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Back March 15th, 2010 Forward
ghostofmylife [userpic]
Watching you stuff your face is not attractive.

Dear You

When food is put out for everyone it means EVERYONE, not just you.  

When I am trying to keep the amount the children eat reasonable and fair I could do without you making a pig of yourself and eating a quarter of what has been put out as a snack for fifteen people.

It is often YOUR children who are the most problem with eating until there is nothing left and having no regard for other people and no concept of sharing.  Where, I wonder, do they get that from?

Perhaps your frequent buying six packs of tiramasu pudding pots and eating them all in one go and not sharing with anyone else in the house might be something they have picked up on?   Do you think?

Do you also think that this "mysterious weight gain" you have might also be connected to the binging?


Thinking of introducing ration cards.

Back March 15th, 2010 Forward