November 29th, 2012

11:51 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Fic: "The Ambiguity of Aggression"

Title: The Ambiguity of Aggression
Author: [temporarily disillusioned]
Beta Reader(s): [temporarily disillusioned]
Word Count: 2,956 words
Rating: PG-13
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): language.
Prompt Author: [info]perverse_idyll
Prompt: 101: After Snape's death, corked flasks are found amongst his personal possessions, each one labeled for delivery to a particular person and containing a memory intended to affect them. It could be his opinion of the receiver or it could be meant to hurt in an entirely different way.
Summary: The truth is always ambiguous, and Snape was nothing if not that. Hermione and Harry are reminded of this in a painful manner.
Notes: Recognizable text in one sequence is taken from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

The Ambiguity of Aggression @ DW
The Ambiguity of Aggression @ LJ