November 28th, 2012

12:20 pm
[info]dhorrible_mod: Fic: "The Tie That Binds"

Title: The Tie that Binds
Author: [temporarily disillusioned]
Beta Reader(s): [temporarily disillusioned]
Word Count: 43,648
Pairing(s): Severus Snape, Hermione Granger
Rating: R
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): Character Death, Extreme Angst, Language, Mature Themes.
Prompt Author: [info]kerravonsen
Prompt: 33: Post-war, EWE. Hermione Granger is investigating something. And then she bumps into Severus Snape, who offers his help. But is he really helping her, or is he making sure that she *doesn't* find the answers she is looking for? Ambiguous, sneaky, slippery Snape. Optional Trappings: Bonus points if Snape remains ambigious to the end. Even so, I would prefer a happy/hopeful ending for some value of happy/hopeful.
Summary: In the end, it is up to you to decide who is worth the suffering. 
Notes: A very special thanks to [info]kerravonsen for suggesting a prompt that drove my Muse wild. I may have played with the prompt a bit, but I hope it still exceeds your expectations!

Single-post verison on DW:
(The Tie That Binds)

Chaptered version on LJ:

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven