Posts Tagged: 'adds/removals'

Jun. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]




- Gabriel Eldridge ([info]lvlup)
- Jeffrey Underwood ([info]underwooding)


- Gabriel Eldridge will be joining Rachel Cohen's team.
- Jeffrey Underwood will be joining Scott Deacon's team.
- Tammy Toldeo, Andreaa Castillo and June Kirby have been transferred from Limbo


- please run the add button; it's over here (IJ dislikes when I put it into an entry).
- PB list has been added in case no one wants to sift through the cast list.
- Activity Check has closed; thank you for prompt check ins.
- Please note: posting 'dibs' on a thread you want to tag into only lasts for 24 hours. It's meant to hold a spot for you to tag in promptly if you're just a little indisposed, please don't keep people waiting more than 24 hours. If a day has passed the poster is within their rights to delete the dibs and open the post up again.


- Nicolette Ashford & Open; Alternative Training Options
- Syreni Jones & Open; In the Pool
- Rose Montgomery & Open; Table Top Therapy
- Base Wide; Gathering & Reactions
- Base Wide; Forward Dated Party

Jun. 6th, 2018



[No Subject]




- Valentine Johnson ([info]barderplease)
- Warren Lewis ([info]workinganangle)


- Warren Lewis will be joining Hazel Dagan & Michael Winter's team.
- Valentine Johnson will be joining Saffron Gupta's team.


- please run the add button; it's over here (IJ dislikes when I put it into an entry).
- PB list has been added in case no one wants to sift through the cast list.
- ACTIVITY CHECK: HERE due by June 7th!
- As some of you are aware, Sam has opted to step down from moderating in a bid to focus on playing and rekindling her investment in the game. She's not leaving us, we won't let her go, but she is taking a break from the stresses of modding. This does mean things might be a tad slow on the mod front while I figure out how to juggle things.

Add days are still the same, missions will still go forth as planned, but answering questions might take a little longer. Please bear with me. <3