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~*~ [userpic]

dear you,

I think that you're very inconsiderate. I go out of my way, take time off from my fucking job, fly across the country, get my husband to drive across the country to drag your shit across the country and you're ballsy enough to be a jackass to me. whatever. I'm not the type of person to hold shit against you, but I can't go anywhere else to cool off and you're sitting there asking me what's wrong, and I can't just walk away and get some fresh air and stop and think, and you're just in my fucking face. really. like that's a good idea. I just need a break.

please just give me a break.


ghostofmylife [userpic]
Dear Attention Seeking Twit

The only thing you did all weekend was exercise your voice when you made out you were working.

Offering loudly to help people who have nearly finished anyway is not offering to help but making sure people know how "helpful" you are.

No I didn't want help with the cooking because you are not a good cook. You aren't even a bad cook. You don't cook at home and leave that to your other half so why the performance of offering to help with the cooking (which was nearly done)? You don't even know how to make a cup of tea and didn't all weekend. You vanished and became deaf when jobs you are capable of were going on and you made damn sure you were as far from the harder jobs as possible.

Don't think no-one noticed that your entire contribution to the weekend work party was uploading pictures of everyone else working via your laptop and making your kids do the dishes (and loudly declaring they need to pull their weight).

Also don't think that you proposing a vote of thanks to the host before the organisers got a chance (and two of them weren't even present) to make yourself look like such a considerate and grateful person wasn't noted either.

You are a lazy, self-absorbed, bullshitting attention seeker.


Not fooled at all.

Dear you,
I thought I could count on you as a friend. Someone I could talk to. Someone I could tell how my day is going. But you don't want to have anything to do with my problem. I feel like a genuine douse-bag for being depressed and sad. I thought you would be a good person to talk to about it, but I guess I was wrong. I even put you down for one of my support people. Like I have a limited number of those already. I want to cut even more now just because you don't want to talk about it with me.

Current Mood: angry angry

Dear Stress,

Please go away.


Dear You,

You think you're on top of the world.  You think you can have whatever you want and do whatever you want, but you have to step on others to get there.  Mainly me and you don't care.  You tell me I'm not being a good friend to do, but I treat people the same way people treat me.  I can't take this anymore.  The talking about me behind my back, the writing things about me on Facebook thinking I can't see it when I clearly can, the ignoring me and then coming to me when you have a problem or need something.  You.  Suck.  I can't take this anymore and I don't want to be friends with you.  I told you that, I blocked you on websites, I'm done.  You don't get the hint, though.  I know you hate me, so why do you keep trying to talk to me and get into my business?  Leave me alone.  I don't want to sound like a bitch, but you're asking for it.  Be a big girl and move on.  You have a boyfriend now, so according to you, you don't need anyone else.  I don't understand what you want and I'm done trying to please you.  You bring me so much stress and drama and I want you out of my life.  I can tell you want me out of your life, too, but you won't quit.  I.  Am.  Done.

Have a nice life,

Current Mood: annoyed annoyed


Oh. Yes. Friend. Because you are such a good friend. Maybe my expectations are too high but I thought "friends" were supposed to treat "friends" like they exist. Sometimes your intentions are good but it does really sting.

Tired of being either invisible or an obligation,

dear self,

please get your life together so you can't stop freaking out over everything. ps write more songs.


then he stole her... [userpic]

Dear you,

There's not point trying to hide it, no point trying to evade it. I know I got a problem by doing this behaving. I'm only gonna break your heart~♫

I might tear you apart,

Current Mood: okay okay
Current Music: break your heart (remix) ♫ taio cruz & ludacris
ghostofmylife [userpic]
Watching you stuff your face is not attractive.

Dear You

When food is put out for everyone it means EVERYONE, not just you.  

When I am trying to keep the amount the children eat reasonable and fair I could do without you making a pig of yourself and eating a quarter of what has been put out as a snack for fifteen people.

It is often YOUR children who are the most problem with eating until there is nothing left and having no regard for other people and no concept of sharing.  Where, I wonder, do they get that from?

Perhaps your frequent buying six packs of tiramasu pudding pots and eating them all in one go and not sharing with anyone else in the house might be something they have picked up on?   Do you think?

Do you also think that this "mysterious weight gain" you have might also be connected to the binging?


Thinking of introducing ration cards.

𝐽𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑘❅ [userpic]

Dear you,

I don't know why I even bother any more. You really don't pay attention to anything I do for you, for us, for all of our friends. You know exactly why I continue to try though. I make up so many excuses to defend your actions and yet you still treat me this way.

Just once I'd like to see you notice me. Once. You've never commented on my journal but you whine if I miss commenting on a post of your's. You complain I never IM you but when you change screen names every week, it's hard to get in touch. I'm tired of being the one who always has to initiate a conversation on that note. Say hi to me every once in a while. It doesn't take much effort...


Current Mood: hopeful hopeful

Dear you,

I want to do things with you, too, but there never seems to be a chance. I'm often a little scared to bother you about playing because I feel like you'd have better things to do than write with me. A part of me thinks that even if I do make a visible effort to do things with you, that you'd still be upset with her for doing things with me.

This is really vague, because I'm afraid of being discovered, but I just wish this obvious tension wasn't there. I just want to be a good friend, but I feel like no matter what I do, I'm hurting someone, always.


Dear you,

Your actions are sort of disappointing me. I think I might have to just disappear for a while so we both aren't tempted. Boy, doesn't that sound familiar ...

Dear Kelly,

You're a terrible teacher. You constantly change your expectations of your students. The workload you administer is erratic and confusing. If we don't live up to your expectations, you go on and on about how we're such a disappointment and how you "really don't care if we graduate" or if "we end up doing anything with our lives".

If we disappoint you so much, quit your job, idiot. And then you can spend every fucking day with that stupid lap dog of yours you never shut up about.

Thanks for being the worst teacher I've ever had. Jerk.

Behind cut for F-Bomb )

Current Mood: pissed off pissed off

Dear You,

When I say you're a bitch, I mean it. You can run to mom all you want and pull your innocent say-it-isn't-true! act, but we all know who you really are.

I made a comment about your earrings- earrings! Fucking jewelry for heaven's sake. And you go and take a shot below the belt and make fun of something very important to me, and something I'm clearly sensitive about. What are you, twelve?

Thanks for making me feel like a nutcase in my own home.

i'm blue da-ba dee [userpic]

Dear school:
i hate you.
you've given deadlines to my life and generally assraped my concept of time.
go to hell :(

dear you,

It's hard to believe it's been this long. I have not contacted you, nor have you contacted me. It's quite a feat, quite remarkable indeed. But don't mistake me, I don't miss you. Not even in the slightest. I never, ever believed I would see the day come where I could honestly, with every bit of truth in me, say that I don't miss you. I don't care where you are, so long as you are not near me or my family. I'm merely shocked because this has never happened before. You always come back.

This time, I wished you wouldn't. For the first time, I actually meant it. And you haven't. I am so goddamn grateful. I don't know how I ever loved someone like you - because yes, I know I did. It's the only explanation I can give for the things I put myself through for you. For feeling even slightly guilty about those things we talked about a year ago. (Although I must admit, you were right about that one. Thank you for at least trying to look out for me, in your own strange way.)

I suppose my love isn't all that unconditional after all. In your case, I'm not sorry for it. You certainly weren't deserving of it. I think you finally learned that, in the end. Maybe that's why you're gone now. I'll never know, as with most things concerning you. But for once, finally, I am okay with not knowing.

Zipping Cupid in a body bag well-worn, next to the mausoleum he was born in...

closing your chapter,


dear you,

It always comes, eventually. Don't be surprised.

Current Mood: apathetic apathetic
Current Music: him - disarm me (with your loneliness)

Dear me,

I wish that you would just get off your ass and actually start writing again rather than just roleplay. Really. You will never get published if you don't finish something. Should have, would have, could have's aren't going to cut it years from now when all you have to look back on is some half assed roleplays that you get bored with and quit.


Dear you,

you make me so mad that i could scream.

Just thought you should know

Dear you,

fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

dear you,

really... you're coming in to "help" me since my co-worker that usually is here isn't going to be... and then you go up and hole yourself in your office and let the fucking phone ring off the damn hook while I'm stuck out front waiting on customers. really?


Dear you,
I hope you die soon. I hate to see you like this. I want the old you back, but she isn't there anymore. She is never coming back. When I go see you, you might be there, but you arn't. I want you to die so your long suffering will end.

Bekah Rose [userpic]

Dear You,

Funny how life works sometimes. Seriously. I can't stop giggling every time I see it.

Now, please for the love of all things bubbly and shiny, get the FUCK outta my thoughts, because it hurts a little too much right now.

♥ Always...


Oi, You.

Yeah, you knocked her up... BRILLIANT... will you keep this one, or will you guilt her into loosing it too?

No Love.

Current Mood: annoyed annoyed
Current Music: Mon Amour / Shakira
i'm blue da-ba dee [userpic]

Oh you.
how you tease me. I'm not stupid though.
As much as I'd like to open my wallet up to you, with your shiny sweet satin and gorgeous true red, I don't think even if I bent my feet in half I could force myself inside you.
oh but those flowers!
n-no. I-I have self-control!
goodbye my sweet platform pumps. ♥ I can never be with you.

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