to the artistic energy the city had. Not to mention the shopping. The wealthy always talked of shopping in Paris, but in her mind they were fools if they didn't at least experience the shops along Via Montenapoleone. This was the true fashion capitol of the world.

She was dressed casually for this visit in a pair of black slacks and a soft pink cardigan and shell, with matching pink and black pumps. She'd added a  pair of quarter carat diamond studs for sparkle. She wore no other jewelry, other than her new ring, of course. Something she was dying to show off.

She felt a little naked without the hammer around her neck, but Thor had torn out of Bilskirnir after retrieving it with a quick kiss to her cheek, informing her that Tyr needed him.  It had been odd leaving a note for her husband so he knew where she had gone off to, in the event he returned before she did. But more than that, it felt wonderful to have someone to leave the note for.

Which was really the point of this visit. It was time to share her good fortune with her friend. It had been so long since they'd had an afternoon dedicated to nothing other than chatting, and it was long overdue. She just hoped she wouldn't make Iris uncomfortable. Things had not been easy for either of them when it came to their spouses, and she didn't want to make her friend feel bad, even though she knew Iris would be sincerely happy for her.

Tucked under her arm was a bottle of Bordeaux, a bouquet of fresh spring flowers in her hand. Sif didn't visit anyone without bringing some small token of endearment. She raised her hand to knock on the door of Iris' flat, a bright smile on her face.

You Know You Got It , If It Makes You Feel Good [open] [09 Apr 2008|04:13pm]
Apate, had ended up being quite the way to spend an afternoon. Far from disappointed, Loki had left her side only to be perplexed at her reaction to what had transpired between them. That part at the end, which ran the course it was supposed to run, seemed to shock and surprise her. As if it was either alarmingly rare or something entirely new. Shame, if either was the case, but bravo to himself for doing one of the things he did best. )

In Human Form Again [Narrative, closed] [09 Apr 2008|09:48pm]
Dionysos emerged from the surf, seamlessly changing from the form of a dolphin into a man )

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