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Back June 1st, 2009 Forward
Dear you (My Thanks),

I'm going to say it, just once. I'm done with high school, forever, so I feel I should speak my mind, and let it be known just how grateful I am. Yeah, this is going to be a little cheesy.

To L.S.
I love you, really I do. You're my mother, the woman who gave birth to me, and one of the people who made me who I am. Unfortunately, you are also the woman who made me fear my own tears. Because of you, I cringe every time I hear someone yell, whether it is at me or not. You are the reason I left home and why I never want to return. I understand that you never abused me, that you put a roof over my head, food in my belly, and clothes on my back. That doesn't make you a good mother, though, just a lawful one. Don't expect me to come to the bonfires either, that would just be a bad idea fueled by alcohol. I don't need to see any more of that, and you don't need to drink any more.

You pretty much suck as a father, and that's really all I have on the subject. You seemed to luck out, and have all of my dearest mother's worst qualities and none of her redeemable ones. No wonder the two of you don't get along.

S.B. and E.B.
Thank you so much for being my guiding light, showing me the world out there, and making me realize it is not okay to be a 9-year-old tyrant. I was a brat, but because of you I'm not anymore. I am so grateful for everything: from the races at N.R.P, Knoxville, and Eagle, to working in the yard all day so I can earn some extra money (or eat out ^_^), the concerts, and your ability to accept me as I am -including the heavy metal, dark clothes, and habit of becoming obsessed over books and movies. I love you guys, and I hope I will make you proud.

C.B, J.S, and A.B (N?)
We have our moments, we often do not get along, and we are certainly not standard siblings. I don't care. I love all three of you, and always seem to get past the stupid shit you do. Partly because you return the favor. Besides, without you, I would still have the pain nerves in my head.

A.C, G.R, and S.W. and R.W.
I've been accepted into your houses, become another child to feed, and even become a sibling to your children (and grand daughter), so yeah I'm saying thanks to you guys too. The past eight months have been a blast, and I wouldn't dream of forgetting you. The consequences would be to great!

No cheesiness, I promise. I've gone sentimental on you a couple times already. I do thank you for taking me in though, and I love you. And if I ever get published that book will be dedicated to you. Promise.

You rock. I don't know how you went from the weird guy I sometimes talked to, to one of my best friends, but I am glad you did. The random conversations (Chinese food >_<), KISS and Disturbed addictions, and hilarious improvs will forever be some of my favorite memories. BEST. DUCK. EVER.

All of those questions about "Who is your hero?" "Who is your idol?" My answer is: YOU. When I needed to escape as a child, it was to your house. You were the first person I knew who really understood me, because you were like that too. Your strength, courage, love, and ability to always see the beauty in the world inspired me to do so much. And I really have grown to love the hair you gave me. Thanks, Grandma.

Staff of L.C.
Thanks for the education, mentoring, laughter, and cleaning up after all of us students. It was hell at times, but it was a blast too.

And that's all folks! Sincerely ~MOOSE

location: living room
Current Mood: mellow mellow
Back June 1st, 2009 Forward