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Arranging Accommodations (tag Nike/open to all Styxlings) [05 Mar 2008|04:47pm]
Arms folded across his chest, Kratos leaned against the wall, his legs crossed at the ankle in an attempt to at least look comfortable. The fact was, he was anything but. He could feel the tightness in his shoulders, running up his neck, and knew if he didn’t relax, he was going to end up with a tension headache later. Didn’t really need that right now. )

Cleansing Fire (Aphrodite) [05 Mar 2008|10:18pm]
Whatever it was that Akheron had planned for Styx, he neither wanted to see or hear it.. he had his suspicions, and he liked none of the conclusions he drew in his mind. Normally such a matter would have consumed his thoughts as he brooded over the possibilities, alternatively cursing his fortune and himself. He would have taken solace only in punishing those unfortunate enough to traverse his waters, finding joy in their misery. Today was different.

Today, and at least for the moment... he had Aphrodite all to himself. She had not put up much in the way of resistance as he had taken her back to his fortress, most all the fight having already been beaten out of her by his brother, which was actually somewhat of a disappoint for him. He did enjoy the feisty ones.. in any event, he had special plans for her. Before him she knelt where he had released her, bound in heavy chains, the roaring river of fire that was his life blood flowing at her back. It was not often that he passed judgement on anyone that even passively caught his attention, which made it impossible to hide his dark smile.

"The moment has at least come for you to answer for your sins, Olympian."

Taking a single step forward, he plants his boot heavily into her chest, kicking her into his fiery waters.

Into the Flames )

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