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What happens now? [tag: Nanshe... open to: Eos] [10 Feb 2008|01:41pm]
This was... an all to familiar situation and really, Harmonia could only imagine what must have been going through dear Nanshe's mind as they tried to repair the damage to her garden. Not nearly long enough ago, she was bent over the damage to her own garden, heart torn apart at how little respect had been shown the blossoming memorials to her husband and children. Harmonia had yet to address Dolos over the issue of having run a bus through the center of her garden; unlike the boys who had been present and the unveiling of the destruction, at least Nanshe had not that burden to bear. She would know that Shamash and Tyr were sorry for such an offense.

It was just saddening to once again be filling in tire tracks; a task that was probably not the most necessary as far as priorities went, at least it would clear some of reminder of what had done the damage from immediate view. "Nanshe," she said quietly. There were things, portions of their conversation, that Balance wished not for Shamash to overhear from his position above -or the children and widows scattered about, or the other Sumerian deities now scattered about her friend's home. "What happens now?"

That question had a multitude of questions buried within it. It seemed no other Greeks would come, not that Harmonia was all that surprised. They probably didn't quite understand what the costs really were. With that in mind, what would become of Balance? She already knew gods were dying; more would be killed with time. There was also the question of things between Nanshe and Shamash. Understandably, before Balance had fainted, Nanshe had looked extremely cross with him. Had that passed and were they alright now? One night of drunken rampage and bad decisions had not ruined them, had it?

She really hoped not.

So many nights, while the two of them lived in London, they had shared late evening chatter about Nanshe's seemingly unrequited love for Shamash. Now with how things had come to pass in a very positive way and Harmonia started to look at the relationship her dearest friend shared with the grumbly Sumerian as something she had longed for herself. A bit of hope that the nonsense her mother and brothers had preached about and claimed to support maybe existed in a state where there was loyalty and trust with the affection. Not the jealousy and constant straying of those Balance had grown up around.

Then always a part of her mind now, she wanted to know what Nanshe thought might come of everything she had told her about the Norseman.

It was... there was just so much that needed sorting out and nothing seemed clear.

The End is Nigh [tag: Amaterasu] [10 Feb 2008|07:18pm]
OOC Note: Takes place before this.

Wow, mortals were far more entertaining than they had been thousands of years ago. They seemed far more given to extreme viewpoints and felt a stronger need to proselytize these points to passerby. Most 'civilized' folk barely paid these nut jobs more than a moments attention, preferring to either shove them out of the way or cross the street in a more cowardly attempt to avoid them.

Not Loki. )

[ viewing | February 10th, 2008 ]
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