Mon, May. 13th, 2013, 02:27 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Sloppy Seconds Day 8: Snap

Title: Snap
Author: [info]gamma_x_orionis
Pairing: Severus/Irma, past Severus/Lily
Rating: PG
Prompt: "Each man kills the thing he loves, by each let this be heard. Some do it with a bitter look, some with a flattering word. The coward does it with a kiss, the brave man with a sword."
Content Information/Warnings: Murder
Summary: It would be so easy to take just a few steps forward and put his hands around her neck and snap it, snap it so hard that she wouldn't feel a moment of pain. Two steps. Two hands. Snap.
Author's Notes: I cannot express how much of a joy this fest was to write for :D A huge thank you to the mods for running it! ♥

Snap )

Sun, May. 12th, 2013, 06:23 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Sloppy Seconds Day 7: Still In Love With You

Title: Still in love with you
Author: [info]julesdrenages
Pairing: Regulus/Severus
Rating: PG
Prompt: #2 - He's such a fuckup that he can only start a relationship where he can see the end.
Content Information/Warnings: Sexual themes ahead. Vanilla, but still.
Summary: A history of love in five panels.
Author's Notes: Lyrics from "Can't stand me now" by The Libertines, suggested by the original prompter. Characters belong to JKR. Any improper use of them is mine alone, but I don't make money out of mistreating them, so no big deal.

Read more... )

Mon, May. 6th, 2013, 06:30 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Sloppy Seconds Day 2: The One That You Loathe

Title: The One That You Loathe
Author: [info]julesdrenages
Pairing: Severus Snape/Regulus Black
Rating: PG
Prompt: You're the one that I need / I'm the one that you loathe -- My Chemical Romance
Content Information/Warnings: None
Summary: "You are the one that I need, I'm the one that you loathe..."
Author's Notes: Please, focus on the boys' awful luck in relationships and don't dwell on the epic anatomy fail this drawing is - the author has already been flogged for it. Also: I don't really have any plausible excuse for their outfits except for "I wanted to play with their robes and liked the toga-style on Regulus" (and the crossdressing effect on ghost!Severus).
I regret nothing.

The One That You Loathe )

Sat, Jan. 5th, 2013, 12:01 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Fic: "A Virtuous Man"

Title: A Virtuous Man
Author: [temporarily disillusioned]
Beta Reader(s): [permanently disillusioned]
Word Count: 4300
Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Minerva McGonagall
Rating: PG
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): None.
Prompt Author: [personal profile] delphi
Prompt: 14: Severus manipulates his lover in subtle ways in order to keep his/her attention.

(A Virtuous Man) @ DW
(A Virtuous Man) @ LJ

Thu, Jan. 3rd, 2013, 11:14 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Art: "Prior Incantato"

Title: Prior Incantato
Artist: [temporarily disillusioned]
Rating: PG
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): *Difficult-to-read handwriting, untold stories*
Prompt: Wild Card
Summary: Within these walls, a wizard came of age. Three glimpses of Severus Snape's childhood home with key spells recalled.

(Prior Incantato) @ DW
(Prior Incantato) @ LJ

Mon, Dec. 31st, 2012, 07:23 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Art: "He Dogs Me Still"

Title: He Dogs Me Still
Artist : [temporarily disillusioned]
Beta Viewer: [temporarily disillusioned]
Pairing(s): none
Rating: PG
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): None..
Prompt Author: [info]kerravonsen
Prompt: 145: Severus Snape: Neither black nor white, a candle in the dark, a night full of stars, a deeply horrible good guy.
Summary: Even during an act of valor he can appear.

(He Dogs Me Still) @ DW
(He Dogs Me Still) @ LJ

Fri, Dec. 28th, 2012, 01:06 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Poem: "The Girl"

Title: The Girl
Author: [temporarily disillusioned]
Beta Reader(s): [temporarily disillusioned]
Word Count: 332
Pairing(s): Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Rating: PG
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): None
Prompt Author: [info]narglehunter
Prompt: 89: Snape sees Hermione as his property since he saved her life in the third year. He has been waiting patiently for Hermione to grow up so he can claim her, but of course she is completely unaware. Snape goes to great lengths to keep all of his possessions. SS/HG, HG/?? Bonus if Snape legitimately steals 'his' girl in the end.
Notes: I thought I’d give a poem a try, I hope you all enjoy. I went astray from the prompt a little sorry.

(The Girl) @ DW
(The Girl) @ LJ

Wed, Dec. 26th, 2012, 11:08 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Fic: "Necessary Destruction"

Title: Necessary Destruction
Author: [temporarily disillusioned]
Beta Reader(s): [temporarily disillusioned]
Word Count: 2,675
Pairing(s): Snape/Hermione
Rating: PG for language
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): [None].
Prompt Author: [info]kerravonsen
Prompt: 139: Severus is livid. What does Miss Granger see in that dunderhead Weasley? No, Snape doesn't attempt to manipulate Hermione into falling in love with him. It didn't work with Lily, after all. He simply manipulates Ron into breaking up with Hermione. And if Severus is there to pick up the pieces, all the better.
Summary: Manipulation is Severus Snape's middle name. Today, it’s Ron Weasley’s turn to suffer.

(Necessary Destruction) @ DW
(Necessary Destruction) @ LJ

Tue, Dec. 18th, 2012, 11:46 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Fic: "Windward"

Title: Windward
Author: [temporarily disillusioned]
Beta Reader(s): Thank you, S, for being a great beta & fixing my typos as always.
Word Count: 4606
Pairing(s): Gen, background Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: PG
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): None.
Prompt Author: [info]kerravonsen
Prompt: 66: Lucius Malfoy claimed he was under Imperius. What if that were true? What if Snape and Lucius really were friends?
Summary: People always said Lucius Malfoy was a fair-weather friend. Even after a lifetime, Severus was never sure if he agreed or not.
Notes: The part of the prompt I ended up filling was "What if Snape and Lucius really were friends?"--it became a character study on what made up this strange friendship.

(Windward) @ DW
(Windward) @ LJ

Thu, Dec. 6th, 2012, 06:42 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Fic/Art: "A Difficult Man"

Title: A Difficult Man
Author: [temporarily disillusioned]
Beta Reader(s): [temporarily disillusioned]
Word Count: Approx 4800
Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Hermione Granger
Rating: PG
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): None..
Prompt Author: [info]of_anoesis
Prompt: Quote prompt – unashamedly stolen from Barbara Cartland’s A Hazard of Hearts:
“I loath you, you make me shudder!”
“How exciting. I long to make you shudder.”

Is Snape saying this? Is it being said to him? Are shudderings to be had? Has anyone else seen this film, or is it just me?
Summary: Severus faces the most surprising turn of events at a Midwinter Ball.
Notes: Heartfelt thanks to my beta.

(A Difficult Man) @ DW
(A Difficult Man) @ LJ

(Sorry for the delay; IJ has been having problems on my end!)

Tue, Dec. 4th, 2012, 11:59 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Fic: "Defensive Measures"

Title: Defensive Measures
Author: [temporarily disillusioned]
Beta Reader: [temporarily disillusioned]
Word Count: 730
Pairing(s): None
Rating: PG
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): None.
Prompt Author: [personal profile] primeideal
Prompt: 166: Many of the greatest wizards and witches don't have an ounce of logic...which makes one particular half-blood very annoyed.
Summary: Ever wondered about Snape's contribution to the Philosopher's Stone protection? Wonder no more...

(Defensive Measures) @ DW
(Defensive Measures) @ LJ

Fri, Nov. 30th, 2012, 11:49 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Art: "Fancy meeting you here, Igor"

Title: Fancy meeting you here, Igor.
Artist: [temporarily disillusioned]
Beta Viewer: [temporarily disillusioned]
Pairing(s): //
Rating: PG
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): None.
Prompt Author: [info]bvizen
Prompt: 117: Sure, he turned in other Death Eaters to the Wizengamot then, and Snape amongst them. But it was a long time ago, and Snape is the understanding and forgiving type, after all. No reason to worry about meeting him again, after all these years. . . Right?
Notes: Many thanks to C for the useful tips, the prompt support and the kind patience. I've never had my works beta'd before, and it was a challenging experience - two heads are always better than one! So, again, thanks a lot dear for helping me bringing out the best from this piece! <3
Lineart on paper, coloured in PS - fur brushes by Sullivan (on dA - though his account is in storage now).

(Fancy meeting you here, Igor) @ DW
(Fancy meeting you here, Igor) @ LJ

Mon, Nov. 26th, 2012, 12:16 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Art: "He Named Him Albus Severus?"

Title: "He Named Him Albus Severus?"
Artist : [temporarily disillusioned]
Beta Viewer(s): [temporarily disillusioned]
Pairing(s): none
Rating: PG
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): None
Prompt Author:
Prompt: 149: What Severus thinks of Harry naming his child Albus Severus
Summary: Snape's opinion on this is succinct.

(He Named Him Albus Severus?) @ DW
(He Named Him Albus Severus?) @ LJ