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Back February 13th, 2010 Forward

Dear you,

We used to be friends. Notice the emphasis on 'used'. That's a past tense deal now. We are not friends any more, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm pretty sure friends don't go out of their way to antagonize someone who has just ended a meaningful relationship and isn't feeling their best. True friendship doesn't involve you constantly flaunting your oh-so-magical relationship with their now-ex in a badly covered up attempt to make them scathingly jealous.

I suggest you cease and desist your little act. It's not cute. It's just a display of what a true douchebag you really are. While I'm trying my absolute hardest to make this once-romantic relationship work as a friendship- despite my anger- you're getting your rocks off by watching me suffer.

I can't believe I ever trusted you, or believed for a sliver of a second that you were my companion.

Burn in hell, you pretentious little bitch.

Are all pissmates like this??

Dear you (piss mate),

You seem pretty cool and all, but unless you want me to use your expensive-looking antibacterial Gold Dial soap with moisturizer to shave my legs, I suggest you stop using my travel-size shaving cream for yours. Honestly, its a 1.50 at Wal-Mart, and you have 2 kinds of shampoo, 2 kinds of facial cleansers, and two kinds of body soap. I'm sure you can afford it.

Oh, and the razor?? Yeah if you've been using mine I'm going to laugh my ass off. If I told you what has happened to that thing, you'd probably try to move to another dorm. And unless you want to deal with one disgusting shower, I'd suggest helping me buy cleaning chemicals for it. I shower every other day, and I've had that Clean Shower stuff for 3 weeks. Pretty sure it shouldn't be less than half full. 

Like I said, you seem pretty cool. I'd hate to be a bitch. XD

Sincerely, ME

location: DORM
Current Mood: irritated irritated
Current Music: 98.9 the Rock
Back February 13th, 2010 Forward