Jan. 30th, 2018



[No Subject]

So, looking for some ic info. Mira tries to always find out/figure out what everyone's favorite desert is so she can make them a little something special on their birthdays.

So, if your char has a fav desert... share? *begs*

Jan. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

Apologies for the slight inconvenience but the teams have been shifted around; since we have recently taken on two new handlers. So to balance out the numbers some supers have been reassigned to different handlers, and to different rooms.

Please check out the link below, and update your character's app page accordingly. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to the mods on discord or by using the drop box.

Thank you!


Jan. 26th, 2018



[No Subject]

I would like everyone to meet Precious Jagger... but she tends to go by her middle name Mira, it's less cringey.

Mira doesn't quite look how she looks in her icons. She has shimmery red skin, somewhere between a burgundy and maroon depending on the lighting. White hair and white eyes (iris and pupil). She wears sunglassss a lot because she's aware (people have told her) that her eyes are a little unnerving, also because in anything more than a candle or stove flame she's essentially blind (and people get weirded out when you don't actually look at them when you talk to them. She's was in the children's facility since she was 16, right after loosing one of her siblings in a car accident (she's one ina triple) and her 'powers' were exposed. Beyond the darkvision she got (which only works when it's dark and basically makes her see like others do in the light) she's really only funny colored. When she turned 18 she was transferred and started to work in the kitchen until she was promoted to basically run the Caf.

So while she is technically an Agent because she is 'superpowersd' she is definitely a non combatant. She's a cook.

Anyhow she's been around for over a decade so def possibilities for lines of people she knows.

Jan. 23rd, 2018



Mission Sign Ups

The time is nearly upon is for more missions! This time it is not a singular mission, but it will be broken up into multiple. However many that ends up being depends on how many sign up, and who they are. We'll try to tailor missions to the teams we can build. There might even be an Easter egg or two in them. We may build up to them before then, but the missions themselves will be posted in February, so that they can count for February's activity requirements.

The following rules apply in signing up for these missions:
• The character you volunteer must have IC activity for the month of January in order to sign up.
• Do not sign up unless you plan to post in the group threads. Those who sign up and fail to participate in the mission scene will not be allowed to sign up for the next mission.
• Do not sign up more characters than you can handle.
• While the lead handler's actual involvement may end up as minimal, the players of the lead handlers are expected to keep up to date on the thread's happenings and intervene as needed.
• Posting order is important, as it gives everyone a chance to keep up with the events of the thread as well as to participate. We may break agents up into even smaller groups depending on the action.
• Because an enforced posting order can drag on, we are imposing a 72 hour limit. If the player next in line does not post within 72 hours of the character they follow, they may be automatically skipped. Players may also opt to be skipped at their discretion.

Submit whatever handlers (for individual mission lead handler spots) and agents you would like to have involved. We will try to accommodate as many as we can.

Currently signed up:

Juliet Winters
Rachel Cohen

Anabelle Brady/Wonder
Anthony Quinn/Inception
Buckley Kirby/Zero
Indigo de Rosier/Finesse
Jackie's Wildcard
Josephine Wayland/Tiny
Julian Cain/Puppet Master
Katherine Parish/Deadlock
Nicolette Ashford/Umbra
Vasily Markov/Wild Thing
Will McCall/Aftershock

Jan. 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hey all Lexi in with two more

First this boy here, Cassidy Porter, aka Treble, 23, single, omnisexual, Musical Emotional Manipulation, Musical Healing and Sound Absorption, former outsider, just captured by Limbo on the 13th. He's outgoing and very social, has little self control and no shame. He WILL flirt with EVERYONE. Keep in mind, flirting does not always = sex, but he would pass up the opportunity either lol. He flirts like other people breath and most people like being complimented and made to feel attractive so he's just doing a community service. Oh and if you couldn't tell from his powers he is a musician... most recently performed on the street corner outside the bodega in the Bronx.

Second I'm bringing in Tyler Parish (thonfeddi), aka wavelength, 37, straight, married to Kat Parish, energy perception/manipulation, former con man, has been with Limbo 7 years. He's a charmer, always looking for an angle, but has also become a reliable agent (because it's better than jail?). Ty is a talker, and performer. Even over seven years, very few have seen the 'real' Tyler.



[No Subject]

player intro here )

Jan. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hey everyone! I'm Jaclyn (also goes by Jackie) and I bring you just one for the moment, Raphael Michael Davies, or Raph for short. Raph has been in the program for nearly a decade, but has just been transferred to Limbo.

Raph was brought to a juvenile facility after he was rescued from a cult. The poor guy had been through a lot and was, understandably, not the life of the party that he is now. Or will be after he recovers from learning that his handler, someone he cared deeply for, died in a car accident. The man was like family to him and Raph is ... well lacking on the family aspect. As far as he knows, he's the last member of his family. (Note: It is possible his brother is alive, but unlikely).

Please excuse him after he finds out about that. He won't be himself... but normally Raph is a social butterfly that comes off as an arrogant, devil-may-care pretty boy. It's a defensive measure on his part until he gets the measure of the person he's interacting with. Sometimes they'll get to see something deeper... and other times, things never change.

Looking for all sorts of lines for him! Can't wait to play with all of you!

Dec. 31st, 2017



[No Subject]

I just want to be up front and apologize for my total lack of anything since I've joined. The last two weeks have been a hellish nightmare of work and my depression. I've not had much time to focus on anything between those two.

Now, that being said, I feel as if I should introduce myself. I'm Lori and I'm playing Nicolette Ashford. Nicky goes by Umbra and is, obviously, an umbrakinetic with a tiny bit of teleportation. She's a quiet woman in her mid-thirties that has been in the program since she was 18. I haven't really had any ideas as far as relationships, but she started her training in the Everglades and was moved to Limbo about five years ago. Ever since her focus shifted from "fuck the system" to being a team player, she's been on much better terms with her handlers. She has grown to lean on the structure that the program provides her so she's 50-50 on the upcoming law that will essentially "free" them. If she's honest with herself, she knows she won't leave even if she has the chance. She might go out for some Starbucks sometime, but she's essentially been institutionalized.

So... hi?

Dec. 29th, 2017



[No Subject]

Rescue Mission: (Saudi) Arabian Nights
IC Date: 1/1/18

As has been previously noted, Agent Tinker was taken captive while on a prior mission to Saudi Arabia in her attempt to hack a computer system. The facility holding her is known to house an uncertain amount of supers in their equivalent of a Wraiths program. Tinker is being held in a windowless, mirrorless, cameraless room at the end of a hallway monitored by a security camera. While this could be as easy as a quick in-and-out grab, things are rarely so simple, and the Regiment is prepared for the worst. A team of agents will be sent in to retrieve the missing asset. Directives are subject to change depending on what obstacles present themselves.

Projected Outcomes: Fighting is likely, and injuries of varying severity may result. All agents will return to base. The handler in chage of the previous mission responsible for Tinker's capture, one Junior Agent Jordan Jones, will be reprimanded and put on administrative leave pending an official investigation.

The following rules apply in signing up for this mission:
• The character you volunteer must have at least one IC post prior to this sign up. This may be waived for recently added characters.
• Do not sign up unless you plan to post in the group thread. Those who sign up and fail to participate in the mission scene will not be allowed to sign up for the next mission.
• While the lead handler's actual involvement may end up as minimal, the player of the lead handler is expected to keep up to date on the thread's happenings and intervene as needed.
• Posting order is important, as it gives everyone a chance to keep up with the events of the thread as well as to participate. We may break agents up into smaller groups depending on the action.
• Because an enforced posting order can drag on, we are imposing a 72 hour limit. If the player next in line does not post within 72 hours of the character they follow, they may be automatically skipped. Players may also opt to be skipped at their discretion.

Only Senior Handlers may apply to be Lead Handler for this mission. Players have 72 hours from the time of this posting to submit their handlers for consideration. This handler must either post to this network post, or create their own set within a few hours of it.

We will select no more than 10 agents for this mission. Two will go through the portal initially, while the rest will hang and be sent through as needed. Sign ups close 1/5 at 6:00pm EST. The mission post will go up soon after, and will be backdated for January 1st.

Dec. 15th, 2017


[No Subject]

Anyone still around??

Dec. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

Evie here is going on hiatus for reasons to be revealed soon enough for those who don't already know. 🙃

Dec. 7th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hello there! I am BB, and I'll be playing Drifter (codename Murk); a former mutant musician turned agent. Drifter has been with the Wraith for 9 years now, serving as a heavy-hitter/infiltrator. The man can turn into a cloud of fog/smoke, fly, and have his fog for become poisonous or just disintegrate matter that it comes into contact with. Murk is seriously mellow most of the time (because of the weed/booze, and the chemicals that the government has been injecting him with for years now to keep him from trying to escape), and tends to just chill out around the base until it's time to head out into the field.

He is assigned to Dean's unit, and I am looking forward to seeing how things pan out. Feel free to drop a line if you are interested in interactions; despite being a cloud of death Drifter really is a pretty easy going guy who likes to have fun.

Dec. 6th, 2017


[No Subject]

Guess I'll start off with an intro, and break in the OOC. I'm Lin with Thatcher Riggs. He's a former Marine who's been a handler with Regiment for five years now. He's a widower with a 13 year old daughter. His wife died 9 years ago. Would love to work out things with him and the other handlers in the game, and he's got two agents assigned to him (Lila Quimby and Evelyn Bowen) to familiarize himself with.

Looking forward to playing with everyone!