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Back February 26th, 2010 Forward
i'm blue da-ba dee [userpic]

Dear You~Anata:

ahahhahaha you are sooooooooo cute ♥
wish i could tell you that without seeming like even more of a goofy spazz.
fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff god i hope you don't think i'm a dork :o

Dear other Person:
aahahahahaha now YOU are a real ego-booster. Just seeing your stupid, clumsy antics always makes me feel so intelligent and mature it's almost sickeningly delightful in it's sense of superiority. I never claimed to be modest or good, but I could keep you around ;D

Current Mood: amused amused

dear you,

What part of "stop freaking out about it" can't you understand? Once again, I - am - not - moving. Not any time in the near or foreseeable future. I'd like to, yes, this is why I brought it up to you, but you're making me regret my honesty. "How are you going to get around if you don't drive? How will you be able to stand living in a city like that? What will you do if [insert any big, mostly unlikely scenario you can think of here] happens?" Public transportation; I just will, okay, it's better than the middle of nowhere; I'll figure it out as I go along, that's how I solve most of these problems. Things can only get better after they get worse, after all. One life lesson I have learned in the past year or two.

Just breathe, and stop thinking about it.


dear you,

You're a bright one. I don't mean that condescendingly. I like you, I'm glad we met. You mean well and you try, and I can tell that. I'd tell you this but it might sound creepy :( I hope after this we may talk more.

Oh, and thanks for not leaving like the other ones did. That was really quite shitty of them to do without even a word.


dear you,

Well, I think I'll just write yours privately, now that I think on it. It isn't like I can't tell you anything anyway, and that's one of the things I love about you / us. Keep being magnificent, because you truly are. Now if we could simply work on that rearranging-the-continental-US thing...

Current Mood: relaxed relaxed
Current Music: ozzy osbourne - bark at the moon
Back February 26th, 2010 Forward